Page 1152 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1152

COATED ABRASIVES  • Fibre Discs & Grinding Wheels

              Cubitron  II Depressed Center Grinding Wheels
              Type 27

                Less pressure required,
                more material removed
                                  Benefits:                   APPLiCAtiOns:
                                  •  Cut faster - helps improve    Cubitron  II
                                   productivity and throughput.  •  Produce very high cut rates on a wide variety of metals.
                                  •  Faster cut rate.         •  Used for heavy weld removal & many other grinding applications.
                                  •  Longer life.             •  Grind, blend, finish, deburr on virtually all metal types.
                                  •  Cuts cooler diverting heat away from   3M  High Performance Depressed Center Grinding Wheels
                                   the workpiece.             •  For the ideal combination of value and performance.
                                                              •  Contains a blend of precision shaped grain and premium abrasive grain for
                                       Additional Sizes Available,  significant improvements in cut, life & ease use at an attractive price point.
                                       Please Call
                                                                         hOle   maxImum   ORDeR   PRICe  PkG.  PRICe ea
                                                      DIameteR  thICkness
                                                                         sIze     RPm      #      eaCh  Qty.  PkG. Qty.
                                                     CubItROn  II
                                                       4-1/2"   1/4"     7/8"    13,000   54-100-007  $11.29  10  $10.16
                                                       7"       1/4"     7/8"    8,500   54-100-008  16.39  10  14.75
                                                     3m  hIGh PeRFORmanCe DePResseD CenteR GRInDInG Wheels
                                                       4-1/2"   1/4"     7/8"    13,000   54-100-009  $5.49  10  $4.94
                                     Grain Close-Up    7"       1/4"     7/8"    8,500   54-100-010  9.49  10  8.54
              Cubitron  II Fibre Discs
               987C • 982C
                Your complete solution for stainless steel
                and carbon steel
                                  Benefits:                                              APPLiCAtiOns:
                                  987C Stainless Steel        982C Carbon Steel          •  Weld removal.
                                  •  Faster cut rate.         •  Cuts faster, lasts longer and    •  Mill scale removal.
                                  •  Longer life.              requires less pressure than    •  Removing pits & surface imperfections.
                                  •  Tough around the edges so discs    conventional abrasives.  •  Beveling.
                                   won't fray or wear out prematurely.  •  The discs works harder so you do    •  Edge chamfering.
                                  •  Cuts cooler diverting heat away    not have to.     •  Grind, blend, finish, deburr on virtually
                                   from the work piece.       •  Power packed with fast-cutting 3M   all metal types.
                                                               precision grain-a self-sharpening feature
                        disC sUrfaCe
                         Close-Up      More Sizes Available,   that keep disc running cool and long.
                                       Please Call
                                                                            987C staInless steel  982C CaRbOn steel
                                                            hOle     maxImum    ORDeR        ORDeR    ____PRICe eaCh____
                                                     DIameteR   GRIt
                                                            sIze      RPm         #            #      1-24 PCs.  25+ PCs.
                                                      4-1/2"  7/8"  36+  13,300  54-100-011  54-100-017  $5.09  $4.58
                                                      4-1/2"  7/8"  60+  13,300  54-100-012  54-100-018  4.59  4.13
                                                      4-1/2"  7/8"  80+  13,300  54-100-013  54-100-019  4.39  3.95
                                                      7"    7/8"  36+  8,600  54-100-014   54-100-020   5.79  5.21
                                                      7"    7/8"  60+  8,600  54-100-015   54-100-021   5.19  4.67
                                     Grain Close-Up   7"    7/8"  80+  8,600  54-100-016   54-100-022   4.99  4.49
              Cubitron  II Roloc  Discs 984F
              Attachment Type TR
                Achieve greater productivity
                than ever before
                                  Benefits:                   APPLiCAtiOns:              feAtures:
                                  •  Faster cut rate.         •  Grind, blend, finish, deburr on   •  Power packed with fast-cutting 3M
                                  •  Longer life.              virtually all metal types.  precision grain-a self-sharpening
                                  •  Tough around the edges so discs   •  Small weld removal.  feature that keeps disc running cool
                                   won't fray or wear out prematurely.                    and long.
                                  •  Cuts cooler diverting heat away
                                   from the workpiece.
                        disC sUrfaCe   Also Available In 1.5" & 4" Diameters,
                         Close-Up      Please Call
                                                                                  ORDeR         ______PRICe eaCh______
                                                        DIameteR     GRIt
                                                                                   #          1-24 PCs.   25+ PCs.
                                                          2"         36+        54-100-001     $1.62       $1.46
                                                          2"         60+        54-100-002      1.52        1.37
                                                          2"         80+        54-100-003      1.42        1.28
                                                          3"         36+        54-100-004      1.93        1.74
                                                          3"         60+        54-100-005      1.72        1.55
                                                          3"         80+        54-100-006      1.72        1.55
                                     Grain Close-Up
   1147   1148   1149   1150   1151   1152   1153   1154   1155   1156   1157