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P. 758

TURNING • Toolholder Bushings

                     Precision CNC "J" Toolholder Bushings

                     APPLICATIONS:                                   FeATureS:
                     •  Designed for use on all NC and CNC           •  Designed with two set screw clearance holes for
                      turning machines.                               direct tool clamping for the positive alignment of
                                                                      the tool cutting edge.
                                                                     •  Heat treated and precision ground.
                                                                     •  ISO 9001/2000 certified.
                        BushiNg    Bore      LeNgTh uNDer heaD  mouNTiNg hoLe DisTaNCe  hoLe  LeNgTh  orDer   PriCe
                        DiameTer    siZe    To CeNTer of firsT hoLe  CeNTer To CeNTer  siZe  uNDer heaD  #    eaCh
                        1"         1/2"          7/16"             7/8"           5/8"      1-3/4"  76-000-451  $34.99
                        1"         5/8"          7/16"             7/8"           5/8"      1-3/4"  76-000-452  34.99
                        1-1/4"     3/8"          5/8"              1"             3/4"      2-1/8"  76-000-453  34.99
                        1-1/4"     1/2"          5/8"              1"             3/4"      2-1/8"  76-000-454  34.99
                        1-1/4"     5/8"          5/8"              1"             3/4"      2-1/8"  76-000-455  34.99
                        1-1/4"     3/4"          5/8"              1"             3/4"      2-1/8"  76-000-456  34.99
                        1-1/4"     1"            5/8"              1"             3/4"      2-1/8"  76-000-457  34.99
                        2-1/2"     3/8"          11/16"            1-1/8"         7/8"      2-1/2"  76-000-458  38.19
                        2-1/2"     1/2"          11/16"            1-1/8"         7/8"      2-1/2"  76-000-459  38.19
                        2-1/2"     5/8"          11/16"            1-1/8"         7/8"      2-1/2"  76-000-460  38.19
                        2-1/2"     3/4"          11/16"            1-1/8"         7/8"      2-1/2"  76-000-461  38.19
                        2-1/2"     1"            11/16"            1-1/8"         7/8"      2-1/2"  76-000-462  38.19
                        2-1/2"     1-1/4"        11/16"            1-1/8"         7/8"      2-1/2"  76-000-463  38.19
                     Precision CNC "C" Toolholder Bushings

                     APPLICATIONS:                                   FeATureS:
                     •  Designed for use on all NC and CNC turning machines.  •  Long slot for direct tool clamping for the positive
                     •  Can be used for a variety of set screw configurations.  alignment of the tool cutting edge.
                                                                     •  Heat treated and precision ground.
                                                                     •  ISO 9001/2000 certified.
                      BushiNg  Bore  LeNgTh  heaD  LeNgTh  orDer  PriCe  BushiNg  Bore  LeNgTh  heaD  LeNgTh  orDer  PriCe
                      DiameTer  siZe  of sLoT ThiCkNess uNDer heaD  #  eaCh  DiameTer  siZe  of sLoT ThiCkNess uNDer heaD  #  eaCh
                      3/4"  3/8"  1-1/2"  0.1693"  2"  76-000-413  $39.39  1-1/2"  1/2"  3"  0.1260"  3-3/8"  76-000-425  $42.99
                      3/4"  1/2"  1-1/2"  0.1693"  2"  76-000-414  39.39  1-1/2"  5/8"  3"  0.1260"  3-3/8"  76-000-426  42.99
                      1"    3/8"  2-3/8"  0.1319"  2-3/4"  76-000-415  39.39  1-1/2"  3/4"  3"  0.1260"  3-3/8"  76-000-427  42.99
                      1"    1/2"  2-3/8"  0.1319"  2-3/4"  76-000-416  39.39  1-1/2"  1"  3"  0.1260"  3-3/8"  76-000-428  42.99
                      1"    5/8"  2-3/8"  0.1319"  2-3/4"  76-000-417  39.39  1-1/2"  1-1/4" 3-5/8"  0.1319"  4"  76-000-429  42.99
                      1"    3/4"  2-3/8"  0.1319"  2-3/4"  76-000-418  39.39  2"  1/2"  3-5/8"  0.1319"  4"  76-000-430  57.29
                      1-1/4"  3/8"  2-3/4"  0.1496"  3-1/4"  76-000-419  39.39  2"  3/4"  3-5/8"  0.1319"  4"  76-000-431  57.29
                      1-1/4"  1/2"  2-3/4"  0.1496"  3-1/4"  76-000-420  39.39  2"  1"  3-5/8"  0.1319"  4"  76-000-432  57.29
                      1-1/4"  5/8"  2-3/4"  0.1496"  3-1/4"  76-000-421  39.39  2"  1-1/4" 3-5/8"  0.1319"  4"  76-000-433  57.29
                      1-1/4"  3/4"  2-3/4"  0.1496"  3-1/4"  76-000-422  39.39  2"  1-1/2" 3-5/8"  0.1319"  4"  76-000-434  57.29
                      1-1/4"  1"  2-3/4"  0.1496"  3-1/4"  76-000-423  39.39  2-1/2"  1-1/2" 4-1/8"  0.1457"  4-1/2"  76-000-435  71.59
                      1-1/2"  3/8"  3"  0.1260"  3-3/8"  76-000-424  42.99  2-1/2"  2"  4-1/8"  0.1457"  4-1/2"  76-000-436  71.59
                      Precision CNC "Z" Toolholder Bushings

                     •  Designed for use on all NC and CNC turning machines.
                                                               BushiNg  Bore   LeNgTh  heaD   LeNgTh  orDer   PriCe
                     FeATureS:                                 DiameTer  siZe  of sLoT  ThiCkNess  uNDer heaD  #  eaCh
                     •  Designed with a long slot and tow set screws in the   1-1/4"  3/8"  2-5/8"  5/8"  3"  76-000-464  $61.89
                      bushing head.                             1-1/4"  1/2"   2-5/8"  5/8"   3"    76-000-465  61.89
                     •  Provide improved rigidity and reduced chatter.  1-1/4"  5/8"  2-5/8"  5/8"  3"  76-000-466  61.89
                     •  Heat treated and precision ground.      1-1/4"  3/4"   2-5/8"  5/8"   3"    76-000-467  61.89
                     •  ISO 9001/2000 certified.                1-1/4"  1"     2-5/8"  5/8"   3"    76-000-468  61.89
                                                                1-1/2"  3/8"   2-7/8"  3/4"   3-1/4"  76-000-469  74.99
                                                                1-1/2"  1/2"   2-7/8"  3/4"   3-1/4"  76-000-470  74.99
                                                                1-1/2"  5/8"   2-7/8"  3/4"   3-1/4"  76-000-471  74.99
                                                                1-1/2"  3/4"   2-7/8"  3/4"   3-1/4"  76-000-472  74.99
                                                                1-1/2"  1"     2-7/8"  3/4"   3-1/4"  76-000-473  74.99
                                                                1-1/2"  1-1/4"  2-7/8"  3/4"  3-1/4"  76-000-474  74.99
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