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P. 1069

Ruby & 32A Tool And Cutter Wheels  • BONDED ABRASIVES

                    Ruby Surface Grinding Wheels
                    Type 01, 05 And 07 • Open And Closed Structure
                                                                                TYPE 01
                       Choose Radiac's original ruby-red Por-Os-Way  (VOS Specification) wheels
                       for your tough toolroom jobs where metal removal is the key objective
          Benefits:                  APPLiCAtiOns:               feAtures:
          •  Excellent for form holding.  •  For rough grinding all tool steels   •  Color: ruby  TYPE 05
          •  Open structure: fast, cool cutting   including exotics.  •  Abrasive: tough
           without loading           •  Surface, cylindrical and tool &    •  Suffix -VOS in
                                      cutter grinding.            specification means
                                     •  Stock removal: heavy, .005" per pass  open structure.
                                                                 •  Suffix -V8 in
                                                                  specification means
                                                                  a closed structure
               For Larger Quantities,                             denser wheel.  TYPE 07
               Please Call                                       •  Compare to Norton 48A.
                          mAximum   oRdeR    pRiCe  pACkAGe  pRiCe               mAximum   oRdeR    pRiCe  pACkAGe  pRiCe
              SpeCifiCATion                                          SpeCifiCATion
                            Rpm      #       eACh  QuAnTiTy  eACh                  Rpm      #       eACh  QuAnTiTy  eACh
          6" x 1/4" x 1-1/4" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT                8" x 3/4" x 1-1/4" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT
            RA60-J5-V8     4,140  53-110-101  $23.49  10  $21.14   RA46-J8-V8     3,600  53-110-128  $47.49  10  $42.74
            RA120-L6-V8    4,140  53-110-102  23.49  10   21.14    RA60-J8-V8     3,600  53-110-129  47.49  10   42.74
          6" x 1/2" x 1-1/4" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT                8" x 1" x 1-1/4" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT
            RA46-J8-V8     4,140  53-110-103  $40.89  10  $36.80   RA46-J8-V8     3,600  53-110-135  $55.99  10  $50.39
            RA60-J8-V8     4,140  53-110-104  27.89  10   25.10  10" x 1/2" x 1-1/4" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT
          6" x 3/4" x 1-1/4" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT                  RA46-J8-V8     2,485  53-110-136  $61.69  8   $55.52
            RA60-J8-V8     4,140  53-110-105  $32.39  10  $29.15  10" x 1" x 2" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT
          7" x 1/4" x 1-1/4" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT                  RA46-J8-V8     2,485  53-110-137  $86.09  5   $77.48
            RA60-J5-V8     3,600  53-110-106  $26.79  10  $24.11  10" x 1" x 3" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT
            RA60-K5-V8     3,600  53-110-010  26.79  10   24.11    RA46-J8-V8     2,485  53-110-130  $86.09  5   $77.48
            RA80-J5-V8     3,600  53-110-107  26.79  10   24.11  12" x 3/4" x 3" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT
            RA80-L5-V8     3,600  53-110-108  26.79  10   24.11
          7" x 1/2" x 1-1/4" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT                12" x 1" x 3" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT   53-110-138  $100.19  5  $90.17
            RA46-I8-V8     3,600  53-110-041  $33.29  10  $29.96   RA46-J8-V8     2,070  53-110-139  $117.29  5  $105.56
