Page 1123 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1123

Lapping Compounds • POLISHING PRODUCTS

                               Diamond Lapping Compound

            Diamonds have been tested for purity, quality, shape and accuracy of sizing,
            and are uniformly dispersed in our color coded vehicle

                                       5 Grams       18 Grams    APPLICATIONS:
            CoLor &  miCron  ConCentration  orDer  PriCe  orDer  PriCe  •  For rapid accurate lapping,         YeLLOw (3)
             GraDe    size             #     eaCh    #     eaCh   polishing and super-finishing.
          suPer-FinishinG metaLLoGraPhiC sPeCimens
          White (1/2)  0 - 1  Light   —        — 53-817-532 $56.09  FeATureS:
          metaLLoGraPhiC sPeCimens extra hiGh Finish             •  Color coding is for
          Ivory (1)  0 - 2  Medium  53-817-505 $17.29  —     —    easy identification.
          a FinaL FinishinG For most LaPPinG aPPLiCations        •  Universal base that                        ORaNGe (6)
          Yellow (3)  2 - 4  Light  53-817-507 $17.29 53-817-537 $56.09  can be thinned with
          Yellow (3)  2 - 4  Medium  53-817-508  18.69 53-817-538  60.19  either water or oil.
          Yellow (3)  2 - 4  Heavy  53-817-509  19.79  —     —   Syringe
          Orange (6)  4 - 8  Medium  53-817-511  18.69 53-817-541  60.19  •  Disposable plastic
          Green (9)  8 - 12  Medium  53-817-514  18.69 53-817-544  60.19  dispenser, convenient
          Green (9)  8 - 12  Heavy  53-817-515  19.79  —     —    and safe from outside
          FinishinG                                               impurities.                                   GReeN (9)
          Blue (15)  12 - 22  Light  53-817-516 $19.29  —    —
          Blue (15)  12 - 22  Medium  53-817-517  18.69 53-817-547 $60.19
          Blue (15)  12 - 22  Heavy  53-817-518  19.79  —    —
          LiGht stoCk removaL
          Red (30)   22 - 36  Medium  53-817-520 $18.69 53-817-550 $60.19
          Red (30)   22 - 36  Heavy  53-817-521  19.79 53-817-551  64.39
          meDium stoCk removaL                                                                                   BLUe (15)
          Brown (45)  36 - 54  Medium  53-817-523 $18.69  —  —
          Brown (45)  36 - 54  Heavy  53-817-524  19.79 53-817-554 $64.39
          stoCk removaL
          Purple (60)  54 - 80  Medium  53-817-526 $18.69  —  —
          Purple (60)  54 - 80  Heavy  53-817-527  19.79  —  —
          Fast stoCk removaL                                                                                     ReD (30)
          Black (140/170) Mesh  Heavy  53-817-529 $19.79  —  —
          Recommended concentrations are indicated in Bold type.
                    Diamond Lapping Compound

          •  Diamond lapping compound is a paste consisting of
           finely graded and sized diamond particles that are
           held in permanent suspension in a stable vehicle.
          •  Graded according to particle size and diamond
           concentration (the amount of diamond in the vehicle).
          •  For easy identification, our compound is color coded
           according to particle size.

            CoLor &   miCron  ConCentration  Grams  orDer  PriCe   CoLor &   miCron  ConCentration  Grams  orDer  PriCe
             GraDe     size                         #     eaCh      GraDe     size                         #     eaCh
           Ivory (1)  1-8      Medium   5 Grams  53-110-203 $20.59  Brown (45)  45-3  Heavy    5 Grams  53-110-216 $21.79
           Yellow (3)  3-7     Light    5 Grams  53-110-204  20.59  Purple (60)  60-2  Medium  5 Grams  53-110-217  20.59
           Yellow (3)  3-7     Medium   5 Grams  53-110-205  20.59  Purple (60)  60-2  Heavy   5 Grams  53-110-218  21.79
           Yellow (3)  3-7     Heavy    5 Grams  53-110-206  21.79  Black (120)  120  Heavy    5 Grams  53-110-219  21.79
           Orange (6)  6-48    Medium   5 Grams  53-110-207  20.59  White (1/2)  1/2-9  Medium  18 Grams  53-110-220  65.79
           Green (9)  9-6      Medium   5 Grams  53-110-208  20.59  Yellow (3)  3-7   Light    18 Grams  53-110-221  65.79
           Green (9)  9-6      Heavy    5 Grams  53-110-209  21.79  Yellow (3)  3-7   Medium   18 Grams  53-110-222  65.79
           Blue (15)  15-5     Light    5 Grams  53-110-210  20.59  Orange (6)  6-48  Medium   18 Grams  53-110-223  65.79
           Blue (15)  15-5     Medium   5 Grams  53-110-211  20.59  Green (9)  9-6    Medium   18 Grams  53-110-224  65.79
           Blue (15)  15-5     Heavy    5 Grams  53-110-212  21.79  Blue (15)  15-5   Light    18 Grams  53-110-225  65.79
           Red (30)   30-4     Medium   5 Grams  53-110-213  20.59  Red (30)  30-4    Medium   18 Grams  53-110-226  65.79
           Red (30)   30-4     Heavy    5 Grams  53-110-214  21.79  Red (30)  30-4    Heavy    18 Grams  53-110-227  70.49
           Brown (45)  45-3    Medium   5 Grams  53-110-215  20.59  Brown (45)  45-3  Heavy    18 Grams  53-110-228  70.49
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