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P. 905

Electronic • MICROMETERS

                     Electronic Coolant Proof Micrometers

          Benefits:                                              features:
          •  Measurement data output transmitted over a water-resistant connection cable.  •  Absolute and incremental measuring modes.
          •  Large LCD viewing window makes reading easier.      •  Instant inch/metric conversion.
          •  Coolant proof design resists water, dirt, dust and oil.  •  Resolution: .00005" (0.001mm)
          •  Automatic on/off power function.                    •  Accuracy: ±.00005"                      MOdEl #293-340
          Calibrated Micrometers                                 •  Carbide tipped measuring faces.
          •  These micrometers are calibrated by measuring a reference standard, such as a   Models With SPC
           gage block.                                           •  Accuracy: ±.0001"
          •  Traceability in the calibration process allows the reference standard to be directly
           traced back to the international definition of length, and ensures all measurements
           use the same international standard.
          •  Lab accreditation by an independent outside source ensures calibration practices
           conform to recognized standard practices.
          •  Includes long form Certification of Calibration.

          NoN-CAlibrAtEd MiCroMEtErs
                                      ModEl      ordEr    PriCE
           rANgE     tyPE     outPut
                                       #           #      EACH
           0 ~ 1"  Ratchet Thimble  Non SPC  293-344-30    57-016-704  $186.99  CAlibrAtEd MiCroMEtErs
           0 ~ 1  Ratchet    Non SPC  293-340-30    57-016-703  186.99  rANgE  tyPE  outPut  ModEl        ordEr  PriCE
           0 ~ 1  Ratchet    With SPC 293-330-30    57-016-707  239.99                       #             #     EACH
           1 ~ 2  Ratchet    With SPC 293-331-30    57-016-708  282.99  0 ~ 1" Ratchet Thimble Non SPC 293-344-30 CALIBRATED    57-016-727 $209.99
           2 ~ 3  Ratchet    With SPC 293-332-30    57-016-709  348.99  0 ~ 1" Ratchet  Non SPC 293-340-30 CALIBRATED    57-016-728  209.99
           3 ~ 4  Ratchet    With SPC 293-333-30    57-016-710  375.99  1 ~ 2" Ratchet  With SPC 293-331-30 CALIBRATED    57-016-729  317.99
                                          Coolant Proof Micrometers

          aPPLiCatiOns:                                          features:
          •  IP65 waterproof protection allows the QuantuMike to be used    •  IP65 protection level.
           in harsh shop environments.                           •  Resolution: .00005" (0.001mm)
          •  The ratchet thimble helps ensure repeatable measurements.                                      MOdEl #293-180
          •  The function lock feature prevents the origin point from being    inCLudes:
           reset by mistake.                                     •  Certificate of inspection.

                                      ModEl       ordEr   PriCE
                rANgE        outPut                              CAlibrAtEd
                                        #          #      EACH
            0 ~ 1" (0 ~ 25mm)  With SPC  293-180     57-015-965 $261.99  rANgE  outPut    ModEl          ordEr   PriCE
            1 ~ 2" (25 ~ 50mm)  With SPC  293-181     57-015-966  299.99                   #              #      EACH
            0 ~ 1" (0 ~ 25mm)  Non SPC  293-185     57-015-967  225.99  0 ~ 1" (0 ~ 25mm) Non SPC 293-185 CALIBRATED 0 ~ 1"    57-015-416 $249.99
            1 ~ 2" (25 ~ 50mm)  Non SPC  293-186     57-015-968  257.99  1 ~ 2" (25 ~ 50mm) Non SPC 293-186 CALIBRATED 1 ~ 2"    57-015-417  294.99
                     0~1" High Accuracy Micrometer
                     The World's First 5µm Micrometer

                                     •  Enabling 5µin (0.1µm) resolution measurement, this micrometer   •  Body heat transferred to the instrument is reduced by a
                                      is ideal for customers who need to make highly accurate   removable heat shield, minimizing the error caused by
                                      measurements with a hand-held tool.          thermal expansion of the frame when performing
          sPECifiCAtioNs:            •  Utilizes Mitutoyo’s innovative 5µin (0.1µm) resolution ABS (absolute)   handheld measurements.
          Resolution ..........0.000005"/0.00002"  rotary sensor and high-accuracy screw machining technology to   •  The ABS (absolute) rotary sensor eliminates the need to
                                                                                   perform origin setting each time the power is turned on,
            (0.0001mm/0.0005mm) (switchable)  reduce the instrumental error to ±.00002" (0.5µm), delivering higher
          Instrumental Error (20°C) ..... ±.00002"  accuracy without sacrificing operability.  letting you start measuring straight away.
          Measuring Surface ................ø3.2mm  •  A highly rigid frame and high-performance constant-force   •  With no possibility of overspeed errors, the High
          Measuring Force .................... 7 to 9 N  mechanism enable more stable measurement, while the clicks   Accuracy Digimatic Micrometer also delivers a higher
          Measuring System .... Electromagnetic  emitted while the workpiece is  being measured assures the operator   level of reliability.
             induction type ABS rotary sensor  that measurement is proceeding normally.  •  Has a range of features to enable flexible measurement,
                                                                                   including switchable resolution .000005"/.00002"
                MEAsuriNg           ModEl        ordEr   PriCE                     (0.0001mm/0.0005mm), function lock and preset.
                 rANgE               #            #      EACH
             0 ~ 1" (0 ~ 25.4mm)   293-130     57-016-290 $1,629.99
   900   901   902   903   904   905   906   907   908   909   910