Page 1109 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1109

Discs, Wheels & Pads  • NON-WOVEN ABRASIVES

                 Scotch-Brite  Roloc  “SE” Heavy Duty Surface Conditioning Discs
                 Non-Woven                                       APPLICATIONS:
               Roloc  Backup Pads                                •  For heavy deburring, cleaning and finishing applications.
               Page 1142                                         •  Use with Roloc  TR disc pads.
                                     oRDER      ___PRiCE EACH___
              DiA.       GRADE                                   FeATureS:
                                      #       1-99 PCS.  100+ PCS.
              2"         A CRS     54-118-081  $1.83    $1.65    •  A coarser, tougher, more aggressive
              2          A MED     54-118-471  1.83      1.65     abrasive impregnated web construction
              3          A CRS     54-118-082  3.25      2.93     than regular Scotch-Brite  surface
              3          A MED     54-118-472  3.25      2.93     conditioning products.
              4          A CRS     54-118-243  4.39      3.95
                 Scotch-Brite  Roloc  Surface                           Scotch-Brite  Roloc  TS
                 Conditioning Discs                                     Surface Conditioning Discs
                       oRDER   PRiCE
                        #      EACH                                 GRADE    oRDER   PRiCE
          1-1/2" DiAMETER DiSCS                                                #     EACH
             A CRS   54-108-764  $1.11                           1-1/2" DiAMETER DiSCS
             A MED   54-108-765  1.11                               A CRS  54-113-249  $1.21
             A VFN   54-108-766  1.11                               A MED  54-113-250  1.21
             S SFN   54-108-767  1.42                               A VFN  54-113-251  1.21
          2" DiAMETER DiSCS                                      2" DiAMETER DiSCS
             A CRS   54-105-528  $1.62                              A CRS  54-113-253  $1.72
             A MED   54-105-527  1.62                               A MED  54-113-254  1.72
             A VFN   54-105-523  1.62  APPLICATIONS:                A VFN  54-113-255  1.72  APPLICATIONS:
             S SFN   54-105-522  1.72  •  Use for deburring, cleaning   S SFN  54-113-256  1.72  •  Interchangeable with standard
          3" DiAMETER DiSCS           and finishing.             3" DiAMETER DiSCS           “screw-on” discs.
             A CRS   54-105-532  $2.85  •  Use with Roloc  TR disc pads.  A CRS  54-113-257  $3.25  •  Use with 3M - TS disc pads.
             A MED   54-105-531  2.85                               A MED  54-113-258  3.25
             A VFN   54-105-530  2.85     Roloc  Backup Pads        A VFN  54-113-259  3.25      TS Backup Pads
             S SFN   54-105-529  3.05     Page 1142                 S SFN  54-113-260  3.05      Page 1143
                     Mandrels For Unitized Wheels & Discs
          BeNeFITS:                  APPLICATIONS:
          •  No washers needed.      •  Mandrel assortment fits most popular   STYLE #W-11      STYLE #D12-1
          •  Safety tested.           unitized wheels, discs, shanks, arbors
                                      and wheel thicknesses.
          WHEEl MANDRElS
                     MAx. WHEEl  ARBoR    SHANk    oRDER  PRiCE
                      THiCkNESS  HolE      SizE     #     EACH        STYLE #W-14               STYLE #D-1
            W-11        1"      3/16"      1/4"  53-050-324 $10.89
            W-14        1/4     1/4        1/4   53-050-325  9.79
            W-38        1/4     3/8        1/4   53-050-326  10.19
            W-1438      1/4     1/4 + 3/8  1/4   53-050-327  10.39
            W-14-5      1/2     1/4        1/4   53-050-328  18.09    STYLE #W-14-5             STYLE #D4-2
            W-14-10     1       1/4        1/4   53-050-329  21.49
            1342        5/8     1/4        1/4   53-050-330  9.99
            W-23        3/4     3/8        1/4   53-050-331  10.39
            W-24        1/2     1/2        1/4   53-050-332  12.99
            D12-1       1/4     1/4        1/4   53-050-333  9.99
            D12-2       1/4     3/8        1/4   53-050-334  9.99
          DiSC MANDRElS                                               STYLE #1342
                      ARBoR     ovERAll   SHANk    oRDER  PRiCE
                       HolE     lENGTH     SizE     #     EACH   FeATureS:
             D-1       1/16"    1-3/4"    1/8"   53-050-335  $6.29  •  Fast change design.
             D-2       1/8      2-3/4     1/8    53-050-336  6.49
             D3-1      1/8      2         1/4    53-050-337  6.49
             D4-1      1/8      3         1/4    53-050-339  7.49
             D4-2      1/4      3         1/4    53-050-340  7.49                    MOuNTED
                     Flange Wheel Adapters

             ______________SizE______________  oRDER    PRiCE    •  Used to reduce the
              oUTSiDE DiAMETER x iNSiDE DiAMETER  #    PER PAiR   internal core diameter,
                      1" x 1/2"           53-050-317   $3.19      arbor hole to a smaller
                      1 x 5/8             53-050-316    3.19      diameter.
                      1 x 3/4             53-050-315    3.19
                      3 x 5/8             53-050-321    6.69
                      3 x 1               53-050-320    6.69     NoTE:
                      3 x 1-1/4           53-050-322    6.69
                      5 x 1-1/4           53-050-323    8.49     •  Order one piece and you will receive a pair of flanges.
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