Page 1243 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1243

Individual & Sets • SOCKETS

                     Drive Sockets
                     6 & 12 Point • Standard or Deep • 1/4", 3/8" & 1/2"

                                                                 •  Surface Drive  Technology reduces fastener rounding.
                                                                 •  Chamfered opening to guide fastener into socket.

                6 point Standard  12 point Standard  6 point deep  12 point deep  •  Large hard-stamped size identification.
                 OrDer  Price  OrDer  Price  OrDer  Price  OrDer  Price  •  Double line (SAE) and knurled (metric)
                  #    each   #    each   #    each   #    each   ring for easy identification.
          1/4" Drive                                             •  Full polish chrome finish cleans easily
          5/32"  99-200-100 $2.42 99-200-111 $2.42  —  —  —  —    and resists corrosion.
          3/16"  99-200-101  2.42 99-200-112  2.42 99-200-122 $3.60 99-200-132 $3.60  •  Meets or Exceeds ASME B107.1 and
          7/32"  99-200-102  2.42 99-200-113  2.42 99-200-123  3.60 99-200-133  3.60  US Federal Spec. GGG-W-641 E.
          1/4"  99-200-103  2.42 99-200-114  2.42 99-200-124  3.60 99-200-134  3.60
          9/32"  99-200-104  2.42 99-200-115  2.42 99-200-125  3.60 99-200-135  3.60           STandard       dEEp
          5/16"  99-200-105  2.42 99-200-116  2.42 99-200-126  3.60 99-200-136  3.60
          11/32"  99-200-106  2.42 99-200-117  2.42 99-200-127  3.60 99-200-137  3.60  6 point Standard  12 point Standard  6 point deep  12 point deep
          3/8"  99-200-107  2.42 99-200-118  2.42 99-200-128  3.60 99-200-138  3.60  Size  OrDer  Price  OrDer  Price  OrDer  Price  OrDer  Price
          7/16"  99-200-108  2.42 99-200-119  2.42 99-200-129  3.60 99-200-139  3.60  #  each  #  each  #  each  #  each
          1/2"  99-200-109  2.42 99-200-120  2.42 99-200-130  3.60 99-200-140  3.60  1/2" Drive
          9/16"  99-200-110  2.42 99-200-121  2.42 99-200-131  3.60 99-200-141  3.60  7/16"  99-200-194 $4.34 99-200-209 $4.67 99-200-224 $7.20 99-200-238 $7.26
          3/8" Drive                                             1/2"  99-200-195  4.34 99-200-210  4.34 99-200-225  7.26 99-200-239  7.26
          1/4"  99-200-142 $3.31 99-200-155 $3.31 99-200-168 $4.64 99-200-181 $4.64  9/16"  99-200-196  4.34 99-200-211  4.34 99-200-226  7.26 99-200-240  7.26
          5/16"  99-200-143  3.33 99-200-156  3.33 99-200-169  4.64 99-200-182  4.64  5/8"  99-200-197  4.50 99-200-212  4.50 99-200-227  7.26 99-200-241  7.26
          3/8"  99-200-144  3.38 99-200-157  3.38 99-200-170  4.64 99-200-183  4.64  11/16"  99-200-198  4.80 99-200-213  4.80 99-200-228  7.82 99-200-242  7.82
          7/16"  99-200-145  3.41 99-200-158  3.41 99-200-171  4.64 99-200-184  4.64  3/4"  99-200-199  4.80 99-200-214  4.80 99-200-229  7.90 99-200-243  7.90
          1/2"  99-200-146  3.47 99-200-159  3.47 99-200-172  4.64 99-200-185  4.64  13/16"  99-200-200  4.82 99-200-215  4.82 99-200-230  8.45 99-200-244  8.45
          9/16"  99-200-147  3.54 99-200-160  3.54 99-200-173  4.82 99-200-186  4.82  7/8"  99-200-201  4.82 99-200-216  4.82 99-200-231  9.09 99-200-245  9.09
          5/8"  99-200-148  3.60 99-200-161  3.60 99-200-174  4.82 99-200-187  4.82  15/16"  99-200-202  5.42 99-200-217  5.42 99-200-232  9.81 99-200-246  9.81
          11/16"  99-200-149  3.60 99-200-162  3.60 99-200-175  4.82 99-200-188  4.82  1"  99-200-203  5.42 99-200-218  5.42 99-200-233  9.42 99-200-247  9.34
          3/4"  99-200-150  3.60 99-200-163  3.60 99-200-176  5.42 99-200-189  5.42  1-1/16" 99-200-204  6.62 99-200-219  6.62 99-200-234  9.58 99-200-248  9.58
          13/16"  99-200-151  3.60 99-200-164  3.60 99-200-177  5.42 99-200-190  5.42  1-1/8"  99-200-205  6.62 99-200-220  6.62 99-200-235  9.74 99-200-249  9.74
          7/8"  99-200-152  3.60 99-200-165  3.60 99-200-178  5.42 99-200-191  5.42  1-3/16" 99-200-206  7.81 99-200-221  7.81  —  —  —  —
          15/16"  99-200-153  3.60 99-200-166  3.60 99-200-179  5.78 99-200-192  5.78  1-1/4"  99-200-207  7.81 99-200-222  7.81 99-200-236 10.13 99-200-250 10.13
          1"   99-200-154  3.60 99-200-167  3.60 99-200-180  5.84 99-200-193  5.84  1-1/2"  99-200-208 14.93 99-200-223 14.93 99-200-237 10.88 99-200-251 10.88
          Socket Sets
          6 Or 12 Point • Standard, Mid Or Deep  • 1/4", 3/8" & 1/2"

