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P. 600

MIL-TEC • Milling Face Mills, Inserts & Sets

             Indexable Milling Cutters & Freedom Sets
             Versatile Toolholders Can Accept 3 Different Insert Shapes

                                                                  Benefits:                  APPlicAtiOns:
                                                                  •  One body uses a square, round and   SS Supershear Inserts
                                                                   octagon insert.           •  High positive grind for high
                                                                  •  Positive geometry for free cutting with   shear and free cutting.
                                                                   less horsepower required.  •  Ideal in aluminum and
                                                                  •  Ground inserts for precision, accuracy   light alloys.
                                                                   and sharp cutting edges.  PS Powershear Inserts
                                                                                             •  Medium dish for all material:
                                                                  includes:                   steel, stainless, titanium, exotics
                                                                  Freedom Shell Mill Sets     and aluminum.
                                                                  •  (1) Body.               •  Ideal for lower and medium
       shell mill style                                           •  (10) Carbide inserts.    horsepower machines.
       cUtter boDy                                                R8 Shank Sets              NP Neg/Pos Inserts
                                                                  •  (1) R8 shank cutter body.  •  The workhorse of inserts.
                         shell mill set                           •  (3) Inserts.            •  Heavy feed rates and
                                                                                              longer tool life.
                                                                                             •  High horsepower may be
                                                                                              required for best results.
                      FreedoM Shell MIll SetS         oCtAGon InSert         SQuAre InSert*         round InSert
                            hole KeYwAY overAll  # oF
       ApplICAtIon    CuttInG  SIze  Slot  heIGht InSertS  Model  order  prICe  Model  order  prICe  Model  order  prICe
       InSert GuIde:  dIAMeter  B  K   h  reQuIred  #       #    per Set  #       #    per Set  #       #     per Set
       octagon        SS For AluMInuM & non-FerrouS AlloYS
       •  The octagon   2"  0.750" 0.312" 1.725"  4  KT-SS45L-2 24-288-000 $340.56 KT-SS032-2 24-288-006 $340.56 KT-SS312-2 24-288-012 $340.56
         insert offers    3  1.25  0.500  1.875  5  KT-SS45L-3 24-288-002  461.40 KT-SS032-3 24-288-008  461.40 KT-SS312-3 24-288-014  461.40
         (8) cutting edges.
       •  The 45° lead   4  1.50  0.625  1.875  6  KT-SS45L-4 24-288-004  560.27 KT-SS032-4 24-288-010  560.27 KT-SS312-4 24-288-016  560.27
         angle is the    pS (GenerAl purpoSe) Steel / StAInleSS
         1st choice for   2"  0.750" 0.312" 1.725"  4  KT-PS45L-2 24-288-018 $340.56 KT-PS032-2 24-288-024 $340.56 KT-PS312-2 24-288-030 $340.56
         face milling.  3   1.25  0.500  1.875  5  KT-PS45L-3 24-288-020  461.40 KT-PS032-3 24-288-026  461.40 KT-PS312-3 24-288-032  461.40
       square           4   1.50  0.625  1.875  6  KT-PS45L-4 24-288-022  560.27 KT-PS032-4 24-288-028  560.27 KT-PS312-4 24-288-034  560.27
       •  The square insert   np (heAvY MIllInG) Steel / StAInleSS
         is available with   2"  0.750" 0.312" 1.725"  4  KT-NP45L-2 24-288-036 $340.56 KT-NP032-2 24-288-042 $340.56 KT-NP312-2 24-288-048 $340.56
         (9) different radius   3  1.25  0.500  1.875  5  KT-NP45L-3 24-288-038  461.40 KT-NP032-3 24-288-044  461.40 KT-NP312-3 24-288-050  461.40
         conditions.    4   1.50  0.625  1.875  6  KT-NP45L-4 24-288-040  560.27 KT-NP032-4 24-288-046  560.27 KT-NP312-4 24-288-052  560.27
       •  The “90” series   *All square inserts come with a .032" radius. Other radii are available upon special request.
         insert can mill a
         true 90° shoulder.  r8 ShAnK SetS        oCtAGon InSert          SQuAre InSert*           round InSert
       round                          # oF
       •  The round insert    CuttInG  overAll  InSertS  Model  order  prICe  Model  order  prICe  Model  order  prICe
         is ideal for   dIAMeter  lenGth  reQuIred  #   #     per Set  #        #     per Set  #        #     per Set
         contour milling.
       •  It is also the   SS For AluMInuM & non-FerrouS AlloYS
         strongest insert   1-1/2"  6.250"  3  KT-SS45L-R8 24-288-054 $322.15 KT-SS032-R8 24-288-056 $322.15 KT-SS312-R8 24-288-058 $322.15
         and thins the chip   pS (GenerAl purpoSe) Steel / StAInleSS
         over a larger area.  1-1/2"  6.250"  3  KT-PS45L-R8 24-288-060 $322.15 KT-PS032-R8 24-288-062 $322.15 KT-PS312-R8 24-288-064 $322.15
                      *All square inserts come with a .032" radius.  Other radii are available upon special request.

