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P. 1116

POLISHING PRODUCTS • Rubberized Abrasives

                   Rubberized Silicon Carbide Unmounted Points

                                           APPLICATIONS:                                 ♦  All Items Sold In 100 Piece
                                           •  Smoothing edges.                             Package Quantity Only.
                                           •  Blending welded seams.
                                           •  Deburring, polishing and sanding.
                                                                             CoaRSe  MediUM    Fine  extRa Fine
                                                                aRBoR   ModeL  oRdeR  oRdeR   oRdeR   oRdeR   PRiCe
       #40     #60      #80     #100        ShaPe  Length   diaMeteR
                                                                hoLe   #       #       #       #        #    PeR PaCk
                                           FoR USe With Point MandReL ModeLS #M1051 & #M410
                                           Cylinder  1/2"  1/4"  1/16"  40  53-105-576 53-105-584 53-105-592 53-105-600  $68.69
                                           Cylinder  7/8  1/4   1/16  60   53-105-577 53-105-585 53-105-593 53-105-601  80.59
                                           Bullet  1   9/32     1/16  80   53-105-578 53-105-586 53-105-594 53-105-602  80.59
                                           Bullet  5/8  3/8     1/16  100  53-105-579 53-105-587 53-105-595 53-105-603  84.99
                                           FoR USe With Point MandReL ModeLS #M611 & #M931
                                           Bullet  1"  3/8"     1/8"  110  53-105-580 53-105-588 53-105-596 53-105-604 $145.99
       #110    #120     #140    #160       Tapered  7/8  3/8 to 5/16  1/8  120  53-105-581 53-105-589 53-105-597 53-105-605  145.99
                                           Tapered  7/8  5/8 to 1/8  1/8  140  53-105-582 53-105-590 53-105-598 53-105-606  163.59
                                           Bullet  7/8  1/2     1/8   160  53-105-583 53-105-591 53-105-599 53-105-607  163.59
                   Rubberized Silicon Carbide Unmounted Cone Shapes

                                           •  Smoothing edges.    •  Blending welded seams.  •  Deburring, polishing and sanding.
                                                                             CoaRSe  MediUM    Fine  extRa Fine
                                                                aRBoR   ModeL  oRdeR  oRdeR   oRdeR   oRdeR   PRiCe
                                            ShaPe  Length   diaMeteR   hoLe  #  #      #       #        #     eaCh
       #1-T  #125-T  #125-C  #2-T  #1-S
                                           Tapered  1"  5/8" to 1/4"  1/8"  1-T  53-105-736 53-105-745 53-105-754 53-105-763  $7.49
                                           Tapered  1-1/4  7/8 to 1/4  1/4*  125-T  53-105-737 53-105-746 53-105-755 53-105-764  13.29
                                           Tapered  1-1/4  1 to 1/4  1/4*  125-C  53-105-738 53-105-747 53-105-756 53-105-765  15.79
                                           Tapered  2  1 to 1/2  1/4*  2-T  53-105-739 53-105-748 53-105-757 53-105-766  20.89
                                           Cylinder  1  7/8     1/4*  1-S  53-105-740 53-105-749 53-105-758 53-105-767  12.59
                                           Cylinder  1-1/2  1   1/4*  15-S  53-105-741 53-105-750 53-105-759 53-105-768  16.19
                                           Pointed  1-1/4  7/8  1/4*  125-S  53-105-742 53-105-751 53-105-760 53-105-769  12.59
                                           Pointed  1-3/4  1    1/4*  175-S  53-105-743 53-105-752 53-105-761 53-105-770  20.19
       #15-S  #125-S  175-S  #175-T
                                           Bullet  1-3/4  7/8   1/4*  175-T  53-105-744 53-105-753 53-105-762 53-105-771  20.19
                                           *Use Mandrel Model #M1033 For Internal Brass Thread.
                   Mandrels                                     Rubberized Silicon Carbide Blocks & Sticks

       Model #M611
                                                                                       •  For deburring, polishing,
                                                     Square                             smoothing and cleaning edges off in
                                                                                        deep cavities or hard to reach places.
       Model #M831
       APPLICATIONS:                                 reCTangular
       •  For unmounted points, cones and wheels.                          CoaRSe  MediUM     Fine   extRa Fine
                                                      Length   CRoSS  ModeL  oRdeR  oRdeR    oRdeR    oRdeR   PRiCe
             FoR      FoR       ModeL   oRdeR   PRiCe       SeCtion   #     #        #        #        #      eaCh
             hoLe    Point #     #      #     eaCh   RoUnd
       Point MandReLS                                  6"  3/16"    P-36  53-105-621  53-105-650  53-105-679  53-105-708  $7.09
        3/32"  1/16"  40, 60, 80, 100  M1051 53-105-772  $4.09  6  1/4  P-04  53-105-622  53-105-651  53-105-680  53-105-709  7.49
        1/8  1/16  40, 60, 80, 100  M410  53-105-773  5.39  6  5/16  P-56  53-105-623  53-105-652  53-105-681  53-105-710  8.09
        1/8  1/8  110, 120, 140, 160  M611  53-105-774  5.99  6  3/8  P-06  53-105-624  53-105-653  53-105-682  53-105-711  8.19
        1/4  1/8  110, 120, 140, 160  M931  53-105-775  8.99  6  1/2  P-08  53-105-625  53-105-654  53-105-683  53-105-712  12.59
        1/4  1/16  40, 60, 80, 100  M911  53-105-777  8.99  SqUaRe
        1/4  1/4  For Brass Threaded  M1033 53-105-776  8.99  6"  1/4" x 1/4"  S-04  53-105-629  53-105-658  53-105-687  53-105-716  $8.79
       WheeL MandReLS                                  6   1/2 x 1/2  S-08  53-105-630  53-105-659  53-105-688  53-105-717  14.09
        3/32"  1/16"   —       M2501 53-105-778  $5.99  6  3/4 x 3/4  S-12  53-105-631  53-105-660  53-105-689  53-105-718  24.19
        1/8  1/16      —       M310  53-105-779  6.99  ReCtangULaR
        1/8  1/8       —       M511  53-105-780  7.99  6"  1" x 1/4"  R-04  53-105-637  53-105-666  53-105-695  53-105-724  $14.09
        1/4  1/16      —       M711  53-105-782  8.99  6   1 x 3/8  R-06  53-105-638  53-105-667  53-105-696  53-105-725  16.19
        1/4  1/8       —       M831  53-105-781  8.99  6   1 x 1/2  R-08  53-105-639  53-105-668  53-105-697  53-105-726  16.49
        1/4  1/4       —       M1133 53-105-783  15.79  8  1 x 1/2  8804  53-105-641  53-105-670  53-105-699  53-105-728  40.99

                  Mitutoyo - Made to Measure! See the full line of Mitutoyo
                        measuring instruments starting on page 890.
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