                               # Of        MODel  OrDer   Price
             BranD     Style          Size
                               PieceS        #     #     Per Set
          1/4" Drive
                    Standard 6 Point  9  3/16" - 1/2"  1201  99-016-044  $8.06  MOdEl #1201
                    Deep 6 Point  8  3/16" - 7/16" 12041  99-016-045  11.90
                    Standard 6 Point  10  3/16" - 9/16" 80303  99-200-270  21.68
                    Standard 12 Point  10  3/16" - 9/16" 80307D 99-200-271  21.68
                    Mid 6 Point  10  3/16" - 9/16" 80305S 99-200-272  26.72
                    Deep 6 Point  10  3/16" - 9/16" 80305  99-200-273  32.54
                    Deep 12 Point  10  3/16" - 9/16" 80309D 99-200-274  32.54
                    Standard 6 Point  10  3/16" - 9/16" 30922  99-402-401  24.32
                    Standard 12 Point  10  3/16" - 9/16" 30923  99-402-402  28.61
                    Deep 6 Point  10  3/16" - 9/16" 30924  99-402-403  35.81  MOdEl #1255
                    Deep 12 Point  10  3/16" - 9/16" 30937  99-402-406  35.81
          3/8" Drive
                    Standard 12 Point  9  5/16" - 7/8"  1203  99-016-046  $13.78
                    Deep 6 Point  8  3/8" - 13/16" 1235  99-016-047  20.09
                    Standard 6 Point  13  1/4" - 1"  80553  99-200-275  41.20
                    Standard 12 Point  13  1/4" - 1"  80561  99-200-276  41.18
                    Mid 6 Point  11  1/4" - 7/8"  80555S 99-200-277  48.46
                    Deep 6 Point  11  1/4" - 7/8"  80555  99-200-278  53.84
                    Deep 12 Point  11  1/4" - 7/8"  80563  99-200-279  39.60
                    Standard 6 Point  9  1/4" - 3/4"  31922  99-401-325  25.58  MOdEl #80303
                    Standard 12 Point  10  1/4" - 3/4"  31923  99-401-326  25.58
                    Deep 6 Point  9  1/4" - 3/4"  31940  99-401-337  34.82
                    Deep 12 Point  9  1/4" - 3/4"  31926  99-401-329  34.82
          1/2" Drive
                    Standard 12 Point  10  3/8" - 15/16" 1205  99-016-048  $21.40
                    Deep 6 Point  8  1/2" - 15/16" 1255  99-016-049  23.92
                    Standard 6 Point  11  1/2" - 1-1/8" 80703  99-200-280  50.94
                    Standard 12 Point  11  1/2" - 1-1/8" 80711  99-200-281  50.94
                    Deep 6 Point  8  1/2" - 15/16" 80705  99-200-282  56.66  MOdEl #80305
                    Deep 12 Point  8  1/2" - 15/16" 80713  99-200-283  56.66
                    Standard 6 Point  9  1/2" - 1"  32934  99-401-536  35.81
                    Standard 12 Point  9  1/2" - 1"  32922  99-401-528  35.81
                    Deep 6 Point  9  1/2" - 1"  32936  99-401-537  63.82
                    Deep 12 Point  9  1/2" - 1"  32926  99-401-531  63.82
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