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P. 1062


                  DREHplus 3D Tester For Lathes

       Measure Tools On Lathes In All Axes (X,Y Or Z)

        Benefits:                                             features:
        •  Because of the geometrical form of the unique probe tip, cutting plates with   •  Unique probe tip made from hardened tool steel.
         radiuses and/or angles can be probed at any point of the probe tip.

        3D TEsTER
                                                          DispLay     LEngTH WiTHouT    MoDEL       oRDER   pRicE
             sHank          REaDing       gRaDuaTion
                                                           sizE          sHank            #          #      EacH
              3/4"           0-40          0.0005"      1.53" (39mm)  5.35" (136mm)    00163T34I  57-030-455  $753.49
                                                                                   MoDEL            oRDER   pRicE
                      DEscRipTion                      LEngTH
                                                                                    #                #      EacH
               3.6 ~ 3.2mm Cone Sensing Tip        1.33" (34mm) long             00163T036        57-030-456  $172.99
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