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P. 1108

NON-WOVEN ABRASIVES • Finishing, Deburring Wheels & Conditioning Discs

              Scotch-Brite  Cut & Polish Unitized Deburring & Finishing Wheels (CP-UW)

                                        Designed for use where surface
                                        refinement is critical
                                     APPLICATIONS:               FeATureS:
                                     •  Improving surface finish and blending   •  Provide aggressive polishing and
                                      mis-matches.                blending action.
                                     •  Edge radiusing and deburring.  •  Also used for stainless steel and   LegenD:
                                     •  Remove oxides, rust and    to deburr and radius edges of   •  A = Aluminum Oxide
                                      weld discoloration.         precision machined parts.  •  S = Silicon Carbide

       Diameter WiDtH  Center  DenSity  mineraL  graDe  maximUm  orDer  PriCe  Diameter WiDtH  Center  DenSity  mineraL  graDe  maximUm  orDer  PriCe
         1"   1"  3/16"  5    A   FINE  35,100  54-101-560  $6.75  3"  1/2"  3/8"  5  A  FINE  15,100  54-108-878* $15.82
         1    1   3/16   7    A   MED   35,100  54-103-700  6.75  3  1/2  3/8   7    A   MED   15,100  54-103-732  17.69
         1    1   3/16   7    A   CRS   35,100  54-103-701  7.25  3  1/2  3/8   7    A   CRS   15,100  54-103-733*  15.82
         2    1/4  1/4   5    A   FINE  22,100  54-101-561  6.39  3  3/4  1/4   5    A   FINE  15,100  54-101-567  23.39
         2    1/4  1/4   7    A   MED   22,100  54-103-715  6.39  3  3/4  1/4   7    A   MED   15,100  54-103-736  25.49
         2    1/4  1/4   7    A   CRS   22,100  54-103-716  6.39  3  3/4  1/4   7    A   CRS   15,100  54-103-737*  20.90
         2    1/4  1/4   7    S   MED   22,100  54-105-653  6.99  3  3/4  3/8   5    A   FINE  15,100  54-101-575  23.39
         2    1/2  1/4   5    A   FINE  22,100  54-101-562  9.59  3  3/4  3/8   7    A   MED   15,100  54-103-738  25.49
         2    1/2  1/4   7    A   MED   22,100  54-103-718  9.59  3  3/4  3/8   7    A   CRS   15,100  54-103-739*  20.90
         2    1/2  1/4   7    A   CRS   22,100  54-103-702  10.49  3  1  1/4    7    A   MED   15,100  54-103-740  28.99
         2    3/4  1/4   5    A   FINE  22,100  54-101-569  13.29  4  1/4  1/4  5    A   FINE  12,100  54-101-578  18.29
         2    3/4  1/4   7    A   MED   22,100  54-103-719  13.29  6  1/4  1/2  5    A   FINE  7,500  54-101-581  35.79
         3    1/8  1/4   7    A   MED   18,100  54-103-727  10.89  6  1/4  1/2  7    A   MED   7,500  54-103-748  35.79
         3    1/8  1/4   7    A   CRS   18,100  54-113-483  10.09  6  1/4  1/2  7    A   CRS   7,500  54-103-749  35.79
         3    1/8  3/8   7    A   MED   18,100  54-117-250  10.09  6  1/2  1/2  5    A   FINE  7,500  54-101-583  55.99
         3    1/4  1/4   5    A   FINE  18,100  54-101-563  11.69  6  1/2  1/2  7    A   MED   7,500  54-103-707  55.99
         3    1/4  1/4   7    A   MED   18,100  54-103-728  12.69  6  1/2  1/2  7    A   CRS   7,500  54-103-708  55.99
         3    1/4  1/4   7    S   MED   18,100  54-105-654  12.69  6  1  1/2    7    A   MED   7,500  54-103-753  99.99
         3    1/4  3/8   5    A   FINE  18,100  54-115-121  11.69  6  1  1      5    A   FINE  7,500  54-101-586  100.99
         3    1/4  3/8   7    A   CRS   18,100  54-103-731  12.69  6  1  1      7    A   MED   7,500  54-103-757  99.99
         3    1/2  1/4   5    A   FINE  15,100  54-101-565  17.69  *Limited Supply.
                    Surface Conditioning Discs
                    With Quick-Change Backup Pads

       Type "S"                      Type "r"                        velcro ®  hook & loop STyle  Back-Up pad
       APPLICATIONS:                 FeATureS:
       •  Longer cutting life designed for heavy   •  Constructed with a tough, reinforced
        rust and oxidation removal.   non-woven nylon web backing.

                               DiSCS           HoLDerS                               DiSCS           BaCkUP PaDS
                     Qty.  orDer   PriCe  HoLDer  orDer  PriCe             Qty.   orDer  PriCe  BaCkUP  orDer  PriCe
         grit  Diameter                                         grit  Diameter
                    Per Box  #    Per Box  tyPe  #     eaCH               Per Box  #     Per Box  PaDS    #    eaCH
       tyPe “S” interCHangeaBLe WitH “SPeeD-Lok” StanDarD, QUiCk CHange  VeLCro  Hook & LooP StyLe
       Coarse   2"    50  53-040-200  $46.49                  Coarse  4"    10  53-040-240* $26.69   4" x 5/8"-11 53-040-262 $38.59
       Medium   2     50  53-040-202  59.69  SM-2  53-040-212  $15.29  Medium  4  10  53-040-242*  24.99
       Very Fine  2   50  53-040-204  59.69                   Medium  5     10  53-040-248*  29.09   5" x 5/8"-11 53-040-264 34.99
       Coarse   3     25  53-040-206  51.39                   Very Fine  5  10  53-040-250*  31.49
       Medium   3     25  53-040-208  53.19  —   —       —    Medium  7     —      —        —  7" x 5/8"-11 53-040-268 40.19
       Very Fine  3   25  53-040-210  53.19                   *Limited Supply.
       tyPe “r” interCHangeaBLe WitH roLoC ™
       Coarse   2"    50  53-040-220  $60.99
       Medium   2     50  53-040-222  59.69  SR-2  53-040-232  $15.29
       Very Fine  2   50  53-040-224  59.69
       Coarse   3     25  53-040-226  59.19
       Medium   3     25  53-040-228  47.79  SR-3  53-040-234  19.49
       Very Fine  3   25  53-040-230  47.79
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