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P. 937

Fan, Flat & Rolls • THICKNESS GAGING

                     Thickness Gages

                leaveS     # OF   RanGe   incRemenTS  mOdel  ORdeR  PRice
                 Size      PieceS                  #      #     each
          TaPeRed leaveS - inch
                               .0015" ~ .0025"  .0005"
           1/2" to 1/4" x 3-1/32"  26            66T  57-065-499 $69.99
                               .003" ~ .025"  .001"
          STRaiGhT leaveS - meTRic
           12.7mm x 77mm   20  .05mm ~ 1.0mm  .05mm  66MA 57-065-501 $62.99
          STRaiGhT leaveS - inch
                               .0015" ~ .0025"  .0005"                                     MODEL #66
                               .003" ~ .025"  .001"
           1/2" x 3-1/2"   31                    66B  57-065-781 $69.99  aPPLICatIONs:
                               .026" ~ .032"  .002"
                               .035"       —                          •  Widely used in automotive, aviation, jig, fixture, gage and experimental work.
                               .0015"      —                          •  Especially useful in gaging narrow slots, adjusting tappets, spark plugs, etc.
                               .002" ~ .003"  .001"
                               .004" ~ .010"  .002"                   Features:
           1/2" x 4-1/2"   13                    467  57-065-782  96.99
                               .020" ~ .040"  .010"                   •  Locking device.
                               .075"       —                          •  Leaves are replaceable.
                               .100" ~ .200"  .100"
                               .0015" ~ .0025"  .0005"
           1/2" x 3-1/32"  26                    66   57-065-500  62.99
                               .003" ~ .025"  .001"
                     Thickness Gage Or                                      13 Blade Plastic
                     “Feeler Stock” Rolls                                   Thickness Gage Sets
                     1/2"W x 25'L Rolls In Dispenser Case        aPPLICatIONs:
                                                                 •  Use these to check gaps, alignment and spacing.
          Features:                                              Features:
          •  Made of the finest tempered steel.                  •  Non-corrosive, non-conductive,   MODEL
          •  Rolls are furnished in compact, sturdy,              non-sparking and non-marring.  #78905
           plastic rewindable dispenser case.                    •  Blades are 1/2" wide and   cOlOR  SizeS  cOlOR  SizeS
                                                                  riveted together.
                                                                 •  Made of the highest quality   Amber  .001" (.025mm)  Brown  .010" (.254mm)
                                                                                      Purple  .0015 (.038mm)  Black  .0125 (.318mm)
                                                                  plastic material:
           ThickneSS  mOdel   ORdeR   PRice                      •  .001" to .005" - Polyester.  Red   .002 (.051mm)   Pink   .015 (.381mm)
                                                                                                            .020 (.508mm)
                                                                                            .003 (.076mm)  Yellow
            .001"   666-1   57-051-700 $104.99                   •  .0075" to .030" - Vinyl.  Tan   .004 (.102mm)  White   .025 (.635mm)
            .0015   666-1 1/2  57-051-701  53.99                 •  Packaged in a sturdy    Blue   .005 (.127mm)   Coral   .030 (.762mm)
            .002    666-2   57-051-702  53.99                     vinyl case.         Matte   .0075 (.191mm)
            .0025   666-2 1/2  57-051-703  56.99
            .003    666-3   57-051-704  56.99                       deScRiPTiOn    mOdel        ORdeR         PRice
            .004    666-4   57-051-705  38.99                                       #            #           PeR SeT
            .005    666-5   57-051-706  38.99                     5" Fan Blade Set  78905     71-130-264     $39.99
            .010    666-10  57-051-711  35.49                     12" Fan Blade Set  78900    71-130-265      59.99
                  25' Steel Feeler Strip Rolls
                  1/2" Wide
          Thick-  mOdel  ORdeR  PRice  Thick-  mOdel  ORdeR  PRice
           neSS   #      #     each   neSS   #       #     each
          .001" 127/001  71-127-010 $52.29  .013" 127/013  71-127-130 $18.19
          .0015 127/0015 71-127-015  26.29  .014  127/014  71-127-140  18.19
          .002  127/002  71-127-020  26.29  .015  127/015  71-127-150  18.19
          .0025 127/0025 71-127-025  26.29  .016  127/016  71-127-160  18.19
          .003  127/003  71-127-030  26.29  .017  127/017  71-127-170  18.19
          .004  127/004  71-127-040  21.69  .018  127/018  71-127-180  18.19  aPPLICatIONs:
          .005  127/005  71-127-050  21.69  .019  127/019  71-127-190  18.19
          .006  127/006  71-127-060  21.69  .020  127/020  71-127-200  18.19  •  Used in manufacturing & maintenance operations   THICKNESS CLEArLy
          .007  127/007  71-127-070  18.19  .021  127/021  71-127-210  18.19  wherever checking close tolerances is required.  MArKED ON rOLL
          .008  127/008  71-127-080  18.19  .022  127/022  71-127-220  18.19
          .009  127/009  71-127-090  18.19  .023  127/023  71-127-230  18.19  Features:
          .010  127/010  71-127-100  18.19  .024  127/024  71-127-240  18.19  •  Material ground & polished to precision tolerances.
          .011  127/011  71-127-110  18.19  .025  127/025  71-127-250  18.19  •  Made of hardened tempered quality steel.
          .012  127/012  71-127-120  18.19
                  Thickness Gages
          aPPLICatIONs:                                          Features:
          •  Used for checking clearances between surfaces.      •  Each leaf is approximately 3-3/8" long.
                                                                 •  Each leaf has size plainly marked.
                                                                 •  Case has a knurled locking nut for holding
                                                                  or extending any leaf or group of leaves.
             # OF        meaSuRinG       mOdel    ORdeR   PRice  •  Made of excellent quality tempered steel
             PieceS        RanGe          #        #      each    and to close tolerances.
              26     0.0015" ~ 0.025" x 0.001"  GTG-26  57-025-031  $13.39  •  End of each leaf is round.
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