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P. 1055

Surface Roughness & Loupes • COMPARATORS

                  Surface Roughness Comparator                         Conventional Machining Comparator
                  Inch/Metric Combo                                    All Comparators Are Made Of
                                                                       Electroformed Nickel

                                                                          AS 9000

          APPLICATIONS:              FeATureS:                   APPLICATIONS:              FeATureS:
          •  Used to determine the degree of    •  Contains standards for the (6) most   •  Economical calibration standard for   •  (22) Replicated machined surface finish
           the surface finish by comparison   important machining methods:   surface analyzing equipment.  specimens with examples of 6 different
           method and visual estimation or   horizontal milling, vertical milling,           machining processes: lapped, ground,
           magnifying glass.          turning, plain grinding, flat lapping   Note:          blanchard ground, shape-turned, milled
                                      and external grinding      •  Comparator can be purchased   and profiled ranging from 2 to 500µ"
                                     •  Range of 2 to 500µ" and    individually serialized, calibrated and
                                      0.05 to 12.5µm.             certified at an additional charge.
             MoDeL     oRDeR  PRICe                                 MoDeL     oRDeR  PRICe
               #        #     eACH                                    #        #     eACH
            630-9900  57-020-226 $134.99                            S-22    57-020-232  $86.79
                   Surface Roughness Standards

           •  Used to determine the degree of the surface finish by comparison method and
            visual estimation or magnifying glass.
           FeATureS:                                                                           MODEL #905
           •  Each machining method contains 6 specimens.
           •  Marked in AA (micro inches average) and metric in micrometers.

             MACHININg        SPeCIMeNS     MoDeL  oRDeR  PRICe
              PRoCeSS           (µ)          #      #     eACH
           Plain Grinding  2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64  905  57-020-121 $39.99
           Horizontal Milling  16, 32, 63, 125, 250, 500  906  57-020-122  39.99
           Vertical Milling  16, 32, 63, 125, 250, 500  907  57-020-123  39.99
           Turning       16, 32, 63, 125, 250, 500  908  57-020-124  39.99
           External Grinding  2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64  909  57-020-125  39.99                                     MODEL #909
                   Folding Pocket Magnifiers

           •  Models with two or three lenses can be used alone or in combination
            to produce several different powers (seven different powers with the
            three-lens model).
           •  A swing-away case of tough durable plastic serve both as a handle
            and as a protective case.

                                                                  MODEL #1361                  MODEL #1339
              PoweR        DIAMeteR      MoDeL    oRDeR   PRICe
             4X         27mm (1 lens)    1361   57-101-775  $9.99
             5 to 20X   30mm (3 lenses)  1339   57-101-776  14.99
                  eye Loupe & Set
          APPLICATIONS:              FeATureS:
          •  For toolmakers, jewelers, instrument   •  Lenses made of polished optical glass.
           assemblers, etc.          •  Lens diameter: 1"

          INDIvIDuAL eye LouPe                                   3 PIeCe Set                                   MODEL #249
                          woRkINg      MoDeL      oRDeR   PRICe                                   MoDeL  oRDeR   PRICe
              PoweR                                                           DeSCRIPtIoN
                          DIStANCe       #         #      eACH                                      #     #     PeR Set
               5X           2"          527     57-071-527  $11.59  Includes: (1) Each of 3.5, 5 & 10X eye loupes  249  57-020-249  $16.89
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