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P. 1036

TAPES & RULES • Easy Look & Specialty

               Easy-Look Rules

       •  Etched white numerals and graduations   4R Graduation  16R Graduation
        are easy to read against the non-glare,   •  8ths, 16ths, 32nds and 64ths.  •  32nds, 64ths, 50ths and 100ths.
        black finish.             5R Graduation               Rigid Rules
                                  •  32nds, 64ths, 10ths and 100ths.  •  Constructed of hardened stainless steel.
       fLExIbLE RuLES                                         RIgID RuLES
                                     MODEL    ORDER    PRIcE                                MODEL    ORDER    PRIcE
         SIzE  gRADuATION  WIDTH  THIckNESS                     SIzE  gRADuATION  WIDTH  THIckNESS
                                      #         #      EAcH                                  #         #      EAcH
         6"    4R     1/2"  0.02"  EL-960F-6  57-066-000  $8.99  6"    4R    3/4"  .035"  EL-960-6  57-066-100  $9.69
         6     5R     1/2   0.02   EL-967F-6  57-066-004  8.99  6      5R    3/4   .035   EL-967-6  57-066-104  9.69
         6     16R    1/2   0.02   EL-962F-6  57-066-008  8.99  6      16R   3/4   .035   EL-962-6  57-066-108  10.29
         12    4R     1/2   0.02   EL-960F-12  57-066-002  16.29  12   4R    1     .035   EL-960-12  57-066-102  17.39
         12    5R     1/2   0.02   EL-967F-12  57-066-006  16.29  12   5R    1     .035   EL-967-12  57-066-106  17.39
         12    16R    1/2   0.02   EL-962F-12  57-066-009  16.29  12   16R   1     .035   EL-962-12  57-066-109  17.39
         18    4R     3/4   0.02   EL-960F-18  57-066-001  34.89  18   4R    1-1/8  .035  EL-960-18  57-066-101  36.29
         18    5R     3/4   0.02   EL-967F-18  57-066-005  34.89  18   5R    1-1/8  .035  EL-967-18  57-066-105  36.29
         18    16R    3/4   0.02   EL-962F-18  57-066-010  34.89  18   16R   1-1/8  .035  EL-962-18  57-066-110  36.29
         24    4R     3/4   0.02   EL-960F-24  57-066-003  41.29  24   4R    1-1/4  .035  EL-960-24  57-066-103  43.79
         24    5R     3/4   0.02   EL-967F-24  57-066-007  41.29  24   5R    1-1/4  .035  EL-967-24  57-066-107  42.69
         24    16R    3/4   0.02   EL-962F-24  57-066-011  41.29  24   16R   1-1/4  .035  EL-962-24  57-066-111  43.79
              PI TAPE  Periphery Tape Measures                        HANDY  Rule
                 Calibration report traceable to N.I.S.T.                Stop using roll tape refills for your
                 included free!                                          linear measurement needs

       APPLICATIONS:                                          APPLICATIONS:              FeATureS:
       •  Quick, accurate, direct measurement of the diameter by measuring the   •  Handy  Rules provide adhesive backs   •  Flat metal rules are offered on
        circumference only.                                    so they can be applied to virtually any   .006" thick tempered steel.
                                                               clean surface.            •  Coated with .002" of clear mylar.
       FeATureS:                                                                         •  Mylar Handy  rules are printed on
       •  Body width: 1/2"                                                                .003" thick mylar for dimensional
       •  Thickness: .010" (for tapes starting at 2" or larger), .007" (for smaller sizes)  accuracy.
       •  Gage member: 1/4"                                        More Sizes Available,
       •  Standard English reading tapes read to .001" diameter.   Please Call
       •  Accuracy: ±.001"
       •  All graduations and numerals are engraved and acid etched on a ground surface.     RIgHT TO LEfT READ  LEfT TO RIgHT READ
       •  Tapes are made of 1095 spring steel with a coefficient of expansion of    SIzE  gRADuATION  ORDER  PRIcE  ORDER  PRIcE
        .00000633 per degree F per inch.                                               #      EAcH     #      EAcH
                                                              MYLAR TAPES
                   ORDER   PRIcE              ORDER    PRIcE   18" x 1/2"  1/16"   57-065-900  $6.99  57-065-910  $6.99
          RANgE                      RANgE
                     #      EAcH                #      EAcH    36 x 1/2  1/16      57-065-901  12.99  57-065-911  12.99
        .75" to 7"  57-065-850  $137.49  48" to 60"  57-065-858  $194.99  72 x 1/2  1/16  57-065-902  20.89  57-065-912  20.89
        2 to 12  57-065-851  137.49  60 to 72  57-065-859  212.29  36 x 1  1/16    57-065-903  12.89  57-065-913  12.89
        2 to 24  57-065-852  216.49  72 to 84  57-065-860  224.99  72 x 1  1/16    57-065-904  23.39  57-065-914  20.99
        12 to 24  57-065-853  144.29  84 to 96  57-065-861  252.39  108 x 1  1/16  57-065-905  29.99  57-065-915  28.89
        12 to 36  57-065-854  224.99  96 to 108  57-065-862  268.49  METAL TAPES
        24 to 36  57-065-855  160.59  108 to 120  57-065-863  279.99  48" x 1/2"  1/16"  57-065-930  $13.99  57-065-940  $13.99
        24 to 48  57-065-856  236.19  120 to 132  57-065-864  297.99  144 x 1/2  1/16"  57-065-931  22.89  57-065-941  22.89
        36 to 48  57-065-857  171.99  132 to 144  57-065-865  308.69  3.6 M x 1/2  1mm & 1/16"  57-065-932  22.39  57-065-942  22.79

                Llambrich drill chucks offer top quality that is Made in Spain.
                                     Starting on page 772.
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