            RA46-H8-V8     3,600  53-110-109  33.29  10   29.96  12" x 1" x 5" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT
            RA46-H800-VOS  3,600  53-110-150  36.79  10   33.11
            RA46-I800-VOS  3,600  53-110-111  36.79  10   33.11    RA60-J8-V8     2,070  53-110-140  $117.29  5  $105.56
            RA46-J8-V8     3,600  53-110-042  33.29  10   29.96  12" x 1-1/2" x 5" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT
            RA60-G800-VOS  3,600  53-110-112  36.79  10   33.11    RA46-J8-V8     2,070  53-110-142  $162.69  4  $146.42
            RA60-H8-V8     3,600  53-110-113  33.29  10   29.96  14" x 1" x 5" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT
            RA60-H800-VOS  3,600  53-110-241  36.79  10   33.11    RA46-H8-V8     1,800  53-110-145  $157.09  4  $141.38
            RA60-J8-V8     3,600  53-110-044  33.29  10   29.96  14" x 1-1/2" x 5" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT
            RA60-K8-V8     3,600  53-110-080  33.29  10   29.96    RA46-G800-VOS  1,800  53-110-147  $239.19  3  $215.27
            RA80-J8-V8     3,600  53-110-045  33.29  10   29.96    RA46-J8-V8     1,800  53-110-148  217.29  3   195.56
          7" x 3/4" x 1-1/4" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT                7" x 1" x 1-1/4" - Type 05 - ReCeSSed 1 Side (3" x 1/2")
            RA46-J8-V8     3,600  53-110-114  $39.89  10  $35.90   RA46-I5-V8     3,600  53-110-116  $50.69  10  $45.62
            RA60-G800-VOS  3,600  53-110-115  43.89  10   39.50
          8" x 1/4" x 1-1/4" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT                12" x 1-1/2" x 5" - Type 05 - ReCeSSed 1 Side (7-1/2" x 1/2")   10  45.62
            RA60-J5-V8     3,600  53-110-119  $32.29  10  $29.06
          8" x 1/2" x 1-1/4" - Type 01 - STRAiGhT                14" x 1-1/2" x 5" - Type 05 - ReCeSSed 1 Side (8" x 1/2")   4  $154.88
            RA46-G800-VOS  3,600  53-110-122  $43.89  10  $39.50
            RA46-H8-V8     3,600  53-110-123  39.89  10   35.90  12" x 2" x 5" - Type 07 - ReCeSSed 2 SideS (7-1/2" x 1/2")   3  $210.23
            RA46-H800-VOS  3,600  53-110-124  43.89  10   39.50
            RA46-I800-VOS  3,600  53-110-125  43.89  10   39.50    RA46-J8-V8     2,070  53-110-144  $227.29  4  $204.56
            RA46-J8-V8     3,600  53-110-126  39.89  10   35.90
            RA60-G800-VOS  3,600  53-110-127  43.89  10   39.50
            RA60-J8-V8     3,600  53-110-067  39.89  10   35.90
                    32A Tool And Cutter Grinding Wheels          Benefits:
                    Type 11 And 12                               •  Good for form holding.
                         mAximum      oRdeR   pRiCe  pACkAGe  pRiCe  •  Best for high speed tool steels, die steels &
                           Rpm         #      eACh  QuAnTiTy  eACh  difficult to machine materials.
          3-1/2" / 2-3/4" x 1-1/2" x 1-1/4" - Type 11- flARinG Cup - 1/4" Rim -  3/8" BACk  •  Stock removal:
           32A60-K5-VEQ    6,550    53-110-188  $29.09  10  $26.18  light to medium;
          4 / 3" x 1-1/2" x 1-1/4" - Type 11 - flARinG Cup 1/4" Rim  - 1/2" BACk  .001" - .003" per pass
           32A46-K5-VEQ    5,730    53-110-189  $29.79  10  $26.81  •  Tool and
           32A60-J5-VEQ    5,730    53-110-190  29.79  10  26.81  cutter grinding.
          5" / 3"-3/4" x 1-3/4" x 1-1/4" - Type 11-  flARinG Cup 1/4" Rim - 1/2" BACk  feAtures:  TYPE 11
           32A46-J5-VEQ    4,585    53-110-191  $43.69  10  $39.32  •  Color: light grey
           32A60-K5-VEQ    4,585    53-110-192  43.69  10  39.32  •  Abrasive: good multi-
          6" x 1/2" / 5/16" x 1-1/4" - Type 12 - diSh             purpose performance
           32A60-K5-VEQ    4,140    53-110-194  $28.49  10  $25.64  based abrasive  TYPE 12
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