Page 1206 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1206
HEX KEYS & WRENCHES • Individual Inch & Metric Bits, Sockets And Wrenches
967 Series Torx L-Keys & Set
BeneFits: Features:
• The Wera know-how with regard to close-tolerance • Blacklaser surface.
manufacturing, careful material selection and refined • The size of each L-key has been
hardening technologies ensures safety at the workplace. engraved by a laser, making it easy
• Torx drive profiles transfers torque between tool and to find the right tool for the job.
screw by parallel line or surface contact rather than Model #967 L/9 Torx ®
point contact as many other profiles. • Holding function that securely hold
• This protects both the screw profile and the tool profile. the screw onto the tool.
• It also increases the amount of torque and power that
Torx ® can be transferred.
IndIvIdual l-Keys IndIvIdual l-Keys
Model #967 l/9 Model #024001
tIP sIze x Model order PrIce tIP sIze x Model order PrIce
Blade lengtH # # eacH Blade lengtH # # eacH
TX6 x 42mm 024001 99-014-958 $2.08 TX27 x 64mm 024013 99-014-966 $2.58
TX7 x 48 024002 99-014-959 2.00 TX30 x 70 024015 99-014-967 2.72
SeT TX8 x 48 024003 99-014-960 2.00 TX40 x 76 024020 99-014-968 3.10
Model order PrIce TX9 x 48 024004 99-014-961 2.12 TX45 x 83 024025 99-014-969 3.66
# # Per set TX10 x 51 024005 99-014-962 2.18 TX50 x 95 024030 99-014-970 4.04
9 Piece Set: TX8, TX9, 967 TX15 x 54 024008 99-014-963 2.26 TX55 x 108 024035 99-014-971 5.62
TX10, TX15,TX20, TX25, 99-014-973 $29.58 TX20 x 57 024010 99-014-964 2.42 TX60 x 120 024040 99-014-972 5.62
TX27, TX30, TX40 L/9 TX25 x 60 024012 99-014-965 2.52
Hex•Pro Pivot Head Hex Wrenches Hex•Pro Pivot Head torx
star Wrenches
Model #HP8-IC-17 Model #HP6-IC-10 Model #SP5-IC-19 Model #SP5-IC-22
Features: Features:
• Heat treated high quality industrial tool steel. • Heat treated high quality industrial tool steel.
• Long handles for extra reach. • Long handles for extra reach.
• Matte chrome finish to prevent corrosion. • Matte chrome finish to prevent corrosion.
• Sets come in heavy duty folding canvas pouch/holder. • Sets come in heavy duty folding canvas pouch/holder.
Hex•Pro torx SeTS
Hex•Pro Hex sets Model order PrIce
Model order PrIce Includes # # Per set
# # Per set 5 Piece Set: T15, T20, T25, T27, T30 SP5-IC-19 71-350-727 $55.70
8 Piece Inch Set: 1/8" to 3/8" HP8-IC-17 71-350-718 $72.85 5 Piece Set: T40, T45, T47, T50, T55 SP5-IC-18 71-350-728 58.55
6 Piece Metric Set: 3 to 10mm HP6-IC-10 71-350-719 60.15 10 Piece Torx® Set: T15 to T55 SP5-IC-22 71-350-729 109.95
Hex•Pro IndIvIdual torx WrencHes
Hex•Pro IndIvIdual Hex WrencHes Hex Model order PrIce
IncH MetrIc sIze # # eacH
Hex Model order PrIce Hex Model order PrIce T15 88215 71-350-730 $12.29
sIze # # eacH sIze # # eacH T20 88220 71-350-731 12.29
1/8" 88007 71-350-710 $9.82 3mm 88056 71-350-720 $10.85 T25 88225 71-350-732 12.43
9/64" 88008 71-350-711 9.96 4mm 88060 71-350-721 11.23 T27 88227 71-350-733 12.48
5/32" 88009 71-350-712 10.13 5mm 88064 71-350-722 11.47 T30 88230 71-350-734 12.67
3/16" 88010 71-350-713 10.49 6mm 88068 71-350-723 12.37 T40 88240 71-350-735 12.67
7/32" 88011 71-350-714 11.01 8mm 88072 71-350-724 14.05 T45 88245 71-350-736 15.49
1/4" 88012 71-350-715 11.64 10mm 88076 71-350-725 16.21 T47 88247 71-350-737 15.49
5/16" 88013 71-350-716 12.59 — — — — T50 88250 71-350-738 15.49
3/8" 88014 71-350-717 13.91 — — — — T55 88255 71-350-739 15.49