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P. 228

REAMERS • Hand & Hand Expansion

               High Speed Steel Straight                              High Speed Steel Adjustable
               Shank Hand Reamers                                     Blade Reamers

                                                                         Allows reaming of a longer range
                                                                         of sizes economically

       •  Use straight flute for through hole applications in mild steels &
        non-ferrous materials.  StRAigHt flute  left HAnd SpRiAl
                                   [B7]       RigHt HAnd Cut [B8]
                flute  oveRAll  oRdeR  pRiCe   oRdeR   pRiCe  ADjUSTAbLE bLADES INCREASE
                                                              REAmING CAPACITy
                lengtH  lengtH  #      eACH     #      eACH
        1/8"   1-1/2"  3"    04-064-008  $24.14  04-065-008  $33.55
        9/64   1-5/8   3-1/4  04-064-009  21.86  04-065-009  23.72  APPLICATIONS:        FeATureS:
        5/32   1-5/8   3-1/4  04-064-010  28.96  04-065-010  36.13
        11/64  1-3/4   3-1/2  04-064-011  25.66  04-065-011  25.53  •  For hand resizing of drilled and bored   •  Blades are adjustable and move within
        3/16   1-3/4   3-1/2  04-064-012  25.80  04-065-012  36.13  holes to precise size diameters.  tapered slots in the reamer body.
        13/64  1-7/8   3-3/4  04-064-013  23.60  04-065-013  25.53  •  Produces very accurate holes in    •  To adjust these reamers the blades are
        7/32   1-7/8   3-3/4  04-064-014  31.23  04-065-014  38.75  a variety of normal ferrous and    moved within the slots by loosening the
        15/64  2       4     04-064-015  22.70  04-065-015  27.37  non-ferrous materials.  nut at one end and tightening the nut
        1/4    2       4     04-064-016  27.29  04-065-016  32.72  •  Used with either portable or    at the other.
        17/64  2-1/8   4-1/4  04-064-017  25.19  04-065-017  27.37  stationary machines.  •  Movement permits the reamer to be
        9/32   2-1/8   4-1/4  04-064-018  33.42  04-065-018  36.02  •  May be mounted in chucks, collets or   set to any desired diameter within the
        19/64  2-1/4   4-1/2  04-064-019  24.74  04-065-019  29.67  similar toolholders.  range of the size adjustment.
        5/16   2-1/4   4-1/2  04-064-020  29.83  04-065-020  36.02                       •  Adjustment feature allows reamer
        11/32  2-3/8   4-3/4  04-064-022  38.62  04-065-022  40.36                        to maintain a specific size by
        3/8    2-1/2   5     04-064-024  34.45  04-065-024  36.70  Additional Reamer Sets  compensating for wear.
        13/32  2-5/8   5-1/4  04-064-026  43.71  04-065-026  44.87
        7/16   2-3/4   5-1/2  04-064-028  42.93  04-065-028  44.87  Page 227             •  Can be re-ground & re-adjusted to size.
        15/32  2-7/8   5-3/4  04-064-030  47.61  04-065-030  39.69
        1/2    3       6     04-064-032  41.73  04-065-032  43.82
        17/32  3-1/8   6-1/4  04-064-034  54.86  04-065-034  56.50  model  ReAming  # of  oveRAll lengtH  oRdeR  pRiCe
        9/16   3-1/4   6-1/2  04-064-036  54.05  04-065-036  51.36  #    RAnge   BlAdeS  ReAmeR  BlAdeS  #    eACH
        19/32  3-3/8   6-3/4  04-064-038  59.71  04-065-038  60.29  8A  1/4" - 9/32"  4  3-1/2"  1-5/8"  04-150-800  $20.22
        5/8    3-1/2   7     04-064-040  52.49  04-065-040  60.29  7A  9/32 - 5/16  4  3-3/4  1-5/8  04-150-700  20.22
        21/32  3-11/16  7-3/8  04-064-042  58.87  04-065-042  65.94  6A  5/16 - 11/32  4  4  1-5/8  04-150-600  18.84
        11/16  3-7/8   7-3/4  04-064-044  63.57  04-065-044  65.94  5A  11/32 - 3/8  4  4-1/4  1-7/8  04-150-500  18.84
        23/32  4-1/16  8-1/8  04-064-046  69.53  04-065-046  69.70  4A  3/8 - 13/32  4  4-1/2  1-7/8  04-150-400  20.80
        3/4    4-3/16  8-3/8  04-064-048  61.53  04-065-048  69.70  3A  13/32 - 7/16  6  4-3/4  1-7/8  04-150-300  22.81
        25/32  4-3/8   8-3/4  04-064-050  75.97  04-065-050  75.88  2A  7/16 - 15/32  6  5   1-7/8  04-150-200  23.52
        13/16  4-9/16  9-1/8  04-064-052  75.97  04-065-052  75.88  A  15/32 - 17/32  6  5-1/4  2  04-150-001  24.07
        27/32  4-11/16  9-3/8  04-064-054  82.10  04-065-054  82.54  B  17/32 - 19/32  6  5-3/4  2  04-150-002  24.71
        7/8    4-7/8   9-3/4  04-064-056  82.10  04-065-056  82.54  C  19/32 - 21/32  7  6-1/4  2-1/4  04-150-003  26.62
        29/32  5       10    04-064-058  93.98  04-065-058  92.58  D  21/32 - 23/32  7  6-3/4  2-1/4  04-150-004  27.41
        15/16  5-1/8   10-1/4  04-064-060  87.02  04-065-060  88.37  E  23/32 - 25/32  7  7-1/4  2-1/2  04-150-005  27.94
        31/32  5-5/16  10-5/8  04-064-062  87.97  —      —      F    25/32 - 27/32  7  7-3/4  2-1/2  04-150-006  28.73
        1      5-7/16  10-7/8  04-064-064  90.48  04-065-064  92.62  G  27/32 - 15/16  7  8-1/4  3  04-150-007  30.64
        1-1/16  5-5/8  11-1/4  04-064-068  112.16  04-065-068  118.52  H  15/16 - 1-1/16  7  8-3/4  3  04-150-008  32.91
        1-1/8  5-13/16  11-5/8  04-064-072  123.48  04-065-072  124.55  I  1-1/16 - 1-3/16  7  10  3-1/2  04-150-009  43.53
        1-3/16  6      12    04-064-076  136.49  04-065-076  146.80  J  1-3/16 - 1-11/32  7  11  3-1/2  04-150-010  50.90
        1-1/4  6-1/8   12-1/4  04-064-080  141.65  04-065-080  145.94  K  1-11/32 - 1-1/2  7  12  4  04-150-011  62.80
        1-5/16  6-1/4  12-1/2  04-064-084  166.40  04-065-084  167.61  L  1-1/2 - 1-13/16  7  13  4  04-150-012  89.01
        1-3/8  6-5/16  12-5/8  04-064-088  175.90  04-065-088  177.54  M  1-13/16 - 2-7/32  7  15  5-1/4  04-150-013  118.92
        1-7/16  6-7/16  12-7/8  04-064-092  193.55  —    —      N    2-7/32 - 2-3/4  7  17   5-3/4  04-150-014  219.71
        1-1/2  6-1/2   13    04-064-096  207.65  04-065-096  198.89  O  2-3/4 - 3-11/32  7  19  6-1/2  04-150-015  328.55
                            Carbon Steel Adjustable Blade Reamers & Replacement Blade Sets

