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P. 1623

First Aid • SAFETY

                      EZ CPR Rescue Pack Kit                                 EZ Personal Protection Kit

          Benefits:                                              Benefits:
          •  Allows for the safe use of                          •  Provides complete exposure
           standard CPR techniques without                         protection from potentially
           fear of cross-contamination.                            infectious blood or body fluids.
          includes:                                              includes:
          •  Pair of vinyl gloves.                               •  Pair of vinyl gloves.
          •  PTP II  CPR mask.                                   •  Fluid-resistant gown.
          •  Red bio-hazard 6" x 9" waste bag.                   •  Combination mask/safety shield.
          •  Twist tie.                                          •  Red bio-hazard 24" x 24" waste bag.
          •  p.a.w.s.  antimicrobial 5" x 8"                     •  Twist tie.
           hand wipes.                                           •  p.a.w.s.  antimicrobial 5" x 8"
          •  Instructions.                                         hand wipes.
                                                                 •  Instructions.
             MOdEl    ORdER   PRiCE                                 MOdEl    ORdER   PRiCE
              #        #      EACh                                   #        #      EACh
             17155  96-003-049  $12.79                              17606  96-003-050  $9.69
                      Single Bacitracin Ointment                             Triple Antibiotic Ointment                 safety & personal protection

          Benefits:                                              Benefits:
          •  Aids in healing minor cuts, scrapes                 •  Aids in healing minor cuts, scrapes
           and burns.                                             and burns.
          APPlicAtiOns:                                          APPlicAtiOns:
          •  Simply apply ointment onto minor cuts,              •  Apply 1 to 2 times daily for
           burns and scrapes.                                     optimum results.
          feAtures:                                              feAtures:
          •  Contains bacitracin zinc.                           •  Contains bacitracin zinc, neomycin
          •  Size: 0.9 grams, 144 per box                         sulfate and polymyxin-B sulfate.
                                                                 •  Size: 0.9 grams, 144 per box

             MOdEl    ORdER   PRiCE                                 MOdEl    ORdER   PRiCE
              #        #      EACh                                   #        #      EACh
             53310  96-003-057  $16.59                              53210  96-003-053  $19.89
                      First Aid & Burn Cream                                 Burn Gel

          Benefits:                                              Benefits:
          •  It is non-greasy and non-irritating.                •  Cools and soothes damaged skin
          •  Effective against MRSA and E. Coli.                  without trapping heat.
                                                                 •  Relieves pain fast.
          APPlicAtiOns:                                          •  Enriched with Aloe Vera, cools and
          •  Helps relieve pain and protect                       soothes damaged skin.
           cuts, scrapes and burns against
           contamination.                                        APPlicAtiOns:
                                                                 •  For relief of minor burns.
          •  Size: 0.9 grams, 144 per box                        feAtures:
                                                                 •  Contains 2.0% Lidocaine.
                                                                 •  Size: 0.9 grams, 144 per box
             MOdEl    ORdER   PRiCE                                 MOdEl    ORdER   PRiCE
              #        #      EACh                                   #        #      EACh
             53410  96-003-054  $12.69                              50007  96-003-056  $9.29

                      Universal Precautions Compliance Kit

          Benefits:                  includes:
          •  Items mandated by OSHA, CDC, and   •  Pair of vinyl gloves.  •  Red bio-hazard 24" x 24" waste bag.
           State Health Departments to aid in the   •  Protective apron.  •  p.a.w.s.  antimicrobial 5" x 8"
           clean-up, transportation, and disposal   •  Combination mask/safety shield.  hand wipe.
           of up to one liter of infectious blood or   •  Red Z  solidifier 10g. pouch.  •  Twist tie
           body fluid spills.        •  Scoop/scraper.           •  Identification tag.
                                     •  SaniZide Plus  germicidal 8" x 8" wipe.  •  Instructions.
             MOdEl    ORdER   PRiCE
              #        #      EACh
             17100  96-003-051  $10.69
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