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P. 403

Hacksaw • BLADES

                     Bi-Metal Unique  Safe-Flex  Hand Hacksaw Blades
                         Blades cut faster &
                         last longer
                                       tEEtH    ordEr    PricE   BeNefITS:                  APPLICATIONS:
            LEngtH   WidtH   tHicknESS
                                      PEr incH   #       EacH    •  Blade fracture & breakage is    •  For high performance hand
             10"      1/2"    .024"     18   26-041-600  $2.05    greatly reduced.           hacksaw cutting.
             10"      1/2"    .024"     24   26-041-601  2.05    •  The cutting stroke produces dual chips
             12"      1/2"    .024"     18   26-041-603  2.05     that are easily removed from the cut.  feATureS:
             12"      1/2"    .024"     24   26-041-604  2.05    •  Process allows for more coolant    •  A patented solid state diffusion process
             12"      1/2"    .024"     32   26-041-605*  2.05    (if being used) to flow to the    produces the industry's most advanced
             12"      5/8"    .025"     14   26-041-606  8.03     cutting surface.           bi-metal hand hacksaw blade.
             12"      5/8"    .025"     18   26-041-607  8.03                               •  170% more high speed weld area.
          *Limited Supply.
                  Hacksaw Blades
                  Top Industrial Quality • Long Life
          •  High speed steel provide greater wear compared to carbon steel.
          •  Carbon steel for an economy blade for cutting mild steel and soft materials.
                                  tEEtH   ordEr  _____PricE EacH_____                    tEEtH   ordEr  _____PricE EacH_____
           LEngtH  WidtH  tHicknESS                               LEngtH  WidtH  tHicknESS
                                 PEr incH  #     1-9 PcS.  10+ PcS.                     PEr incH  #     1-9 PcS.  10+ PcS.
          HigH SPEEd StEEL                                       PoWEr BLadES - HigH SPEEd StEEL
            10"    1/2"   .025"    18   26-300-020  $1.20  $1.08   12"    5/8"   .032"   14    26-301-020  $5.93  $5.34
            10     1/2    .025     24   26-300-040  1.20  1.08     12     1      .050    10    26-301-060  6.12  5.51
            10     1/2    .025     32   26-300-060  1.31  1.18     12     1      .050    14    26-301-080  6.12  5.51
            12     1/2    .025     14   26-300-100  1.33  1.20     14     1      .050    10    26-301-100  7.02  6.32
            12     1/2    .025     18   26-300-120  1.33  1.20     14     1      .050    14    26-301-120  7.02  6.32
            12     1/2    .025     24   26-300-140  1.33  1.20     14     1-1/4  .062    6     26-301-140  10.26  9.23
            12     1/2    .025     32   26-300-160  1.33  1.20     14     1-1/4  .062    10    26-301-160  10.26  9.23
          carBon StEEL                                             17     1      .050    10    26-301-200  9.35  8.42
            10"    1/2"   .025"    18   26-302-020  $.44  $.40     17     1      .050    14    26-301-220  8.49  7.64
            10     1/2    .025     24   26-302-040  .44    .40     17     1-1/4  .062    4     26-301-240  13.39  12.05
            10     1/2    .025     32   26-302-060  .44    .40     17     1-1/4  .062    6     26-301-260  12.17  10.95
            12     1/2    .025     14   26-302-100  .46    .41     17     1-1/4  .062    10    26-301-280  12.17  10.95
            12     1/2    .025     18   26-302-120  .42    .38     18     1-1/4  .062    6     26-301-320  13.97  12.57
            12     1/2    .025     24   26-302-140  .42    .38     18     1-1/4  .062    10    26-301-340  12.69  11.42
            12     1/2    .025     32   26-302-160  .42    .38     18     1-1/2  .075    4     26-301-360  17.18  15.46
                                                                   18     1-1/2  .075    6     26-301-380  17.18  15.46
                                                                   18     1-3/4  .088    4     26-301-420  24.19  21.77
                     Bi-Metal Edge Power Hacksaw Blades
                     High Speed Steel
                        Handles irregular shapes and
                        interrupted cuts with ease
                                      PinHoLE  t.P.i./  ordEr  PricE
            LEngtH   WidtH   tHicknESS
                                      diaMEtEr  25mm  #    EacH
          12" (300mm) 1-1/8" (28.6mm) .050" (1.25mm) .335" (8.5mm)  10  26-041-278 $16.40
          12 (300mm) 1-1/8 (28.6mm) .050 (1.25mm) .335" (8.5mm)  14  26-041-279  16.40
          14 (350mm) 1-1/8 (28.6mm) .050 (1.25mm) .335" (8.5mm)  10  26-041-280  19.14
          14 (350mm) 1-1/8 (28.6mm) .050 (1.25mm) .335" (8.5mm)  14  26-041-281  19.14
          14 (350mm) 1-3/8 (35mm)  .062 (1.6mm)  .335" (8.5mm)  6  26-041-282  23.24
          14 (350mm) 1-3/8 (35mm)  .062 (1.6mm)  .335" (8.5mm)  10  26-041-283  23.24
          14 (350mm) 1-5/8 (41mm)  .075 (2mm)  .413" (10.5mm) 6  26-041-284  28.43  APPLICATIONS:  feATureS:
          17 (425mm) 1-3/8 (35mm)  .062 (1.6mm)  .335" (8.5mm)  6  26-041-286  23.47  •  For tough materials and conditions   •  Tough alloy steel back resists
          17 (425mm) 1-3/8 (35mm)  .062 (1.6mm)  .335" (8.5mm)  10  26-041-287  23.47  of all types.  breakage when used under less
          18 (450mm) 1-3/8 (35mm)  .062 (1.6mm)  .413" (10.5mm) 6  26-041-288  25.02         than ideal conditions.
          18 (450mm) 1-3/8 (35mm)  .062 (1.6mm)  .413" (10.5mm) 10  26-041-289  25.02
          18 (450mm) 1-5/8 (41mm)  .075 (2mm)  .413" (10.5mm) 4  26-041-290  34.10          •  The cutting edge of high-speed
          18 (450mm) 1-5/8 (41mm)  .075 (2mm)  .413" (10.5mm) 6  26-041-291  34.10           steel gives it unparalleled
          18 (450mm) 1-7/8 (48mm)  .088 (2.25mm) .413" (10.5mm) 4  26-041-292  41.18         cutting efficiency.
          18 (450mm) 1-7/8 (48mm)  .088 (2.25mm) .413" (10.5mm) 6  26-041-293  41.18
          21 (525mm) 1-7/8 (48mm)  .088 (2.25mm) .413" (10.5mm) 4  26-041-294  48.87
          21 (525mm) 1-7/8 (48mm)  .088 (2.25mm) .413" (10.5mm) 6  26-041-295  48.87
          24 (600mm) 2-1/8 (54mm)  .100 (2.50mm) .413" (10.5mm) 3  26-041-296  74.79
          24 (600mm) 2-1/8 (54mm)  .100 (2.50mm) .413" (10.5mm) 4  26-041-297  74.79
                     10" Bi-Metal Hand Hacksaw Blade

          •  Bi-Metal blades last twice as long as conventional high speed steel blades.
                                       tEEtH    ordEr    PricE
            LEngtH   WidtH   tHicknESS
                                      PEr incH   #       EacH
             10"      1/2"    .025"     24    26-300-018  $.79   ♦  Limited Supply.
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