       REAmER                                                                        ReAmeRS      ReplACement BlAde SetS
                           APPLICATIONS:      model   ReAming   # of  _oveRAll lengtH_  oRdeR  pRiCe  model  oRdeR  pRiCe
                           •  Used where holes of   #  RAnge   BlAdeS ReAmeR  BlAdeS  #   eACH   #      #     peR Set
                            various sizes are needed   A  15/32" - 17/32"  6  5.62"  1.75"  04-151-001  $78.03  RB-A  04-151-151  $46.45
                            and are particularly useful   B  17/32 - 19/32  6  5.62  1.75  04-151-002  78.03  RB-B  04-151-152  46.45
       INCREASE REAmING CAPACITy  as maintenance items in   C  19/32 - 21/32  6  6.65  2.31  04-151-003  82.53  RB-C  04-151-153  49.15
                            the shop or field.  D  21/32 - 23/32  6  6.87  2.31  04-151-004  82.53  RB-D  04-151-154  49.15
                                               E   23/32 - 25/32  6  7.12  2.56  04-151-005  89.60  RB-E  04-151-155  53.33
                           FeATureS:           F   25/32 - 27/32  6  7.5   2.56  04-151-006  89.60  RB-F  04-151-156  53.33
                           •  Blades that adjust   G  27/32 - 15/16  6  8.12  2.75  04-151-007  96.25  RB-G  04-151-157  57.29
                            through their size range   H  15/16 - 1-1/16  6  9.12  3.37  04-151-008  102.48  RB-H  04-151-158  60.99
                            by loosening one nut and   I  1-1/16 - 1-3/16  6  10.25  3.37  04-151-009  118.11  RB-I  04-151-159  70.33
                            tightening the other.  J  1-3/16 - 1-11/32  6  11.25  3.75  04-151-010  141.71  RB-J  04-151-160  84.35
                           •  Blades are replaceable   K  1-11/32 - 1-17/32  6  12  4.18  04-151-011  177.48  RB-K  04-151-161  105.64
                            when tools are properly   L  1-17/32 - 1-25/32  6  14.25  4.56  04-151-012  252.77  RB-L  04-151-162  150.47
       REPLACEmENT bLADE SET  cared for.       M   1-25/32 - 2-3/32  6  16  5.25  04-151-013  349.02  RB-M 04-151-163  207.75
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