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P. 1723


                      Transport Dollies

          Benefits:                  APPLiCAtiOns:               feAtures:
          •  Provide a stable three-point solution    F Dollies  •  Feature rollers that do not
           for effortless moving of all kinds of   •  Can be used with steerable L dollies,    mark floors.
           heavy loads in manufacturing facilities,   or in combination with another F dollies   •  They range in load capacity from
           shops and warehouses.      for applications that require    4,400 lbs. to 132,000 lbs.
                                      only forward and backward movement.  •  Alll dollies are available in a
                                     •  Can be used with our rotating    nickel-plated version for clean room
                                      RL dollies.                 use in industry sectors such as chip      MOdEL #3-10204
                                     •  Can be use with our steerable   manufacturing, food processing,
                                       tandem TL dollies.         pharmaceuticals and
                                                                  chemical processing.
            CapaCiTy  SerieS   WeighT   MoDel    orDer   priCe   F Dollies
           4,400 lbs.  F      30 lbs.   3-10204  98-502-604  $359.99  •  Straight-line dollies that serve as the
                                                                  rear axle of load-moving systems.
           4,400 lbs.  L      30 lbs.   3-10205  98-502-605  429.99  •  Features a connection bar that can
           6,600 lbs.  F      35 lbs.   3-10206  98-502-606  404.99  be adjusted to distribute weight and    MOdEL #3-10208
           6,600 lbs.  L      35 lbs.   3-10207  98-502-607  474.99  fit under heavy loads of a wide range
           13,200 lbs.  F     75 lbs.   3-10208  98-502-608  869.99
           13,200 lbs.  L     125 lbs.  3-10209  98-502-609  1,219.99  of widths.
           19,800 lbs.  F     90 lbs.   3-11070  98-502-610  1,109.99  L Dollies
           19,800 lbs.  L     160 lbs.  3-11071  98-502-611  1,579.99  •  Feature a swivel top and tow eye
           26,400 lbs.  F     130 lbs.  3-10312  98-502-612  1,319.99  for safe front steering support of
           26,400 lbs.  L     200 lbs.  3-10313  98-502-613  1,879.99  load-moving systems.
           39,600 lbs.  F     130 lbs.  3-10215  98-502-614  1,929.99  •  The low profile keeps loads close to
           39,600 lbs.  L     210 lbs.  3-10216  98-502-615  2,689.99  the ground for a safe, low center of   MOdEL #3-11061
           44,000 lbs.  F     300 lbs.  3-11060  98-502-616  3,289.99  gravity and low head clearance.
           44,000 lbs.  L     475 lbs.  3-11061  98-502-617  4,889.99  •  Three-point dolly system is made
           66,000 lbs.  F     450 lbs.  3-11992  98-502-618  3,989.99  not to slip out, even under
           66,000 lbs.  L     575 lbs.  3-11993  98-502-619  5,979.99  pulling and tugging forces.
           88,000 lbs.  F     480 lbs.  3-11770  98-502-620  5,579.99
           88,000 lbs.  L     600 lbs.  3-11771  98-502-621  6,719.99
           132,000 lbs.  F    750 lbs.  3-10226  98-502-622  7,679.99
           132,000 lbs.  L    975 lbs.  3-10227  98-502-623 11,529.99
                      rotating Dollies

          feAtures:                                                                                                     material Handling, Storage & BookS
          •  Near-effortless movement in any   •  The ability to easily combine RL
           direction thanks to special bearings   rotating dollies into a combination
           that enable a 360° swivel.  that provides the load capacity, weight   MOdEL #6-11456
          •  Special rollers that won't mark floors   distribution and stability needed for
           and still provide extremely low rolling   any load.
           resistance plus high stability.  •  Easy combination with other kinds of
          •  Rubber pads that provide a soft, non-  heavy duty dollies from GKS, including                  MOdEL #6-10238
           slip grip on your load.     F type dollies or tandem dollies.
          •  Load capacity that ranges from 2,200   •  A special line of nickel-plated,
           lbs. up to 13,200 lbs., depending on   rotating dollies for use in    MOdEL #6-10240
           the model.                 clean-room environments.

                                       MoDel     orDer   priCe
             CapaCiTy     WeighT
                                        #          #     eaCh
             2,200 lbs    60 lbs.     6-11456  98-502-626  $789.99
             4,400 lbs    75 lbs.     6-10238  98-502-627  1,079.99
             8,800 lbs    135 lbs.    6-10240  98-502-628  1,629.99                                         MOdEL #6-11110
             11,000 lbs   135 lbs.    6-11110  98-502-629  1,839.99  MOdEL #6-13439
             13,200 lbs   175 lbs.    6-13439  98-502-630  1,979.99
                      Standard & premium rollers

          Standard Rollers                                       Premium Roller
          •  Standard rollers (3.3" x 3.3") meant for GKS skates with 4.3" (110mm) installation   •  Premium roller (5.5” x 3.3”) for GKS
           height.                                                dollies with 7.1" (180mm)
          •  Special aluminum core with a gear like design to help increase the service life,    installation height.
           (4) ball bearings and special polyamide lining for use in non-marking and    •  Includes a steel core and ball bearings   MOdEL   MOdEL
           non-damaging applications, meant for universal use.    along with our special polyamide lining
                                                                  which is non-marking and non-damaging
                                       MoDel     orDer   priCe
            DeSCripTion   WeighT                                  to flooring, meant for universal use.
                                        #         #      eaCh
           Standard Black  2 lbs.     4-10015  98-502-631  $46.99
           Standard White  2 lbs.     4-10018  98-502-632  85.99                                    MOdEL
           Premium White  6 lbs.      4-10022  98-502-633  256.99                                   #4-10022
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