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P. 1087

Cut-Off Wheels & Mandrels • BONDED ABRASIVES

                    Double Reinforced Premium                              Reinforced Extra Performance
                    Aluminum Oxide Cut-Off Wheels                          Cut-Off Wheels
                    Type 01 • Ultra Thin •                                 Type 01 • For Severe Cutting Requiring
                    Standard Thickness                                     Greater Torque & RPM

                                                                              Provides maximum resiliency
          Benefits:                                                           for off-hand cutting
          •  High strength for added safety.
          •  Fast, clean straight cutting.
          •  Extended wheel life.                                APPLiCAtiOns:
          APPLiCAtiOns:                                          •  For fast cutting of steels and
          •  For aerospace, shipbuilding, power                   stainless steels.
           plants, construction, foundries, welding,             •  Where performance and stability
           fabricating, tool and die making,                      are critical.
           fiberglass and composite cutting                      feAtures:
           applications.                     A60TBE              •  Reinforced with high tinsel resin    ZA60UB
          A60TBE 1"-10"                                           coated fiber.
          •  Premium aluminum oxide wheels for                   •  Falcon XP is a high speed polyvinyl
           cutting of thin walled tubing, sheet metal,            bond system, compression-molded to
           fiberglass, and for slotting applications.             a high density.
          A36TBE 1"-4"                                           •  Available in two grades.
          •  For general purpose cutting and slotting            ZA60UB-96
           on straight shaft and pencil grinders.                •  Made of super-hard zirconia aluminum
          A36TBE 6"-16"                                           for fast cutting of stainless steel.
          •  For use with high production                        A60UB-96
           stationary grinders and saws and                      •  Made of extra-tough aluminum oxide for
           portable cut-off saws.                                 general purpose metal cutting.
                                             A36TBE                                                A60UB
                             MAxiMuM  ORDER   PRiCE  PACkAgE  PRiCE                 MAxiMuM  ORDER   PRiCE  PACkAgE  PRiCE
            SizE  ThiCknESS  hOlE                                  SizE  ThiCknESS  hOlE
                              RPM       #     EACh  QuAnTiTy  EACh                    RPM      #     EACh  QuAnTiTy  EACh
          A60TBE                                                 zA60uB-96 ziRCOniA AluMinA
           1-1/2"  .035"  1/8"  45,000  53-205-001  $1.89  25  $1.70  3"  .045"  1/4"  27,000  53-205-110  $2.60  25  $2.34
           2"     .035"  1/4"  30,000  53-205-002  1.99  25  1.79  3"   .045"  3/8"  27,000  53-205-111  2.60  20  2.34
           2-1/2"  .035"  1/4"  25,000  53-205-003  2.09  25  1.88  4"  .045"  3/8"  22,000  53-205-112  3.25  10  2.93
           3"     .035"  1/4"  23,000  53-205-004  2.40  100  2.16  4"  .045"  5/8"  22,000  53-205-113  3.25  20  2.93
           3"     .035"  3/8"  23,000  53-205-005  2.40  25  2.16  4-1/2"  .045"  7/8"  18,000  53-205-115  4.29  30  3.86
           4"     .035"  1/4"  19,000  53-205-006  3.15  25  2.84  5"   .045"  3/8"  15,000  53-205-116  5.35  10  4.82
           4"     .035"  3/8"  19,000  53-205-007  3.15  25  2.84  5"   .045"  5/8"  15,000  53-205-117  5.35  10  4.82
