Page 1310 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1310

PUNCHES • Character

                   Steel Letter, Figure Or Combination Sets

                      APPLICATIONS:           FeATureS:                INCLudeS:
                      •  For hand-held, hammer-struck   •  Textured shanks provide a firm,   •  Letter sets contain (27) pieces - A thru Z plus ampersand (&).
                       applications.           easy grip.              •  Number sets contain (9) pieces - 0 thru 8 (the 6 is used as a 9).
                                              •  Crowned striking end ensures full   •  Combination letter and number sets contain (36) pieces - A thru
                                               force to center of the stamp.  Z, period, 0 thru 8 (the 6 is used as a 9) and are packed in a
                                                                        metal index container.

                 Standard General Purpose Stamp Sets
                                  APPLICATIONS:                FeATureS:
                                  •  Recommended for medium to   •  High quality for general purpose uses.
                                   light duty marking.         •  Marked with character size on thumb side.
                                                                                             COmbInatIOn LetteR & numbeR SetS
                                                LetteR SetS In PLaStIC CaSe  numbeR SetS In PLaStIC CaSe  In SteeL CaSe
                                               mODeL    ORDeR  PRICe  mODeL    ORDeR   PRICe   mODeL   ORDeR  PRICe
                                                #        #     PeR Set  #        #    PeR Set  #        #     PeR Set
                                     1/16"     20100  99-006-001 $36.47  20501  99-006-011 $12.16  20622  99-006-900 $48.62
                                     3/32      20150  99-006-002  36.47  20521  99-006-012  12.16  20623  99-006-901  48.62
                                     1/8       20200  99-006-003  36.47  20541  99-006-013  12.16  20624  99-006-902  48.62
                                     3/16      20250  99-006-004  44.27  20561  99-006-014  14.76  20625  99-006-903  59.04
                                     1/4       20300  99-006-005  53.29  20581  99-006-015  17.76  20626  99-006-904  71.09
                                     3/8       20350  99-006-006  77.80  20601  99-006-016  25.93  20627  99-006-905 103.73
                                     1/2       20400  99-006-007 115.67  20621  99-006-017  38.56  —    —        —
                 Heavy Duty Stamps
                                  APPLICATIONS:                FeATureS:
         Tempered shanks for extra   •  Heavy duty marking performance at   •  Marked with character designation and size on thumb side.
         durability and safety     an economical price.

                                                                                             COmbInatIOn LetteR & numbeR SetS
                                                LetteR SetS In PLaStIC CaSe  FIGuRe SetS In PLaStIC CaSe  In metaL CaSe
                                               mODeL    ORDeR  PRICe  mODeL    ORDeR   PRICe  mODeL    ORDeR  PRICe
                                                #        #     PeR Set  #        #    PeR Set  #        #     PeR Set
                                     1/16"     20751  99-006-191 $78.58  21320  99-006-202 $26.20  21623  99-006-213 $104.73
                                     1/8       20851  99-006-193  78.58  21360  99-006-204  26.20  21625  99-006-215  104.73
                                     3/16      20951  99-006-195  94.11  21400  99-006-206  31.36  21627  99-006-217  125.51
                                     1/4       21051  99-006-196 108.98  21440  99-006-207  36.31  21628  99-006-218  145.31
                                     5/16      21101  99-006-197 142.98  21460  99-006-208  47.69  21629  99-006-219  190.64
                                     3/8       21151  99-006-198 154.24  21480  99-006-209  51.42  —    —        —
                                     1/2       21201  99-006-199 262.51  21500  99-006-210  87.51  —    —        —
                 Premier Stamps
                                  BeNeFITS:                    APPLICATIONS:            FeATureS:
                                  •  Large shanks are tempered designed to   •  For super duty, continuous marking.  •  Crowned striking surface ensures full
                                   hold up under continuous hard hammering.              force to the center of the stamp and
                                                                                         textured shank provides firm easy grip.

                                                 LetteR SetS In PLaStIC CaSe  numbeR SetS In PLaStIC CaSe  COmbInatIOn LetteR & numbeR SetS
                                                                                                   In metaL CaSe
                                      SIze     mODeL    ORDeR  PeR Set  mODeL   ORDeR  PeR Set  mODeL  ORDeR  PeR Set
                                     1/16"     22050   99-006-320 $90.53  22821  99-006-327 $30.18  24003  99-006-334 $120.71
                                     3/32"     22100   99-006-321  90.53  22841  99-006-328  30.18  24004  99-006-335  120.71
                                     1/8"      22150   99-006-322  90.53  22861  99-006-329  30.18  24005  99-006-336  120.71
                                     3/16"     22250   99-006-323 108.42  22901  99-006-330  36.13  24007  99-006-337  144.58
                                     1/4"      22350   99-006-324 125.09  22941  99-006-331  41.71  24008  99-006-338  166.78
                                     3/8"      22450   99-006-325 176.78  22981  99-006-332  58.91  —   —        —
                                     1/2"      22550   99-006-326 302.24  23021  99-006-333 100.76  —   —        —
                 Reversed Character Steel Stamps
                                  APPLICATIONS:                FeATureS:
                                  •  Stamp characters in reverse on thin metal   •  Provides raised, right reading forms on the surface of the product.
                                   patterns, embossing or forging dies, or    •  Marked with character size and designation on the thumb side.
                                   in molds.
                                                      LetteR SetS In PLaStIC CaSe        numbeR SetS In PLaStIC CaSe
                                                mODeL       ORDeR       PRICe      mODeL       ORDeR       PRICe
                                                  #          #          PeR Set      #           #         PeR Set
                                      1/16"     25050     99-006-162   $96.27      25521     99-006-172    $32.09
                                      3/32      25100     99-006-163    96.27      25541     99-006-173    32.09
                                      1/8       25150     99-006-164    96.27      25561     99-006-174    32.09
                                      5/32      25200     99-006-165   110.07      25581     99-006-175    36.71
                                      3/16      25250     99-006-166   110.07      25601     99-006-176    36.71
                                      1/4       25300     99-006-167   132.62      25621     99-006-177    44.22
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