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P. 944


                 Class X + Tolerance Individual Pin Gages

                                •  Use to calibrate measuring equipment.
                                •  Use to pass/fail manufactured parts. Perfect for high volume inspection.
                                •  Use these single tolerance, class X plug gages as reference standards (master gages)
                                 to calibrate comparators, micrometers, snap gages and other measuring equipment.
                                •  Use to gage parts directly.
                                •  Use these gages as direct measurement standards in inspecting manufactured parts.  Certificate Of Calibration &
                                                                                              Individual Pin Gages XX, X, Y,
                                Features:                                                     Z, ZZ Available, Please Call
                                •  Faster set-up times - eliminate the need of
                                 wringing blocks together and calibrate by
                                 using the exact diameter you need.                      sErIEs 58-01 sIzE
                                •  More accurate - use a master gage which   How To orDEr:
                                 is the same diameter as the work being   Series: 58-01 SIZE   raNGE        PrICE
                                 measured and you eliminate lead error in   Use the series number for the first four   .0040" ~ .0250"  $25.59
                                 your measuring equipment.    digits & fill the last 4 digits with the size   .0251 ~ .0300  25.59
                                                              of plug gage you’re requesting.
                                •  Lapped to 2 microinch finish or better.  Examples:       .0301 ~ .0750   21.29
                                •  Round within .00002".      Size - .1250" use Order #58-011-250  .0751 ~ .1800  14.79
                                •  Eliminate geometry error which is caused   For 1" use Order #58-010-000  .1801 ~ .2810  14.79
                                 when calibrating with flat gage blocks.                    .2811 ~ .4060   15.49
                                •  Single tolerance: -.00000" / +.00004"                    .4061 ~ .5100   16.89
                                •  NIST traceable.            TolEraNCEs:                   .5101 ~ .6350   16.89
                                •  Tool steel: Rc 60 - 62 (cold stabilized)  For Plus Tolerance:  +.00004" / -.00000"  .6351 ~ .7600  24.49
                                •  Length: 2"                 Minus Tolerance Available Upon Request  .7601 ~ 1.0000  26.99
                 Go/No Go Gage Double                                 Go/No Go Double End Gage Handles
                 End Handles                                             One handle can cover the
                                                                         entire range of a pin gage set
                                               orDEr   PrICE                                           orDEr  PrICE
                                      raNGE                                                  raNGE
                                                 #     EaCH                                             #     EaCH
       Features:                   .0040" ~ .0750" 58-050-100  $6.40                       .011" ~ .060"  57-060-100 $19.99
       •  Handles are made from aluminum and   .0751 ~ .1800  58-050-101  7.49             .061 ~ .250  57-060-101  27.29
        feature collets anodized red for the   .1801 ~ .2810  58-050-102  8.39             .251 ~ .500  57-060-102  31.79
        NO/GO gaging member and green for   .2811 ~ .4060  58-050-103  10.29  Features:    .501 ~ .625  57-060-103  34.99
                                   .4061 ~ .5100
                                                                                           .626 ~ .750
        the GO gaging member.      .5101 ~ .6350  58-050-105  16.89  •  Size range eliminates set-up time.  .751 ~ .832  57-060-105  37.99
       •  Includes a polished hexagon center.  .6351 ~ .7600  58-050-106  21.59  •  No need for extra handles    .833 ~ .916  57-060-106  39.99
       ♦  Bushings & Gages Not Included.  .7601 ~ 1.0100  58-050-107  32.99  and bushings.  .917 ~ 1.000  57-060-107  42.99
                 Tapered Bushings
                                •  For Go/No Go gage handles.
