Page 150 - Superior Abrasives sold by All Industrial Tool Supply
P. 150
148 Conditions of Sales
When applying for the right to sell our product and to be- Standard net terms are 30 days . All invoices over 30 days
come an approved distributor, a minimum stocking order will be considered delinquent, and all in-house orders will
of $1000 .00 may be required as part of our partnering be placed on hold until balance of the account is brought
commitment below 31 days . Any account placed for collection will re-
ceive a finance charge of 1-1/2% per month (18% per year)
2 . ORDERING to balances over 30 days, plus attorney fees and costs .
All items should be ordered by part number and placed To establish an open account, your firm must supply three
through your local Superior distributor, they stock many of industrial and one bank reference .
our products for your convenience . Call us for the one
nearest you . 6 . FREIGHT
Superior Abrasives, LLC will prepay freight charges for
An order shall be deemed to have been accepted when it one delivery to the customer on order values of $500 .00
has been confirmed by us in writing or when it is supplied . or more . All orders with a value less than $500 .00, the
The times of delivery indicated in our order confirmation cost of freight will be added to the distributor’s invoice .
shall be deemed to have been agreed upon as approxi- Each release from a blanket order must total $500 net or
mate delivery times . They shall be deemed to have been more to receive prepaid freight . Export shipments will be
complied with, if the goods were dispatched within the pe- shipped freight collect . A separate charge may be made
riod agreed upon or if – within said period – the buyer was for customer’s special routing instructions . All orders are
advised that the goods are ready for shipment . The time sold in Ohio and title passes to the buyer when your order
of delivery shall be reasonably extended – also when a leaves Superior’s factory . The buyer is solely responsible
delay in delivery has occurred – in case of unforeseen and for their shipment . By placing an order, you authorize us to
inevitable events that we were unable to avert in spite of act on your behalf to engage a common carrier to deliver
exercising reasonable care, such as a shortage of raw ma- your order to you .
terials, an interruption of operations, the effects of labor
disputes or the like . If, through any of the aforementioned 7 . ADD-ON POLICY
circumstances, delivery or performance becomes impossi- Due to the speed of our order entry, manufacturing pro-
ble, we shall thus be exempt from our obligation to deliver . cess and rapid shipment of goods, we find it detrimental to
our service to accept additions to existing orders .
In any case where products of a special manufacture are
ordered, it is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that 8 . QUANTITY VARIANCE
any drawings or samples do not infringe the legal patents Due to the nature of manufacturing, Superior reserves the
or protection rights of a third party . We are not obliged right to over-ship or under-ship the quantity ordered by
to check for such legal rights . Where there is a liability of 10% .
the supplier, it is the responsibility of the buyer to indemnify
himself against any such liability . If specialty manufactures 9 . RETURNED GOODS POLICY
are supplied, we reserve production-related and, if cat- We will not accept the return of merchandise without our
alogue articles are supplied, we reserve packing-related “RETURN AUTHORIZATION NUMBER” clearly marked on
reasonable deviations from the quantities ordered . Partial all boxes . When a R/A number is issued by our Customer
deliveries shall be permissible . Service Department, they will send all information to you .
The merchandise must be returned to Superior within 30
3 . MINIMUM ORDER days from the date the R/A number was issued . After 30
Each order must be $50 .00 Net Per Invoice to a single days, R/A numbers are automatically cancelled in house
destination . Each item must be ordered in a full “Standard and the request will become null and void . All credits must
Package .” be taken within six months or they will be disallowed . Supe-
rior reserves the right to accept returns in quantities relative
4 . PRICING to our established stocking levels . Freight is to be prepaid
Prices listed in this catalog are suggested list prices and and a $15 .00 or 15% (whichever is greater) restocking and
subject to change without notice, although every effort will handling charge will apply unless “Superior” is at fault .
be made to announce any changes 30 days in advance . Many of our items fall into a “non-stock” or “special or-
Stenographic, clerical and other errors, should they occur, der” category; items in this group are not returnable . In
on special quotes or in this catalog are subject to correc- any case no merchandise may be returned after six months
tion . All agreements, which include sales, are contingent from date of shipment from our factory . All claims of short-
upon strikes, fires, accidents, delays of nature or other ages must be made within 10 days after receipt of goods .
causes unavoidable beyond our control .
(800) 235-9123