Page 811 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 811

Collets • MILLING

                  Single Angle TG Collets

          •  The flex collets are interchangeable with Erickson T.G. collets & other popular makes.
          •  T.G. 100 sizes: 3/32" thru 1" by 64ths
          •  T.G. 150 sizes: 1/2" thru 1-1/2" by 64ths

          SeRieS #   RAnGe A   B   C
          T.G. 100  .093" - 1.000"  1.379"  2.375"
          T.G. 150  .500 - 1.500   2.001   3.000

          T.G. 100 SeRieS            T.G. 100 SeRieS             T.G. 100 SeRieS            T.G. 100 SeRieS
                      oRDeR   PRiCe               oRDeR   PRiCe              oRDeR   PRiCe               oRDeR   PRiCe
             Size                        Size                       Size                        Size
                        #     eACh                 #      eACh                 #     eACh                 #      eACh
            3/32"   67-811-006  $31.99  11/32"  67-811-022  $31.99  9/16"  67-811-036  $25.99  53/64"  67-811-053*  $26.49
            7/64    67-811-007  35.19   3/8    67-811-024  23.99   19/32   67-811-038  25.99   27/32  67-811-054*  26.49
            1/8     67-811-008  26.49   25/64  67-811-025  25.99   39/64   67-811-039*  25.99  7/8    67-811-056  26.49
            5/32    67-811-010  31.99   13/32  67-811-026  25.99   5/8     67-811-040  23.99   15/16  67-811-060  28.99
            11/64   67-811-011*  31.99  27/64  67-811-027  25.99   41/64   67-811-041*  26.49  61/64  67-811-061*  26.49
            3/16    67-811-012  26.49   7/16   67-811-028  23.99   21/32   67-811-042  28.99   31/32  67-811-062*  26.49
            15/64   67-811-015  31.99   29/64  67-811-029  25.99   43/64   67-811-043*  26.49  63/64  67-811-063  26.49
            1/4     67-811-016  26.49   15/32  67-811-030  25.99   11/16   67-811-044  26.49   1      67-811-064  24.79
            17/64   67-811-017  31.99   1/2    67-811-032  23.99   45/64   67-811-045  26.49  *Limited Supply.
            9/32    67-811-018  35.19   33/64  67-811-033  25.99   23/32   67-811-046  26.49
            5/16    67-811-020  26.49   17/32  67-811-034  25.99   3/4     67-811-048  24.79
            21/64   67-811-021  35.19   35/64  67-811-035*  25.99  13/16   67-811-052  26.49

          T.G. 150 SeRieS            T.G. 150 SeRieS             T.G. 150 SeRieS            T.G. 150 SeRieS
                      oRDeR   PRiCe               oRDeR   PRiCe              oRDeR   PRiCe               oRDeR   PRiCe
             Size                        Size                       Size                        Size
                        #     eACh                 #      eACh                 #     eACh                 #      eACh
            1/2"    67-812-032  $37.99  49/64"  67-812-049*  $35.49  63/64"  67-812-063*  $35.49  1-17/64"  67-812-081*  $35.49
            33/64   67-812-033*  37.99  25/32  67-812-050*  35.49  1       67-812-064  38.99  1-9/32  67-812-082*  35.49
            17/32   67-812-034*  37.99  51/64  67-812-051*  35.49  1-1/64  67-812-065*  38.99  1-19/64  67-812-083*  35.49
            35/64   67-812-035*  37.99  13/16  67-812-052  38.99   1-1/32  67-812-066  38.99  1-5/16  67-812-084  38.99
            9/16    67-812-036  41.79  53/64   67-812-053*  35.49  1-3/64  67-812-067*  35.49  1-21/64  67-812-085*  35.49
            37/64   67-812-037*  37.99  27/32  67-812-054*  35.49  1-1/16  67-812-068  38.99  1-11/32  67-812-086*  35.49
            19/32   67-812-038*  37.99  55/64  67-812-055*  35.49  1-5/64  67-812-069*  35.49  1-23/64  67-812-087*  35.49
            39/64   67-812-039*  37.99  7/8    67-812-056  35.49   1-3/32  67-812-070*  35.49  1-3/8  67-812-088  38.99
            5/8     67-812-040  37.99  57/64   67-812-057*  35.49  1-7/64  67-812-071*  35.49  1-13/32  67-812-090*  38.99
            41/64   67-812-041*  37.99  29/32  67-812-058*  35.49  1-1/8   67-812-072  38.99  1-27/64  67-812-091*  35.49
            43/64   67-812-043*  37.99  59/64  67-812-059*  35.49  1-5/32  67-812-074*  35.49  1-7/16  67-812-092  38.99
            11/16   67-812-044  41.79  15/16   67-812-060  38.99   1-3/16  67-812-076  38.99  1-31/64  67-812-095*  35.49
            45/64   67-812-045*  37.99  61/64  67-812-061*  35.49  1-13/64  67-812-077*  35.49  1-1/2  67-812-096  35.49
            47/64   67-812-047*  37.99  31/32  67-812-062*  35.49  1-1/4   67-812-080  35.49  *Limited Supply.
            3/4     67-812-048  35.49
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