                  orDEr             orDEr              orDEr             orDEr             orDEr             orDEr
          raNGE             raNGE             raNGE             raNGE             raNGE             raNGE
                    #                 #                 #                 #                 #                 #
       .0040" ~ .0060" 58-050-001  .0821" ~ .0890" 58-050-017  .1961" ~ .2040" 58-050-033  .3411" ~ .3510" 58-050-049  .5631" ~ .5790" 58-050-065  .8431" ~ .8750" 58-050-081
       .0061 ~ .0100  58-050-002  .0891 ~ .0960  58-050-018  .2041 ~ .2120  58-050-034  .3511 ~ .3610  58-050-050  .5791 ~ .5940  58-050-066  .8751 ~ .9060  58-050-082
       .0101 ~ .0130  58-050-003  .0961 ~ .1030  58-050-019  .2121 ~ .2200  58-050-035  .3611 ~ .3710  58-050-051  .5941 ~ .6100  58-050-067  .9061 ~ .9370  58-050-083
       .0131 ~ .0150  58-050-004  .1031 ~ .1100  58-050-020  .2201 ~ .2280  58-050-036  .3711 ~ .3820  58-050-052  .6101 ~ .6250  58-050-068  .9371 ~ .9680  58-050-084
       .0151 ~ .0200  58-050-005  .1101 ~ .1170  58-050-021  .2281 ~ .2360  58-050-037  .3821 ~ .3940  58-050-053  .6251 ~ .6350  58-050-069  .9681 ~ 1.010  58-050-085
       .0201 ~ .0250  58-050-006  .1171 ~ .1240  58-050-022  .2361 ~ .2440  58-050-038  .3941 ~ .4060  58-050-054  .6351 ~ .6560  58-050-070
       .0301 ~ .0350  58-050-007  .1241 ~ .1310  58-050-023  .2441 ~ .2520  58-050-039  .4061 ~ .4200  58-050-055  .6561 ~ .6720  58-050-071
       .0351 ~ .0400  58-050-008  .1311 ~ .1380  58-050-024  .2521 ~ .2610  58-050-040  .4201 ~ .4350  58-050-056  .6721 ~ .6880  58-050-072
       .0401 ~ .0450  58-050-009  .1381 ~ .1450  58-050-025  .2611 ~ .2710  58-050-041  .4351 ~ .4500  58-050-057  .6881 ~ .7040  58-050-073
       .0451 ~ .0500  58-050-010  .1451 ~ .1520  58-050-026  .2711 ~ .2810  58-050-042  .4501 ~ .4650  58-050-058  .7041 ~ .7190  58-050-074
       .0501 ~ .0550  58-050-011  .1521 ~ .1590  58-050-027  .2811 ~ .2910  58-050-043  .4651 ~ .4800  58-050-059  .7191 ~ .7350  58-050-075
       .0551 ~ .0600  58-050-012  .1591 ~ .1660  58-050-028  .2911 ~ .3010  58-050-044  .4801 ~ .4950  58-050-060  .7351 ~ .7500  58-050-076
       .0601 ~ .0650  58-050-013  .1661 ~ .1730  58-050-029  .3011 ~ .3110  58-050-045  .4951 ~ .5100  58-050-061  .7501 ~ .7600  58-050-077  raNGE  PrICE
       .0651 ~ .0700  58-050-014  .1731 ~ .1800  58-050-030  .3111 ~ .3210  58-050-046  .5101 ~ .5320  58-050-062  .7601 ~ .7810  58-050-078  EaCH
       .0701 ~ .0750  58-050-015  .1801 ~ .1880  58-050-031  .3211 ~ .3310  58-050-047  .5321 ~ .5470  58-050-063  .7811 ~ .8120  58-050-079  .0040" ~ .5100"  $3.99
       .0751 ~ .0820  58-050-016  .1881 ~ .1960  58-050-032  .3311 ~ .3410  58-050-048  .5471 ~ .5630  58-050-064  .8121 ~ .8430  58-050-080  .5101 ~ 1.0100  4.99
               Gage Handle
               Extra Wide Range .030"~.500"                   Features:                  •  Made of lightweight, durable
                                                              •  Save set-up time, gage changes
                  Easy to identify, Go/No Go                   in seconds.                 aluminum alloy.
                  clearly marked                              •  Quick acting thumbscrew grips tightly.  •  Completely self-contained, needs
                                                                                           no bushings.
                                                                     HolDING             MoDEl         orDEr  PrICE
                                                                      raNGE               #             #     EaCH
                                                                   .030" ~ .500"         TG-55       57-061-005 $16.79
   939   940   941   942   943   944   945   946   947   948   949