           4-1/2"  .045"  7/8"  18,000  53-205-008  3.89  100  3.50  5"  .045"  7/8"  15,000  53-205-118  5.35  20  4.82
           5"     .035"  7/8  12,000  53-205-009  4.95  25  4.46  6"    .045"  7/8"  14,200  53-205-119  6.60  10  5.94
           6"     .035"  1/2"  10,000  53-205-010  6.09  25  5.48  7"   .045"  5/8"  10,500  53-205-122  6.50  10  5.85
           6"     .035"  7/8"  10,000  53-205-011  6.09  25  5.48  7"   .045"  7/8"  10,500  53-205-123  6.50  10  5.85
           10"    .035"  5/8"  6,100  53-205-012  9.89  10  8.90  A60uB-96 ExTRA TOugh AluMinuM OxiDE
          A36TBE                                                  4"    .045"  5/8"  22,000  53-205-125  $3.15  20  $2.84
           1"     1/16"  1/8"  61,000  53-205-013  $1.69  10  $1.52  4"  .045"  7/8"  22,000  53-205-126  3.45  10  3.11
           1"     1/8"  1/8"  61,000  53-205-014  1.89  10  1.70  4-1/2"  .045"  7/8"  18,000  53-205-127  3.79  25  3.41
           1-1/2"  1/16"  1/8"  45,000  53-205-015  1.89  25  1.70  5"  .045"  3/8"  15,000  53-205-128*  3.84  —  —
           1-1/2"  1/8"  1/8"  45,000  53-205-016*  1.46  —  —    5"    .045"  7/8"  15,000  53-205-130*  1.07  —  —
           2"     1/16"  1/4"  30,000  53-205-017  1.99  25  1.79  6"   .045"  7/8"  14,200  53-205-131*  5.07  —  —
           2"     1/8"  1/4"  30,000  53-205-018  1.99  25  1.79  7"    .045"  5/8"  10,500  53-205-134  8.39  10  7.55
           2-1/2"  1/16"  3/8"  25,000  53-205-020  2.30  20  2.07  *Limited Supply.
           2-1/2"  1/8"  1/4"  25,000  53-205-021  2.03  20  1.83
           2-1/2"  1/8"  3/8"  25,000  53-205-022  2.30  10  2.07          Precision Machined Mandrels
           3"     1/16"  1/4"  23,000  53-205-023  2.40  25  2.16
           3"     1/16"  3/8"  23,000  53-205-024  2.40  25  2.16          1/4" Shank • For Small Type 01 Cut-Off Wheels
           3"     1/8"  1/4"  23,000  53-205-025  2.40  25  2.16
           3"     1/8"  3/8"  23,000  53-205-026  2.40  20  2.16
           4"     1/16"  3/8"  19,000  53-205-028  3.15  25  2.84  Benefits:
           4"     1/8"  1/4"  19,000  53-205-029*  2.52  —  —    •  Designed for the toughest grinding and
           4"     1/8"  3/8"  19,000  53-205-030  3.25  20  2.93
           6"     1/16"  1/2"  10,000  53-205-031  6.19  10  5.57  cutting applications.
           6"     1/8"  1/2"  10,000  53-205-032  6.39  10  5.75  APPLiCAtiOns:
           7"     1/16"  1/2"  8,700  53-205-033  7.35  20  6.62
           7"     1/16"  5/8"  8,700  53-205-034  7.35  20  6.62  •  Use with all collet type grinders.
           7"     1/8"  5/8"  8,700  53-205-036  8.39  10  7.55  feAtures:
           8"     1/16"  1/2"  7,600  53-205-037  10.19  10  9.17  •  Manufactured from certified “stress
           8"     1/16"  5/8"  7,600  53-205-038  9.25  10  8.33  proof” materials.
           8"     1/8"  5/8"  7,600  53-205-039  9.65  10  8.69
           10"    1/16"  5/8"  6,100  53-205-040  14.29  20  12.86
           10"    3/32"  5/8"  6,100  53-205-041  14.29  20  12.86
           10"    1/8"  5/8"  6,100  53-205-042  14.29  20  12.86      FiTS        MODEl         ORDER        PRiCE
           12"    3/32"  1"  5,092  53-205-043  15.75  10  14.18      hOlE           #             #           EACh
           14"    3/32"  1"  4,336  53-205-045  23.95  10  21.56    1/8"            M-11        53-205-050    $8.59
           14"    1/8"  1"   4,336  53-205-046  23.95  10  21.56    1/4"            M-22        53-205-051     8.59
           16"    5/32"  1"  3,820  53-205-047  36.75  10  33.08    3/8             M-33        53-205-052     8.59
          *Limited Supply.                                          3/8" & 1/4"     M-44        53-205-053    12.99
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