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P. 397

Carbide Tipped • TOOL BITS

          Carbide Tipped Tool Bits                                                           QuanTiTy Breaks:
                                                                                             On TTC Production Deduct 10% On
             Micro 100: one grade of carbide for                                             30 Pieces Or More With Same Order #
             all materials and applications
          APPLICATIONS:           FeATureS:
          TTC Production          •  Some applications may require
          •  C2: for cast iron & aluminum  edge preparation.
          •  C5/C6: for steel and steel alloys  TTC Production
          Micro 100 ®             •  Shank colors may vary.                                             STyLe AR - RIghT hAnd
          •  For all materials.   Micro 100 ®
                                  •  Supplied with bright finish shanks.  mIcRO 100 STyLe AR

           TooL  size  graDe C2  graDe C5/C6  priCe  orDer  priCe                                        STyLe AL - LefT hAnd
            #         orDer #  orDer #  eaCh   #     eaCh
          sTyLe ar - righT hanD
           AR4  1/4"  22-601-016 22-602-016  $3.84  21-100-050  $10.35
           AR5  5/16  22-601-020 22-602-020  3.84  21-100-052   10.54
           AR6  3/8  22-601-024 22-602-024  3.84  21-100-054   11.24  mIcRO 100 STyLe BR
           AR7  7/16  22-601-028 22-602-028  3.84  21-100-056   11.73                             STyLe BR - RIghT hAnd 15° AngLe
           AR8  1/2  22-601-032 22-602-032  5.02  21-100-058   12.08
           AR10  5/8  22-601-040 22-602-040  6.31  21-100-060   22.28
           AR12  3/4  22-601-048 22-602-048  9.05  21-100-062   31.09
           AR16  1   22-601-064 22-602-064  17.78  —   —
          sTyLe aL - LefT hanD
           AL4  1/4"  22-611-016 22-612-016  $3.84  21-100-070  $10.35                             STyLe BL - LefT hAnd 15° AngLe
           AL5  5/16  22-611-020 22-612-020  3.84  21-100-072   10.54  mIcRO 100 STyLe c
           AL6  3/8  22-611-024 22-612-024  3.84  21-100-074   11.24
           AL7  7/16  22-611-028 22-612-028  3.84  21-100-076   11.73
           AL8  1/2  22-611-032 22-612-032  5.02  21-100-078   12.08
           AL10  5/8  22-611-040 22-612-040  6.31  21-100-080   22.28
           AL12  3/4  22-611-048 22-612-048  9.05  21-100-082   31.09                                   STyLe c - SquARe nOSe
           AL16  1   22-611-064 22-612-064  17.78  —   —
          sTyLe Br - righT hanD 15° angLe
           BR4  1/4"  22-621-016 22-622-016  $3.84  —  —
           BR5  5/16  22-621-020 22-622-020  3.84  —   —   mIcRO 100 STyLe d
           BR6  3/8  22-621-024 22-622-024  3.84  21-100-094  $11.43
           BR7  7/16  22-621-028 22-622-028  3.84  —   —                                               STyLe d - POInTed nOSe
                                                                                                         80° IncLuded AngLe
           BR8  1/2  22-621-032 22-622-032  5.02  21-100-098   12.82
           BR10  5/8  22-621-040 22-622-040  6.31  21-100-100   22.92
           BR12  3/4  22-621-048 22-622-048  9.05  21-100-102   31.43
           BR16  1   22-621-064 22-622-064  19.54  —   —
          sTyLe BL - LefT hanD 15° angLe
           BL4  1/4"  22-631-016 22-632-016  $3.84  —  —                                              STyLe e - ThReAdIng TOOL
           BL5  5/16  22-631-020 22-632-020  3.84  —   —   mIcRO 100 STyLe e                             60° IncLuded AngLe
           BL6  3/8  22-631-024 22-632-024  3.84  21-100-114  $11.43
           BL7  7/16  22-631-028 22-632-028  3.84  —   —   Dimensions:
