Page 1137 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1137


                  Aluminum Oxide Flap Wheels
                  Mounted Or Unmounted

          APPLICATIONS:                           FeATureS:
          •  Secured to a hub, these polishing/grinding wheels can be   •  Formed of hundreds of abrasive
           easily shaped for contour work and used with any electric tool.   flaps bonded in a resin matrix.
          •  Use to get a quick final finish on any metal surface, particularly
           steel, stainless steel and aluminum.
                                                                            UnmOUnTED       1/4" ShAnk mOUnTED
          1/4" ShAnk MOunted [ABR-300]             unMOunted* [ABR-300]
                   FAce            Order    Price           FAce            Order    Price
           diAMeter        Grit                     diAMeter        Grit
                   Width             #      eAch            Width            #       eAch
                           60    53-605-000*  $3.99                 60    53-605-070  $14.69
            3/4"   3/4"    80    53-605-002*  3.99    4"     1"     80    53-605-072  15.29
                           120   53-605-004*  3.99                  120   53-605-074  16.49
                           60    53-605-005  5.29                   40    53-605-075  25.29
            1      1       80    53-605-010  5.29     6      1      60    53-605-076  26.39
                           120   53-605-015  5.29                   80    53-605-078  27.39
                           60    53-605-016  5.79                   120   53-605-080  29.29
            1-1/2  1       80    53-605-017  5.79                   40    53-605-081  40.39
                           120   53-605-018  5.79     6      2      60    53-605-082  41.79
                           60    53-605-020  6.39                   80    53-605-084  43.69
            2      1       80    53-605-025  6.39                   120   53-605-086  48.09
                           120   53-605-030  6.39                   60    53-605-088  48.09
                           60    53-605-035  7.29     8      1      80    53-605-090  49.89
            2-1/2  1       80    53-605-040  7.29                   120   53-605-092  56.39
                           120   53-605-045  7.29                   60    53-605-094  66.99
                           60    53-605-050  8.99     8      2      80    53-605-096  71.59
            3      1       80    53-605-055  9.29                   120   53-605-098  79.59
                           120   53-605-060  8.59  *6" and 8" unmounted wheels have 1" arbor hole
                           60    53-605-065  12.79  (4" unmounted wheels have 5/8" arbor hole).
            3      2       80    53-605-066  12.79
                           120   53-605-067  12.79
          *CGW brand flap wheels.
                PG Flap Wheels
                Mounted Or Unmounted                             APPLICATIONS:
                                                                 •  Flaps wear away to continually expose new abrasive.
                    PG wheels can be shaped to fit any
                    desired contour, even a compound radius      FeATureS:
                                                                 244 Three-M-ite  Resin Bond Cloth PG Wheel
          1/4"                                                   •  Aluminum oxide, resin bond delivers a consistent finish
          ShAnk MOunted         244                747d           and a uniform rate of cut.
               FAce      Order  ___Price eAch___  Order  ___Price eAch___
           diA.    Grit                                          •  Non-loading, non-glazing and non-dulling.
               Width      #     1-4 PcS.  5+ PcS.  #  1-4 PcS.  5+ PcS.  747D Regalite  Polycut  Resin Bond Cloth x Weight
                   60  54-535-475  $5.09  $4.58  54-580-761  $8.49  $7.64  •  Premium aluminum oxide mineral and cubitron ceramic
          1"    1"  80    —       —     —  54-580-757  8.49  7.64  aluminum oxide coated on a cloth backing. Incorporates a
                   120    —       —     —  54-580-753  8.49  7.64  grinding aid (excellent for stainless).
                   60  54-535-472  5.89  5.30  54-580-762  9.89  8.90                       ♦  Limited Supply.
          1-1/2  1
                   80     —       —     —  54-580-758  9.89  8.90  unMOunted
                   60     —       —     —  54-580-763  11.29  10.16                   244                 747d
          2     1  80     —       —     —  54-580-759  11.29  10.16  diA.  FAce  Grit  Order  ___Price eAch___  Order  ___Price eAch___
                   120 54-514-625  8.09  7.28  54-580-755  12.29  11.06  Width   #     1-4 PcS.  5+ PcS.  #  1-4 PcS.  5+ PcS.
                   60     —       —     —  54-580-764  12.19  10.97       40  54-596-929  $26.12  —  —        —    —
          2-1/2  1  80    —       —     —  54-580-760  12.19  10.97  6"  1"  60  54-535-113  32.09  $28.88  —  —   —
                   120    —       —     —  54-580-756  13.29  11.96       80  54-535-112  30.34  —   —        —    —
                   60     —       —     —  54-580-650  12.69  11.42       120  54-535-109  37.09  33.38  —    —    —
          3     1  80     —       —     —  54-580-651  12.69  11.42       60  54-535-088  56.19  50.57 54-581-988 $53.49  $48.14
                   120 54-514-657  11.19  10.07  54-580-652  13.89  12.50  6  2  80  54-535-086  62.39  56.15  —  —  —
                  Zirconia Alumina Flap Wheels
                  1/4" Shank Mounted
          APPLICATIONS:                           FeATureS:
          •  For hard materials and tough sanding.  •  1/4" shank.
          •  Can be used with air and electric tools.  •  Self-sharpening action.
                                                  •  Longer life than standard wheels.
            _____diMenSiOnS_____     Order   Price   _____diMenSiOnS_____     Order   Price
           diAMeter x Width x ShAnk  Grit  #  eAch  diAMeter x Width x ShAnk  Grit  #  eAch  GRIT 60
             1" x 1" x 1/4"   60   53-605-205  $5.39  2" x 1" x 1/4"   120  53-605-230  $8.29
             1" x 1" x 1/4"   80   53-605-210  5.39   2-1/2" x 1" x 1/4"  80  53-605-240*  8.69
             1" x 1" x 1/4"   120  53-605-215  5.39   2-1/2" x 1" x 1/4"  120  53-605-245*  8.69
             1-1/2" x 1" x 1/4"  60  53-605-216  6.79  3" x 1" x 1/4"  60   53-605-250  11.59
             1-1/2" x 1" x 1/4"  80  53-605-217  6.79  3" x 1" x 1/4"  80   53-605-255  11.59
             1-1/2" x 1" x 1/4"  120  53-605-218  6.79  3" x 1" x 1/4"  120  53-605-260  11.59
             2" x 1" x 1/4"   60   53-605-220  8.29   3" x 2" x 1/4"   120  53-605-267*  18.20
             2" x 1" x 1/4"   80   53-605-225  8.29  *Limited Supply.                                GRIT 120
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