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P. 743

Lathe Chucks • TURNING

                       4 Jaw Independent Lathe Chucks                    4 Jaw Independent Lathe Chucks
                       With Hardened Reversible Jaws                     With Hardened Reversible Jaws

          Features:                                              Features:
          •  Jaws are individually adjustable, allowing firm gripping    •  Jaws are individually adjustable, allowing firm
           of odd shaped work.                                    gripping of odd shaped work.
          •  (4) Jaws allow a square component to be centered    •  (4) Jaws allow a square component to be perfectly
           to the chuck, achieving maximum gripping force.        centered to the chuck while achieving maximum
          •  Chuck bodies are semi-steel.                         gripping force.
          •  Hardened high quality carbon steel jaws.            •  Chuck bodies are semi-steel.
          •  Case hardened steel thrust bearings and operating screws.  •  Jaws are made of high quality carbon steel
                                                                  and hardened.
             ChuCk     SPIndLe    APPRoxImAte   oRdeR    PRICe   •  Thrust bearings and operating screws are made
             SIze                   WeIght        #      eACh     of case hardened steel.
          CAmLoCk SPIndLeS “d1” SeRIeS (dIReCt mountIng)         •  Made in Poland.
              8"       D1-4         39 lbs.   63-722-010  $432.99
              8        D1-5         39        63-722-012  432.99
              10       D1-4         60        63-722-015  569.99
              10       D1-5         60        63-722-020†  569.99
              10       D1-6         60        63-722-025  569.99   ChuCk             APPRoxImAte   oRdeR       PRICe
              12       D1-6         86        63-722-030†  747.99   SIze    SPIndLe    WeIght        #         eACh
              12       D1-8         100       63-722-035†  747.99  CAmLoCk SPIndLeS “d1” SeRIeS (dIReCt mountIng)
              16       D1-6         176       63-722-040†  1,069.99
              16       D1-8         176       63-722-045†  1,069.99  8"     D1-3       39 lbs.    63-322-005  $777.29
              16       D1-11        176       63-722-050†  1,069.99  8      D1-4       39         63-322-010   770.89
          ShoRt tAPeR SPIndLeS “A2” SeRIeS (dIReCt mountIng)        8       D1-5       39         63-322-012   797.99
              8"       A2-5         36 lbs.   63-724-005†  $432.99  10      D1-4       60         63-322-015   934.19
              10       A2-5         60        63-724-015†  569.99   10      D1-6       60         63-322-025   954.99
              10       A2-6         60        63-724-020†  569.99   12      D1-6       86         63-322-030  1,213.39
              10       A2-8         60        63-724-025†  569.99   12      D1-8       100        63-322-035  1,254.39
              12       A2-6         89        63-724-035†  747.99   16      D1-6       176        63-322-040  1,639.49
              12       A2-8         89        63-724-040†  747.99   16      D1-8       176        63-322-045  1,639.49
              16       A2-6         176       63-724-045†  1,069.99  16     D1-11      176        63-322-050  1,639.49
              16       A2-8         176       63-724-050†  1,069.99  ShoRt tAPeR SPIndLeS “A2” SeRIeS (dIReCt mountIng)
              16       A2-11        176       63-724-055†  1,069.99
          PLAIn BACk (IndIReCt mountIng)                            8"      A2-5       36 lbs.    63-324-005  $775.29
              6"       1.65"        18 lbs.   63-718-004†  $296.99  8 10    A2-6       36         63-324-010   775.29
              8        1.97         29        63-718-005†  341.99   10      A2-6       60         63-324-020   924.99
              10       2.56         55        63-718-010†  455.99   12      A2-5       89         63-324-030  1,168.29
              12       3.15         66        63-718-015†  595.99   12      A2-6       89         63-324-035  1,168.29
              16       3.94         150       63-718-020†  821.99   12      A2-8       89         63-324-040  1,168.29
              20       4.93         308       63-718-025†  1,429.99  16     A2-6       176        63-324-045  1,724.89
              25       6.30         357       63-718-030†  2,938.99  16     A2-8       176        63-324-050  1,724.89
              32       7.87         637       63-718-035†  4,999.99
          †Ships direct from factory. Truck ship only.              16      A2-11      176        63-324-055  1,724.89
                                                                 Long tAPeR SPIndLeS “L” SeRIeS (dIReCt mountIng)
                     4 Jaw Plain Back                               8"      L00        36 lbs.    63-320-005  $986.29
                     Independent Chucks                             10      L00        62         63-320-015  1,129.69
          Features:            Includes:                            10      L1         62         63-320-025  1,129.89
          •  Cast iron body.   •  (1) Set mounting                  12      L0         90         63-320-035  1,461.59
          •  (1) Set solid reversible jaws.  screws.                12      L1         90         63-320-040  1,461.59
          •  Heat treated operating screws. •  (1) Chuck wrench.    12      L2         90         63-320-045  1,461.59
          •  Requires chuck plate.                                  16      L1         166        63-320-055  2,197.79
                                                                    16      L2         166        63-320-060  2,197.79
          [V204C]                                                PLAIn BACk (IndIReCt mountIng)
          ChuCk APPRox. BoLt APPRox.  thRu  Body  JAW  APPRox.  oRdeR  PRICe  6"  1.65"  18 lbs.  63-318-004  $1,045.89
           SIze  hoLe CIRCLe  ReCeSS  hoLe  thICk  heIght WeIght  #  eACh  8  1.97     29         63-318-005   689.29
           6"  5-23/32" 5-1/8"  1-1/2" 2-9/16" 1-3/16" 23 lbs. 63-324-106 $136.49  10  2.56  55   63-318-010   788.99
           8   4-9/64  4-15/16 1-15/16 3  1-3/8  38  63-324-108  177.79  12  3.15      66         63-318-015  1,104.99
           10  4-3/4  3-15/16 2-1/2  3-1/4  1-3/8  56  63-324-110  229.99  16  3.94    150        63-318-020  1,495.29
           12  6-1/2  5-1/2  3-3/4  3-1/2  1-3/4  95  63-324-112  369.99  20  4.93     308        63-318-025  2,409.99
           16  8-5/16  7-1/8  3-1/2  3-3/4  2  165  63-324-116  462.79  25  6.30       357        63-318-030  3,273.99
           20  9-1/4  7-1/8  6-1/4  4-1/8  2-1/8  225  63-324-120  784.99  32  7.87    637        63-318-035  6,183.89
                     Soft Jaw Anti-Backlash Ring Set
                     For Pre-Loading Chuck Jaws
                        Valuable time saver for your
                        lathes and turning centers
          •  Set consists of complete set of (48) rings and wooden rack.
          •  Black oxide finish.
                 SIze                   modeL    oRdeR   PRICe
                RAnge         WeIght      #        #     PeR Set
           1" to 3-15/16" by 1/16"  17 lbs.  WABR-25  63-152-025  $368.39
   738   739   740   741   742   743   744   745   746   747   748