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P. 1483


                  ASTRO-CUT SYN     ®                                    ASTRO-MIST A    ®
    coolants, lubricants & marking  Grinding Fluid  Provides a long               APPLICATIONS:
                                                                         Misting Fluid
                  Heavy Duty Oil-Free Synthetic Cutting &

                                                                                    Fluid comes in a variety of sizes
                                                                                    for best tasking to a specific project
                                sump life
                                                                                  •  Biodegradable synthetic fluid concentrate
                             •  Offers outstanding EP performance and
                                                                                   designed for all misting devices.
                              excellent corrosion control.
                             •  Designed for machining most metals
                              except magnesium.
                             •  May be used on a variety of metals, including     •  Dilution ratio: 20:1 to 25:1 parts water
                              steels, cast iron and aluminum.
                             •  Use in operations ranging from grinding to
                              turning to milling.
                             •  May also be used for grinding: blanchard,
        5 GALLON MOdeL #30-050  diamond wheel, centerless, belt, disk, etc.  5 GALLON MOdeL #56-050
                             •  Dilution ratio: 10:1 to 20:1 parts water
                         MOdel    ORdeR   PRICe  CASe  PRICe                     MOdel   ORdeR    PRICe  CASe  PRICe
           SIze    WeIghT                                           SIze  WeIghT
                           #       #      eACh   QTY.  eACh                       #       #       eACh  QTY.  eACh
       1 Gallon   10 lbs.  30-104  81-002-096  $44.09  4  $39.68  1 Gallon  10 lbs.  56-104  81-002-037  $31.49  4  $28.34
       5 Gallon Pail  45 lbs.  30-050  81-002-098  157.99  —  —  5 Gallon   45 lbs.  56-050  81-002-039  125.99  —  —
       55 Gallon Drum 500 lbs.  30-550  81-002-100†  1,342.99  —  —  55 Gallon Drum 500 lbs.  56-550  81-002-041†  1,091.99  —  —
       †Ships direct from factory. Truck ship only.           †Ships direct from factory. Truck ship only.
                  SN-100A                                                PowerSaw
                  Heavy Duty Synthetic Machining Coolant                 Synthetic Sawing Coolant
                                                                                    Provides excellent
                                                                                    rust protection
                             APPLICATIONS:                                        BeNefITS:
                             •  Medium to heavy duty biostable coolant            •  Superior way-lube rejection, leading to
                              for general purpose use.                             cleaner coolant and longer sump life.
                             •  Dilution ratio: 10:1 to 30:1 parts water          •  Non-Chlorinated EP package provides
                                                                                   extended tool life.
                             feATureS:                                            •  Low foaming.
                             •  Level PH prevents rancidity.
                             •  Safe for most metals including titanium.          APPLICATIONS:
                                                                                  •  Specifically formulated for heavy duty sawing.
                                                                                  •  Safe for most metals (except magnesium).
        5 GALLON MOdeL #73058                                   5 GALLON MOdeL #76205  •  Dilution ratio: 10:1 to 30:1 parts water

                                   MOdel     ORdeR     PRICe                              MOdel     ORdeR     PRICe
             SIze       WeIghT                                      SIze       WeIghT
                                    #          #       eACh                                #          #       eACh
         5 Gallon Pail  47 lbs.    73058   96-004-086  $149.99  5 Gallon Pail  48 lbs.    76205   81-006-100  $146.99
         55 Gallon Drum  521 lbs.  73558   96-004-087†  1,325.99  55 Gallon Drum  526 lbs.  76255  81-006-102†  1,309.99
       †Ships direct from factory. Truck ship only.           †Ships direct from factory. Truck ship only.
                  PowerChip 2000                                         Vytron-N
                  Heavy Duty Synthetic Coolant                           Synthetic Coolant
                                                                                    Can replace water soluble oils,
                                                                                    providing biodegradable cutting fluids

                             BeNefITS:                                            APPLICATIONS:
                             •  Formulated for heavy duty machining,              •  Use for machining, grinding, & sawing,
                              grinding and sawing.                                 and also as a spray mist coolant.
                             •  Provides excellent lubricity, rust                •  Dilution ratio: 10:1 to 30:1 parts water
                              protection and low foaming.
                             •  Non-chlorinated.                                  feATureS:
                             •  Provides superior way-lube rejection.             •  Built-in rust protection eliminates
                                                                                   further in-process steps.
                             APPLICATIONS:                                        •  Biostable for long sump life.
                             •  Dilution ratio: 10:1 to 30:1 parts water
                             •  Good for ferrous metals especially   5 GALLON MOdeL #75054
        5 GALLON MOdeL #76305  titanium and stainless steel.
                                                                                          MOdel     ORdeR     PRICe
                                                                    SIze       WeIghT
                                   MOdel     ORdeR     PRICe                               #          #       eACh
              SIze      WeIghT
                                    #          #       eACh     1 Gallon      9.25 lbs.   75014   81-006-032  $32.99
         5 Gallon Pail  48 lbs.    76305   81-006-080  $176.99  5 Gallon Pail  46 lbs.    75054   81-006-034  131.99
         55 Gallon Drum  528 lbs.  76355   81-006-082†  1,589.99  55 Gallon Drum  506 lbs.  75554  81-006-036†  1,119.99
       †Ships direct from factory. Truck ship only.           †Ships direct from factory. Truck ship only.
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