           BL8  1/2  22-631-032 22-632-032  5.02  21-100-118   12.82  righT hanD  LefT hanD   shank      Tip
           BL10  5/8  22-631-040 22-632-040  6.31  21-100-120   22.92    TooL #   TooL #   a   B   C   T   W   L   r
           BL12  3/4  22-631-048 22-632-048  9.05  21-100-122   31.43  AR-4  AL-4  1/4"  1/4"  2"  1/16"  3/16"  1/4"  1/64"
           BL16  1   22-631-064 22-632-064  19.54  —   —   AR-5     AL-5   5/16"  5/16"  2-1/4"  1/16"  1/4"  5/16"  1/64"
          sTyLe C - sQuare nose                            AR-6     AL-6   3/8"   3/8"  2-1/2"  1/8"  1/4"  3/8"  1/64"
           C4   1/4"  22-641-016 22-642-016  $3.84  21-100-130  $10.54  AR-7  AL-7  7/16"  7/16"  3"  1/8"  1/4"  7/16"  1/32"
           C5   5/16  22-641-020 22-642-020  3.84  21-100-132   11.43  AR-10  AL-10  5/8"  5/8"  4"  5/32"  3/8"  5/8"  1/32"
           C6   3/8  22-641-024 22-642-024  3.84  21-100-134   11.88  AR-12  AL-12  3/4"  3/4"  4-1/2"  3/16"  7/16"  3/4"  1/32"
           C7   7/16  22-641-028 22-642-028  3.84  —   —   BR-6     BL-6   3/8"   3/8"  2-1/2"  1/8"  1/4"  1/2"  1/64"
           C8   1/2  22-641-032 22-642-032  5.02  21-100-138   12.67  BR-7  BL-7  7/16"  7/16"  3"  1/8"  1/4"  1/2"  1/32"
           C10  5/8  22-641-040 22-642-040  6.31  21-100-140   25.34  BR-8  BL-8  1/2"  1/2"  3-1/2"  1/8"  1/4"  5/8"  1/32"
           C12  3/4  22-641-048 22-642-048  9.05  21-100-142   32.32  BR-10  BL-10  5/8"  5/8"  4"  5/32"  3/8"  3/4"  1/32"
           C16  1    22-641-064 22-642-064  17.78  —   —   BR-12    BL-12  3/4"   3/4"  4-1/2"  3/16"  7/16"  13/16"  1/32"
          sTyLe D - poinTeD nose 80° inCLuDeD angLe        C-4      —      1/4"   1/4"  2"     1/16"  1/4"  1/4"  —
           D4   1/4"  22-651-016 22-652-016  $3.84  21-100-150  $10.35  C-5  —  5/16"  5/16"  2-1/4"  1/16"  5/16"  5/16"  —
           D5   5/16  22-651-020 22-652-020  3.84  21-100-152   10.94  C-6  —  3/8"  3/8"  2-1/2"  1/8"  3/8"  3/8"  —
           D6   3/8  22-651-024 22-652-024  3.84  21-100-154   11.58  C-7  —  7/16"  7/16"  3"  1/8"  7/16"  7/16"  —
           D7   7/16  22-651-028 22-652-028  3.84  21-100-156   11.78  C-8  —  1/2"  1/2"  3-1/2"  1/8"  1/2"  1/2"  —
           D8   1/2  22-651-032 22-652-032  5.02  21-100-158   12.08  C-10  —  5/8"  5/8"  4"  5/32"  5/8"  5/8"  —
           D10  5/8  22-651-040 22-652-040  6.31  21-100-160   22.23  D-4  —  3/8"  3/8"  2-1/2"  1/8"  3/8"  1/2"  —
           D12  3/4  22-651-048 22-652-048  9.05  21-100-162   30.00  D-5  —  7/16"  7/16"  3"  1/8"  7/16"  1/2"  —
           D16  1    22-651-064 22-652-064  19.54  —   —   D-6      —      1/2"   1/2"  3-1/2"  1/8"  1/2"  5/8"  —
          sTyLe e - ThreaDing TooL 60° inCLuDeD angLe      D-7      —      5/8"   5/8"  4"     5/32"  5/8"  3/4"  —
           E4   1/4"  22-661-016 22-662-016  $3.84  —  —   D-8      —      3/4"   3/4"  4-1/2"  3/16"  3/4"  13/16"  —
           E5   5/16  22-661-020 22-662-020  3.84  21-100-172  $10.94  D-10  —  5/8"  5/8"  4"  5/32"  5/8"  5/8"  —
           E6   3/8  22-661-024 22-662-024  3.84  21-100-174   11.58  D-12  —  3/4"  3/4"  4-1/2"  3/16"  3/4"  13/16"  —
           E7   7/16  22-661-028 22-662-028  3.84  —   —   E-5      —      5/16"  5/16"  2-1/4"  3/32"  5/16"  3/8"  —
           E8   1/2  22-661-032 22-662-032  5.02  21-100-178   12.18  E-6  —  3/8"  3/8"  2-1/2"  3/32"  3/8"  1/2"  —
           E10  5/8  22-661-040 22-662-040  6.31  21-100-180   22.23  E-8  —  1/2"  1/2"  3-1/2"  1/8"  1/2"  1/2"  —
           E12  3/4  22-661-048 22-662-048  9.05  21-100-182   28.46  E-10  —  5/8"  5/8"  4"  5/32"  5/8"  5/8"  —
           E16  1    22-661-064 22-662-064  17.78  —   —   E-12     —      3/4"   3/4"  4-1/2"  3/16"  3/4"  3/4"  —
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