Page 16 - All Industrial Tool Supply | Winter Spring 2019 Catalog
P. 16

9" x 11" AbrAsive Aluminum Oxide sheets
                                          •  Ideal for hand applications.
                                          •  Flexible material, fast cutting action.
                                          •  Sold in standard packs of 50 pieces only.
          Pkg.   Order   Reg. Price  Sale PRice                                          %
      Grit                                                                          30
          Qty.     #      Per Pkg.  PeR PkG.  Grit  Pkg.  Order  Reg. Price  Sale PRice
      40   50  53-016-000RA  $114.99  $80.49    Qty.    #      Per Pkg.  PeR PkG.
      50   50  53-016-001RA  107.99  75.59  150  50  53-016-006RA  $89.99  $62.99
      60   50  53-016-002RA  99.99  69.99  180  50  53-016-007RA  89.99  62.99
      80   50  53-016-003RA  92.99  65.09  220  50  53-016-008RA  89.99  62.99
      100  50  53-016-004RA  89.99  62.99  240  50  53-016-009RA  89.99  62.99
      120  50  53-016-005RA  89.99  62.99  320  50  53-016-010RA  89.99  62.99
                    ZircOniA sAnding belts                                       Package    Order   Reg. Price  Sale PRice
                                                                  Size     Grit
                                                                                 Quantity     #      Per Pkg.  PeR PkG.
                                                                 1" X 42"  24      10    53-016-314RA  $23.33  $16.33
                                 •  Self-sharpening characteristics.  1" X 42"  36  10   53-016-315RA  22.22  15.55
                                 •  Aggressive stock removal with cool cut   1" X 42"  40  10  53-016-316RA  20.44  14.31
                                  technology.                    1" X 42"  60      10    53-016-317RA  18.44  12.91
                                 •  Enhanced surface quality.    1" X 42"  80      10    53-016-318RA  18.00  12.60
                                 •  Excellent choice for heavy stock   2" X 48"  24  10  53-016-319RA  39.11  27.38
                                  removal applications on most metals   2" X 48"  36  10  53-016-320RA  36.00  25.20
                                  and some woods.                2" X 48"  40      10    53-016-321RA  32.44  22.71
                                 •  Zirconia alumina is a tough, dense   2" X 48"  60  10  53-016-322RA  28.00  19.60
                                  abrasive grain formed by depositing   2" X 48"  80  10  53-016-323RA  26.67  18.67
                                  zirconia in an alumina matrix.  6" X 48"  24     10    53-016-324RA  103.33  72.33
                                                                 6" X 48"
                                 •  Continuous generation of new cutting
                         30   %   edges and an additional lubricating   6" X 48"  40  10  53-016-326RA  82.89  58.02
                                                                 6" X 48"
                                  layer, this product provides very high
                                                                 6" X 48"
                                  stock removal the grinding zone.
                    cerAmic Plus Fiber disc
     •  Outstanding cutting performance.  •  This unique mineral fracture provides   30 %
     •  Highly aggressive and cool cutting.  the abrasive product with longer life, and
     •  Improved self-sharpening effect.  more aggressive grains with an improved
     •  Right angle grinder.      self-sharpening effect.        As Low As:
     •  Ceramic PLUS grain is manufactured in   •  Performance advantages include a   79
      a way that results in an enhanced micro   higher metal removal rate at faster   $ 15
      crystalline structure.      cutting speeds with a lower grinding
     •  Sold in packs of 25.      temperature and less friction.
                                Order   Reg. Price  Sale PRice                          Order    Reg. Price  Sale PRice
        Diameter     Grit                                        Diameter     Grit
                                 #       Per Pkg.  PeR PkG.                               #       Per Pkg.  PeR PkG.
        4-1/2"       24     53-016-329RA  $41.67    $29.17       5"           60     53-016-338RA  $27.44    $19.21
        4-1/2"       36     53-016-330RA  37.22     26.05        5"           80     53-016-339RA  25.00     17.50
        4-1/2"       50     53-016-331RA  29.44     20.61        5"           120    53-016-340RA  25.00     17.50
        4-1/2"       60     53-016-332RA  24.84     17.39        7"           24     53-016-341RA  92.22     64.55
        4-1/2"       80     53-016-333RA  22.56     15.79        7"           36     53-016-342RA  82.22     57.55
        4-1/2"       120    53-016-334RA  22.56     15.79        7"           50     53-016-343RA  65.00     45.50
        5"           24     53-016-335RA  46.11     32.28        7"           60     53-016-344RA  55.00     38.50
        5"           36     53-016-336RA  41.11     28.78        7"           80     53-016-345RA  50.00     35.00
        5"           50     53-016-337RA  32.78     22.95        7"           120    53-016-346RA  50.00     35.00
                    5 hOle PsA discs                              cerAmic Plus resin Fiber Quick chAnge discs
                       •  A universal and economic
                        abrasive grain.                                            30   %
                       •  Long life of cutting edges
                        and points.                                                                  As Low As:
                       •  Ideal for stock removal and polishing.                                     $ 8  40
                       •  This grain type is well suited
                        for a broad range of ferrous and
                        non-ferrous metals, as well as on
                        soft and hard woods.
                       •  Aluminum Oxide (A/O) is a tough,                  Disc  Grit  Order   Reg. Price Per  Sale PRice PeR
                        durable abrasive grain characterized   •  Resin fiber discs are made of a   Diameter  #  Pack Of 10  Pack Of 10
                        by the long life of its cutting edges   stiff fiberboard (vulcanized fiber)   2"  20  53-016-347RA  $16.44  $11.51
                        and points.                backing, coated with a single layer   2"  24  53-016-348RA  16.00  11.20
                                                   of resin and abrasive.
                       •  It is the most widely used of the
           20   %      •  Sold in packs of 50.    •  The resulting rigidity is ideal   2"  50  53-016-350RA  13.33  9.33
                        man-made minerals.
                                                   for weld/heavy stock removal
                                                                                  100 53-016-353RA
                                                  •  In addition, a grinding aid is    2"  80  53-016-352RA  12.22  8.55
        Disc             Order  Reg. Price  Sale PRice  used to help reduce friction in    2"  120 53-016-354RA  12.00  8.40
       Diameter  Grit     #      Per Pkg.  PeR PkG.  high-temperature applications.   3"  20  53-016-355RA  20.44  14.31
        5"      80    53-016-024RA  $25.00  $19.50  •  These features, combined with the   3"  24  53-016-356RA  20.00  14.00
        5"      100   53-016-025RA  24.50  19.00   unique grain structure of Ceramic   3"  36  53-016-357RA  18.44  12.91
        5"      120   53-016-026RA  24.50  19.00   PLUS, makes these discs ideal for   3"  50  53-016-358RA  17.11  11.98
        5"      150   53-016-027RA  24.50  19.00   difficult-to-grind stainless alloys   3"  60  53-016-359RA  14.44  10.11
        5"      180   53-016-028RA  24.50  19.00   common in aerospace, power   3"  80  53-016-360RA  14.44  10.11
        5"      220   53-016-029RA  24.50  19.00   generation and precision    3"  100 53-016-361RA  14.22    9.95
        5"      320   53-016-030RA  24.50  19.00   casting applications.     3"   120 53-016-362RA  14.22     9.95
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