Page 1606 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1606

SAFETY • Filters

              Particulate & Cartridge Filters

         Model #6004     Model #6001     Model #6003     Model #6005     Model #6006     Model #60921

    safety & personal protection  Features:  Model #2096  Model #7093  Model #5N11  Model #5P71  Model #60928
         Model #2076HF

       •  Wide range of filters and cartridges to meet
                                                                                                See Warning On Page 1603.
        the needs of your specific environment.

                                                                For USe
       ProteCtS againSt aMMonia & MethylaMine at ConCentrationS UP to 10 tiMeS Pel With halF FaCe PieCeS & 50 tiMeS Pel With FUll FaCe PieCeS  orDer  PriCe
         Ammonia Methylamine Cartridge          3M  6000 & 7000 Series Half & Full Face Piece Respirators  2  6004  96-004-487  $16.39
       ProteCtS againSt Certain organiC VaPorS at ConCentrationS UP to 10 tiMeS Pel With halF FaCe PieCeS & 50 tiMeS Pel With FUll FaCe PieCeS
         Organic Vapor Cartridge                3M  6000 & 7000 Series Half & Full Face Piece Respirators  2  6001  96-004-484  $13.49
         Organic Vapor/Acid Gase Cartridge      3M  6000 & 7000 Series Half & Full Face Piece Respirators  2  6003  96-004-486  15.29
         Formaldehyde/Organic Vapor Cartridge   3M  6000 & 7000 Series Half & Full Face Piece Respirators  2  6005  96-004-488  3.87
         Multi Gas/Vapor Cartridge              3M  6000 & 7000 Series Half & Full Face Piece Respirators  2  6006  96-004-489  15.69
         Organic Vapor & P100 Cartridge         3M  6000 & 7000 Series Half & Full Face Piece Respirators  2  60921  96-004-491  29.79
       ProteCtS againSt exPoSUre to leaD, aSbeStoS, CaDMiUM, arSeniC & MDa For ConCentrationS UP to 10 tiMeS Pel With halF FaCe PieCeS &
       50 tiMeS Pel With FUll FaCe PieCeS
         Hydrogen Fluoride/P95 Cartridge With Nuisance Level  3M  Respirators with Bayonet Connections  2  2076HF 96-004-479  $11.29
         Nuisance/P100 Filter                   3M  Respirators with Bayonet Connections  2   2096  96-004-480  12.59
         P100 Particulate Filter                3M  Respirators with Bayonet Connections  4   7093  96-004-481  25.79
         N95 Particulate Filter                 3M  5000 Series Respirators              10   5N11  96-004-482  20.59
         N95 Particulate Filter                 3M  5000 Series Respirators              10   5P71  96-004-483  23.99
       ProteCtS againSt raDioioDine or Methyl broMiDe at aMbient ConCentrationS UP to 5 PPM & For not More than one ShiFt
         Organic Vapor/Acid Gas/P100 Cartridge  3M  6000 & 7000 Series Half & Full Face Piece Respirators  2  60928  96-004-497  $43.69
              2000 Series Filters
                                                             •  Filters out dusts, fumes and vapors.
                                                                                               See Warning On Page 1603.
         Model #2071    Model #2078    Model #2091
                                                                                          QUantity MoDel  orDer  PriCe
                                                                      Filter & retainerS
                                                                                          Per PaCk  #   #    Per PaCk
                                                             Particulate - P95              2   2071  96-084-713  $5.79
                                                             Nuisance level, organic vapor/acid gas - P95  2  2078  96-084-714  9.59
                                                             Ozone protection, nuisance level - P100  2  2091  96-084-715  8.99
                                                             Particulate - P100             2   2097  96-084-716  12.29
                                                             Prefilter retainer             20  501  96-084-730  45.49
         Model #2097    Model #501      Model #502           Prefilter adapter              20  502  96-084-731  56.39
                     Check out our line of OTMT  products including
             machines, safety glasses, gloves, hearing protection and carts.
                 See pages 646-670, 1166, 1453, 1596, 1671-1670 & 1724.
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