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P. 871

Rotary Tables • FIXTURES

          Precision Rotary Tables

          •  A convenient method of worm adjustment is provided to compensate for wear.
          •  Each table is supplied with a signed inspection certificate and an
           operating certificate.
          APPLiCAtiOns:                                         ModEl #H220-006
                                                                6" HoRIzonTal RoTaRy TablE
          •  Use for indexing, drilling or milling.
          •  Machining curved surfaces by utilizing circular milling.
          •  Milling and boring where close tolerances are required.
          •  Machining flat surface is set at a certain angle to a given reference.
          •  Quality control.
          •  Jig boring.
          •  Adjustable satin chrome dials are   Turntable
           extremely large in diameter for    •  Made of “high grade meehanite castings”.   ModEl #221-002
                                                                                           adjUSTablE TaIlSTock FoR 8" & 10"
           easy reading.             •  Precision ground and parallel
          •  All dials are precision ground and   within .0006".
           graduated in minute and second   •  All T-Slots are machined.
           increments as well as degrees.  •  Graduations are accurately cut in
          •  Totally enclosed rugged base casting,   increments of one degree.
           precision ground and parallel    Optional Accessories   ModEl #HV221-308
                                                                8" HoRIzonTal & VERTIcal TablE
           within .0006".            •  Dividing plates have all divisions from
          •  (2) Locks provided for positive action.  2 to 66 and all numbers from 68 to 132
          •  The worm and shaft are of one piece   that can be divided by 2, 3 and 5.
           hardened and ground.        Fits all except 6".                                 ModEl #221-304
          •  All rotary tables are equipped with   •  Second vernier: 10"                  4" adapTER plaTE FoR
           disengageable worms which affords    •  Gear ratio: 90:1                        pHaSE II RoTaRy TablES
           quick rotation for indicating workpieces.  •  Adjustable tailstocks: 2 MT
          •  Oiling facilities are provided for all             ModEl #221-001                           Plain Back Chucks
           moving parts.                                        dIVIdIng plaTES (FITS 8", 10" & 12" only)  Page 740
          •  Low profile.

          RoTaRY TaBLeS                                          DeScRiPTion:                            MaXiMUM VaRiaTion
                                                                 Flatness of clamping surface (concave) ......................................................... ±.0006"
                   DeScRiPTion     WeiGHT  MoDeL  oRDeR   PRice  Concentricity of cylindrical center bore .......................................................... ±.0008"
                                                                 Concentricity of tapered center bore ............................................................. ±.0008"
          6" Horizontal Rotary Table  40 lbs. H220-006  65-220-006  $317.49  Parallelism of clamping surface to base ........................................................ ±.0008"
          8" Horizontal Rotary Table  53  H220-008  65-220-008  387.79  Squareness of clamping surface to angle face .............................................. ±.0004"
          10" Horizontal Rotary Table  80  H220-010  65-220-010  442.49  Squareness of clamping surface to center slot .............................................. ±.0008"
          12" Horizontal Rotary Table  168  H220-012  65-220-012  642.59
          Dividing Plates (Fits 8", 10" &12" Only) 5  221-001  65-221-001  175.49  RoTaRY TaBLe aPPRoXiMaTe DiMenSionS:
          Adjustable Tailstock for 8" & 10"  35  221-002  65-221-002  237.49   DiaMeTeR HeiGHT   HeiGHT of  HeiGHT of VeRTicaL  WiDTH   WiDTH of   cenTeR BoRe
          Adjustable Tailstock for 12"  41  221-003  65-221-003  258.49   of TaBLe of TaBLe VeRTicaL TaBLe TaBLe cenTeR BaSe of T-SLoT LocaTinG KeY (MoRSe TaPeR)
          4" Horizontal & Vertical Table  22  HV221-304 69-101-002*  322.59     6"   3.2"   —   —   0.40"   0.50"   2 MT
          6" Horizontal & Vertical Table  83  HV221-306 65-221-306  379.99     8   3.9   11.2"   5.9"   0.47   0.55   3 MT
          8" Horizontal & Vertical Table  83  HV221-308 65-221-308  437.79     10   4.3   12.9   6.6   0.47   0.55   3 MT
          10" Horizontal & Vertical Table  118  HV221-310 65-221-310  489.69     12   4.7   16.1   8.2   0.55   0.70   4 MT
          12" Horizontal & Vertical Table  199  HV221-312 65-221-312  803.79  All Rotary Tables Have 10" Second Vernier. Low Profile 90 to 1 Gear Ratio.
          16" Horizontal & Vertical Table  350  HV221-316 65-221-316  1,169.99
          *72:1 gear ratio.

                                                                PReciSion RoTaRY TaBLeS†
          aDaPTeR PLaTeS                                                                    MoDeL    oRDeR     PRice
                                           MoDeL   oRDeR   PRice       DeScRiPTion   WeiGHT
                    DeScRiPTion       WeiGHT                                                  #        #       eacH
                                            #       #     eacH   6" Horizontal & Vertical Table  24 lbs.  550-046  65-222-046*  $724.99
           4" Adapter Plate for Phase II Rotary Tables 6 lbs. 221-304 65-221-404  $67.99  8" Horizontal & Vertical Table  62  550-048  65-222-048  994.99
           6" Adapter Plate for Phase II Rotary Tables 8  221-356 65-221-406  88.99  10" Horizontal & Vertical Table  97  550-050  65-222-050  1,084.99
           8" Adapter Plate for Phase II Rotary Tables 11  221-358 65-221-408  97.99  12" Horizontal & Vertical Table  148  550-052  65-222-052†  1,444.99
           10" Adapter Plate for Phase II Rotary Tables 17  221-360 65-221-410  106.99  14" Horizontal & Vertical Table  207  550-054  65-222-054†  1,594.99
           12" Adapter Plate for Phase II Rotary Tables 27  221-362 65-221-412  114.69  *Optional dividing plates 550-111 for 8", 10", 12", 14" tables. 550-111-4H for 20"
           16" Adapter Plate for Phase II Rotary Tables 54  221-366 65-221-416  152.99  tables. Not available for 550-046. †Ships direct from factory. †Truck ship only.
                     cross Slide Rotary Table
          APPLiCAtiOns:              feAtures:
          •  Accurately position work in one, two or   •  Cross slide travel: 4-1/4"
           three separate directions.
          •  You feed the work into the spindle by
           using any combination of movements,
           or use the table for accurate positioning
           of the work below the spindle.
          TaBLe oVeRaLL  ToP  BaSe  GeaR TaBLe  WeiGHT  MoDeL  oRDeR  PRice
           Size HeiGHT GRaDienT KeYWaY RaTio T-SLoT  #  #  eacH
           8"  5-1/4"  360°  5/8"  40:1 5/8" 40 lbs.  83  61-253-090 $1,049.99  SHown In USE
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