Page 27 - All Industrial Tool Supply | Winter Spring 2019 Catalog
P. 27

PRo VISe woRk StoPS
                 Single & Double Sided
                                                                    Low profile

                                                                           double sided

                                                                       As Low As:
                                                                      $ 53    99                           10  %

                                                             •  Low profile design stays below the top surface of vise jaws for cutter clearance.
                                                             •  Versatile design allows the 1/4" hardened stop rod to be quickly and
                                                               accurately positioned.
                                                             •  Lever arm can be rotated out of the way for cutter clearance and accurately
                                                               relocated for repeat setup.
                                                             •  Non-marring 1/4"-20 nylon tip set screw used to secure stop rod mount without
                  model #03-000 6" single sided shown in use
                                                               damage to lever arm.
                        Model       Order     Mfr.    Sale   •  Locate long stock with the included stop rod collar.
                          #          #        list    PRice  •  Body made from red anodized 6061-T6 aluminum.
        6" Single Side  03-000   99-008-235ra  $59.99  $53.99  Double Sided
        6" Double Side  18-000   99-008-238ra  89.99  79.99  •  Allows two workpieces to be located for increased productivity.
     Coolant Style RefRaCtometeRS
                                                             •  Prevents wasted coolant and extends   ATC (Automatic Temperature
                          Save money on coolants by            tool life.                 Compensation)
                          controlling concentration  35   %  •  Refractometers provide a quick and   •  Models with ATC relieve the user of the
                                                               accurate way of controlling coolant
                                                                                           responsibility to measure temperature
                                                             •  All you do is put a couple of drops on the   and apply a correction factor when taking
                                                                                           readings, automatically.
                                                               prism and look into the eyepiece for the   •  Using 68°F (20°C) as a reference,
                                                               reading.                    readings are automatically adjusted to
                                                             •  Only 2 or 3 drops needed for test.  compensate for temperature variance
     model #rf-11                                            •  Accurate, easy to operate with simple to   between 50°F to 86°F (10°C to 30°C).
                                                               read scales.
                                                             •  The prism and lens with a simple focus
                                                               adjustment provide repeatable results.
                                                                                         Model    Order   Reg.  Sale
                                                                  Brand        Range
                                                                                          #        #      Price  PRice
                                                                           0 to 10% with ATC  RHB-10ATC 85-515-551ra $163.79 $106.39
                                                                           0 to 18%    RHB-18  85-515-552ra  150.49  97.79
                                                                           0 to 32%    RHB-32  85-515-550ra  153.99  99.99
                                                                           0 to 10% with ATC  RF-11  85-515-556ra  164.45 122.00
                                                                           0 to 18%    RF-18   85-515-558ra  153.75 122.00
     Put a couPle of droPs of   look into the eyePiece   scale for model #rhb-
     coolant onto the Prism  for the reading  32 shown                     0 to 32% with ATC  RF-15  85-515-557ra  184.99 134.99
               2 leD IllumInatIng                                         PRo VISe Jaw StoP
               HeaDbanD magnIfIeRS

                                                                                    10  %

                                                             •  The stop pin is positioned completely
                                                               below the top surface of vise jaw to
                model #29.568                model #29.569     allow for cutter clearance.
                                                             •  Fits all milling machine vises with
                                                               1/2" - 7/8" thick jaws and 1/8"
     •  Magnifications are marked in the middle of lens.       minimum protrusion.
     Includes:                                               •  1-1/8" wide body with 2 hardened steel
     •  Detachable LED light source.                           guide pins and large
     •  (11) Different magnifications (not sold separately).   #10 clamp screw are used to secure
     •  Handy storage box.                                     the unit to the vise jaw.
     •  Single-plate lenses: 1.0X, 1.5X, 2.0X, 2.5X, 3.5X    •  1/8" x 2" hardened stop pin is used to
     •  Bi-plate lenses: 3.0X, 4.0X, 4.5X, 5.0X, 5.5X, 6.0X    accurately locate workpieces.
                                                               The stop pin is also adjustable
                                     Model    Order   GReat    side-to-side to allow for          Model #14-000
                Description                                                                  order #99-008-229ra
                                      #        #     lOw PRice  cutter clearance.
     Headband Magnifier             29.568  57-029-568ra  $20.85  •  Body made from anodized aluminum.  $  49
     Headband Magnifier With Two Way Adjustable              •  #8-32 non-marring flat point set    22  EA.
     Headband                       29.569  57-029-569ra  22.95  screws are used to secure stop rod.  Mfr. List $24.99
                                                        We Are A Full Line Distributor Of All Brands In This Brochure  27
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