                  octagon            sQUare             roUnD
                  inserts            inserts            inserts
                                                                       Cutter BodIeS
       replACeMent InSertS - Sold In 10 pIeCe InCreMentS onlY          CuttInG ShAnK overAll  # oF  Model  order  prICe
                InSert        CoAtInG  CuttInG  ApplICAtIon  order  prICe  dIA.  SIze  lenGth  reQuIred  #  #  eACh
                  #                   edGe                  #     eACh
       oCtAGon InSertS                                                 ShAnK StYle
        SS45L-MTC322         TiB2   Edge Prep Aluminum  24-288-066 $18.65  1-1/4" 0.750" 4.00"  2  FC-1.25-2-6 24-288-100 $164.79
        SS45L-MTC20          Uncoated Up Sharp  Aluminum  24-288-068  17.37  1-1/2  0.750  4.00  3 4  FC-1.50-3-6 24-288-102  208.73
        PS45L-MTC357         TiAlN  Edge Prep Steel / Stainless  24-288-070  18.65
        PS45L-MTC357A2       TiAlN  Hone    Steel / Stainless  24-288-072  18.65  r8 ShAnK
        PS45L-MTC51          Uncoated Edge Prep Steel / Stainless  24-288-074  17.37  1-1/2" R8  6.250"  3  FC-1.5-3R8 24-288-106 $219.71
        NP45L-MTC357         TiAlN  Edge Prep Steel / Stainless  24-288-076  18.65  Shell MIll StYle Cutter BodIeS
        NP45L-MTC357A2       TiAlN  Hone    Steel / Stainless  24-288-078  18.65
        NPU45L-MTC357A2 (Utility Grade)  TiAlN  Hone  Steel / Stainless  24-288-080  18.65  CuttInG  hole KeYwAY overAll  # oF   Model  order  prICe
        MSU45L-MTC317A2 (Mag-Na-Shear)  TiAlN  Hone  Stainless / Exotics 24-288-082  18.65  dIA.  SIze  Slot  heIGht InSertS  #  #  eACh
       SQuAre InSertS                                                         B   K    h  reQuIred
        SS032-MTC322         TiB2   Edge Prep Aluminum  24-288-084 $18.65  2"  0.750" 0.312" 1.725"  4  FC-2-4 24-288-108 $241.68
        SA90032-MTC20 (90º shoulder)  Uncoated Up Sharp  Aluminum  24-288-086  17.37  3  1.250 0.500  1.875  5  FC-3-5 24-288-110  379.00
        PS032-MTC357         TiAlN  Edge Prep Steel / Stainless  24-288-088  18.65  4  1.500 0.625  1.875  6  FC-4-6 24-288-112  494.36
        PS90032-MTC357 (90º shoulder) TiAlN  Edge Prep Steel / Stainless  24-288-090  18.65  6  1.500 0.625  1.950  8  FC-6-8 24-288-114  681.11
        NP032-MTC357         TiAlN  Edge Prep Steel / Stainless  24-288-092  18.65
       round InSertS                                                   SpAre pArtS
        SS312-MTC322         TiB2   Edge Prep Aluminum  24-288-094 $18.65  deSCrIptIon  pKG.  Model    order  prICe per
        PS312-MTC357         Uncoated Up Sharp  Steel / Stainless  24-288-096  18.65  QtY.      #        #    pACKAGe
        NP312-MTC357         TiAlN  Edge Prep Steel / Stainless  24-288-098  18.65  Screws  12  FCS10-32T  24-288-116 $21.74
       *All square inserts come with a .032" radius. Other radii are available upon special request.  Torx  Wrenches  10  FCW-125T  24-288-118  21.74
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