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P. 751

Mandrels & Arbors • TURNING

                     Expanding Mandrels & Sets

          ExpAnDinG MAnDrEL SEtS
               SizE       nuMBEr       MODEL      OrDEr   pricE
              rAnGE      Of MAnDrELS     #         #     pEr SEt
             1/2" - 1"      5         EXM-15    69-300-915  $259.99
             1 - 2          3         EXM-68    69-300-968  349.99
             1/2 - 2        8         EXM-18    69-300-918  579.99
          ExpAnDinG MAnDrELS
             SizE    LEnGtH  LEnGtH Of  SLEEvES  MODEL  OrDEr  pricE  Features:
             rAnGE  Of ArBOr  SLEEvE  furniSHED  #  #     EAcH   •  Made of high grade tool steel.  •  Sizes up to 1" capacity are furnished
          1/2" - 9/16"  5"  2-1/2"    1   EXM-1  69-300-001  $53.99  •  Precision ground and heat treated    with 1 sleeve: larger sizes are furnished
          9/16 - 21/32  6   2-3/4     1   EXM-2  69-300-002  58.99  for maximum concentricity and    with 2 sleeves (1 large and 1 small)
          21/32 - 3/4  7    2-3/4     1   EXM-3  69-300-003  61.89  holding power.          •  Arbors are tapered, sleeves are flexible
          3/4 - 7/8  7      3-1/4     1   EXM-4  69-300-004  69.99  •  Center holes are ground and lapped.  and size is obtained by moving sleeve
          7/8 - 1    7      3-1/4     1   EXM-5  69-300-005  82.49  •  The automatic expansion feature can   along arbor.
          1 - 1-1/4  9      4         2   EXM-6  69-300-006  132.79  be utilized on any bore (standard or   •  A range from 1/2" thru 2" by 1/1000"
          1-1/4 - 1-1/2  9  4         2   EXM-7  69-300-007  145.79  non-standard) within the range of    can be covered by a total of 8 mandrels.
          1-1/2 - 2  11-1/2  5        2   EXM-8  69-300-008  172.49  the mandrel.
                  Lathe And OD Grinder Mandrels
                  Designed For Setting-Up Accurately Bored Or Reamed Blanks And Castings

          •  Standard taper: .0005" per 1"  •  Sizes 1-1/16" to 3" are .001" undersize
          •  Sizes under 1" are .0005" undersize on   on smaller end.
           smaller end.              •  Hardened and ground.

          [SeRieS: LM-199]           [SeRieS: LM-199]           [SeRieS: LM-199]            [SeRieS: LM-199]
                OvErALL  OrDEr  pricE       OvErALL  OrDEr  pricE      OvErALL  OrDEr  pricE      OvErALL  OrDEr  pricE
          DiAMEtEr                   DiAMEtEr                    DiAMEtEr                   DiAMEtEr
                 LEnGtH  #     EAcH         LEnGtH  #      EAcH        LEnGtH   #     EAcH        LEnGtH   #     EAcH
          1/8"  2-1/2"  69-310-008  $9.49  9/16"  5-1/4"  69-310-036 $13.99  1"  7"  69-310-064 $21.49  1-7/8"  10-1/2" 69-310-120 $64.79
          5/32  3     69-310-010  9.99  19/32  5-1/2  69-310-038  13.99  1-1/16  7-1/4  69-310-068  27.59  1-15/16 10-3/4  69-310-124  71.39
          3/16  3     69-310-012  9.99  5/8  5-1/2  69-310-040  13.99  1-1/8  7-1/2  69-310-072  27.59  2  11  69-310-128  71.39
          7/32  3-3/4  69-310-014  10.29  21/32  5-3/4  69-310-042  15.29  1-3/16  7-3/4  69-310-076  31.99  2-1/8  11-1/2  69-310-136  79.59
          1/4   3-3/4  69-310-016  10.29  11/16  5-3/4  69-310-044  15.29  1-1/4  8  69-310-080  31.99  2-1/4  12  69-310-144  87.39
          9/32  4     69-310-018  10.49  23/32  6  69-310-046  15.49  1-5/16  8-1/4  69-310-084  38.79  2-3/8  12  69-310-152  94.89
          5/16  4     69-310-020  10.49  3/4  6  69-310-048  15.49  1-3/8  8-1/2  69-310-088  38.79  2-1/2  12-1/2  69-310-160 104.89
          11/32  4-1/4  69-310-022  10.49  25/32  6-1/4  69-310-050  18.59  1-7/16  8-3/4  69-310-092  45.39  2-5/8  12-1/2  69-310-168 121.89
          3/8   4-1/4  69-310-024  10.49  13/16  6-1/4  69-310-052  18.59  1-1/2  9  69-310-096  45.39  2-3/4  13  69-310-176 129.99
          13/32  4-1/2  69-310-026  11.69  27/32  6-1/2  69-310-054  18.59  1-9/16  9-1/4  69-310-100  51.49  2-7/8  13  69-310-184 139.99
          7/16  4-1/2  69-310-028  11.69  7/8  6-1/2  69-310-056  18.59  1-5/8  9-1/2  69-310-104  51.49  3  13  69-310-192 158.99
          15/32  5    69-310-030  12.29  29/32  6-3/4  69-310-058  21.49  1-11/16 9-3/4  69-310-108  57.59
          1/2   5     69-310-032  12.29  15/16  6-3/4  69-310-060  21.49  1-3/4  10  69-310-112  57.59
          17/32  5-1/4  69-310-034  13.99  31/32  7  69-310-062  21.49  1-13/16 10-1/4  69-310-116  64.79
                                Hand-E Expanding Arbors & Set                        Bent tail Lathe Dogs

          Features:                                                         aPPLICatIONs:
          •  After placing in your machine and expanding the arbor,         •  Drives the shaft when you are turning
           you can machine the arbor to the precise diameter and             between centers on a lathe.
           length for your job.
                                                                            •  With square head screw.

          inDiviDuAL ArBOrS
                      OrDEr   pricE
                        #     EAcH                                          [P7]
             1/4"    69-310-901  $13.79                          Model #P-1630  cApAcity  MODEL  OrDEr  pricE
             3/8     69-310-902  14.99                                              #      #     EAcH
             1/2     69-310-903  16.99  OpErAtiOn:                           1/2"   2  55-250-002  $10.69
             5/8     69-310-904  17.49  •  Chuck arbor in machine to be used.  3/4  3  55-250-003  12.79
             3/4     69-310-905  18.99  •  Tighten expanding screw so that arbor expands .005".  1  4  55-250-004  15.99
             7/8     69-310-906  19.99  •  Machine arbor to length and size required.  1-1/4  5  55-250-005  17.99
             1       69-310-907  22.99  •  Loosen expanding screw.           1-1/2  6  55-250-006  19.99
             1-1/4   69-310-908  26.99  •  Position part on arbor and tighten expanding screw.   1-3/4  7  55-250-007  24.99
                                                                             2      8  55-250-008  27.79
          8 piEcE SEt                                                        2-1/2  9  55-250-009  36.79
                                                    MODEL    OrDEr   pricE   3      10  55-250-010  44.69
                                                      #        #    pEr SEt  4      12  55-250-012  62.99
          (8) Sizes: 1/4" to 1-1/4" arbors with alloy wrenches in a handy   P-1630  69-310-900  $99.99  5  13  55-250-013  69.99
          wooden stand                                                       6      14  55-250-014  79.99
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