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P. 1476

Water Soluble & Semi-Synthetic • SPECIALTY FLUIDS

                         TRIM  E850
                         Premium Emulsion Water Soluble

          •  Delivers unparalleled lubricity.                   •  Excellent corrosion resistance on both
          •  Very long sump life & low carry-off rates result in low operating cost.  non-ferrous and ferrous materials.
          •  Low product odor.                                  •  Superior wetting and penetration to the point of cut.  coolants, lubricants & marking
          •  Mild operator contact properties.                  •  Soft fluid film protects ways, chucks and tool holders.
          •  Provides superior results in a wide range of operations.  •  Product contains no chlorine, boron, phenol,
                                                                  nitride, copper or triazine.
               SIzE        WEIgHT     ModEl     oRdER    PRICE  •  Easily removed from parts for easy cleanup
            5 Gallon Pail  42.5 lbs.  E850/5  81-006-162  $222.99  before assembly, painting or plating operations.
            54 Gallon Drum  463 lbs.  E850/54  81-006-163†  2,286.99  •  High performance without the use of    5 GALLon MoDEL #E850/5
          †Ships direct from factory. Truck ship only.            chlorinated paraffins.
                         TRIM  E206
                         Long Life Emulsion Water Soluble
          •  A very versatile product which works in a wide range of operations such as    •  Extremely stable & fine emulsion to reduce
           heavy-duty broaching, gear hobbing, production, surface and centerless    carry-off and to facilitate getting the fluid to
           grinding and replacing straight oil on some types of screw machines.  the point of cut.
          •  Contains highly effective extreme-pressure additives to control built-up edge.  •  Rejects tramp oil to help extend sump life and
          •  Compatible with all ferrous and non-ferrous materials.  increase recycling options.
                                                                •  Leaves a soft fluid film to prevent sticky ways,
                                      ModEl      oRdER   PRICE    chucks, tool holders and fixtures.
                SIzE       WEIgHT                               •  Coolant residue is easily removed with water,
                                        #         #      EaCH
            5 Gallon Pail  44 lbs.   E206N/5  81-006-168  $187.99  working solution or aqueous cleaners.  5 GALLon MoDEL #E206n/5
            54 Gallon Drum  479 lbs.  E206N/54  81-006-169†  1,871.99  •  Easy recycling or disposal with conventional
          †Ships direct from factory. Truck ship only.            techniques and equipment.
                Safety-Cool 70
                General Purpose Soluble Oil

          Features:                                              technical Data:
          •  Mixes easily with water of various hardness, providing a stable emulsion.  Recommended Applications
          •  The oily residue provides lubrication to fixtures and gauges.  & Dilutions
          •  Non-staining to copper and aluminium alloys.        •  Grinding: 4 - 5%
          •  Easy to dispose of by conventional waste treatment methods.  •  Machining: 5 - 8%
          •  Recommended for machining and grinding of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.

                                      ModEl      oRdER   PRICE
               SIzE       WEIgHT
                                        #         #      EaCH
           55 Gallon Drum  423 lbs.  01104-BEDR  81-006-288  $1,269.99
                Hysol  MB 10                                           Superedge  6754
                Semi-Synthetic                                         Heavy-Duty Soluble Oil
          Features:                                              Features:
          •  Effective wetting properties maintains              •  Superior lubrication extends tool life.
           clean machines and components.                        •  Versatile fluid that can be used for many
          •  Stable fluid suitable for a wide range of            applications on a variety of metals.
           water conditions.                                     •  Excellent surface finish improves part quality.
          •  Inhibits microbial growth to extend                 •  Bimetallic corrosion protection keeps parts
           fluid life in central systems and                      and machines free from in-process rust.
           individual sumps.                                     •  Chlorine-free to meet environmental and
          •  Low foaming in all water conditions.                 waste regulations.
          •  Formaldehyde releasing agent-free to                •  Formulated for aluminum, but it can also be
           comply with health and safety regulations.             used on ferrous and other non-ferrous metals.
          technical Data:                                        technical Data:
          Recommended Applications & Dilutions                   Recommended Applications & Dilutions
          •  Grinding: 5 - 6%                                    •  Grinding: 4 - 6%
          •  General Machining: 6 - 10%                          •  Machining: 5 - 10%
                                                                 •  Avoid freezing. If frozen, Superedge  6754,
                                                                  must be thawed to 50°F before using.
                                      ModEl      oRdER   PRICE                           ModEl      oRdER      PRICE
               SIzE       WEIgHT                                     SIzE      WEIgHT
                                        #         #      EaCH                              #         #         EaCH
           55 Gallon Pail  459 lbs.  03114-BEDR  81-006-293  $1,199.99  55 Gallon Drum  426 lbs.  01114-BEDR  81-006-292  $1,499.99
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