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P. 1142

COATED ABRASIVES  • PSA Discs Rolls & Accessories

              248D/348D Three-M-ite  Resin Bond PSA Discs - Aluminum Oxide

                                   Adhesive-backed PSA Discs adhere and remove
                                   quickly and easily to speed disc change time

                                APPLICATIONS:                                             ORDeRing infORMATiOn:
                                •  Aluminum oxide resin bond cloth PSA (pressure sensitive adhesive) discs      SizeS   SOlD By QuAnTiTy
                                 provide a fast, efficient method for deburring, blending and clean up on   1/2" - 9"   50 Pack
                                 hard-to-get areas.                                       10" - 36"      1 Piece
       ♦  Limited Supply.
                ORDeR  PRice         ORDeR   PRice         ORDeR   PRice         ORDeR  PRice         ORDeR   PRice
        DiA. gRiT            DiA. gRiT             DiA. gRiT             DiA. gRiT            DiA. gRiT
                 #     PeR 100         #    PeR 100         #     PeR 100         #     PeR 100         #    PeR 100
       1/2"  40  54-597-633  $1.17 1-1/2" 120 54-520-919  $39.56 4"  60  54-520-898  $49.01 8"  80  54-520-870  $243.00 15"  80  54-520-831 $1,145.99
       1/2"  80  54-520-950  20.49 1-1/2" 180 54-520-917  24.39 4"  80  54-520-897  100.99 8"  100 54-520-869  302.99 15"  100 54-597-662  583.57
       1/2"  120 54-520-948  20.49 1-1/2" 240 54-520-916  20.92 4"  100 54-520-896  9.77 8"  120 54-520-868  277.99 16"  36  54-520-826  342.37
       3/4"  60  54-520-943  20.47 2"  36  54-520-913  73.78 4"  120 54-597-649  52.14 9"  40  54-597-658  413.33 16"  40  54-520-825 1,394.99
       3/4"  80  54-520-942  25.49 2"  50  54-520-911  66.27 5"  36  54-520-891  130.99 9"  60  54-520-866  411.99 16"  50  54-520-823 1,464.99
       3/4"  100 54-520-941  20.47 2"  60  54-520-910  65.02 5"  50  54-520-889  122.99 9"  80  54-520-865  384.99 16"  80  54-520-821 1,171.99
       3/4"  120 54-520-940  25.49 2"  80  54-520-909  68.89 5"  60  54-520-888  111.99 9"  100 54-597-660  372.99 18"  40  54-520-815 1,968.99
       1"  36  54-520-936  22.25 2"  120 54-520-907  72.89 5"  100 54-520-886  102.99 9"  120 54-597-661  84.67 18"  50  54-597-663 1,639.69
       1"  40  54-597-644  17.65 2"  150 54-520-906  39.52 5"  120 54-520-885  107.99 10"  36  54-520-862  597.99 18"  60  54-520-813 1,573.99
       1"  50  54-520-934  16.74 2"  180 54-520-905  72.29 5"  180 54-520-883  91.29 10"  40  54-520-861  564.99 18"  80  54-520-812 1,653.99
       1"  60  54-520-933  37.79 2"  240 54-520-903  64.11 5"  240 54-520-881  107.99 10"  100 54-520-857  446.99 20"  36  54-520-809 2,276.99
       1"  80  54-520-932  34.19 3"  36  54-501-337  82.53 6"  36  54-521-639  175.06 12"  36  54-520-852  804.99 20"  40  54-520-808 2,148.99
       1"  100 54-520-931  31.36 3"  40  54-501-335  78.78 6"  50  54-520-879  156.30 12"  40  54-520-851  757.99 20"  50  54-520-807 2,068.99
       1"  120 54-520-930  34.19 3"  50  54-501-334  90.99 6"  60  54-520-878  173.99 12"  50  54-520-850  714.99 20"  60  54-520-806 1,913.99
       1"  180 54-520-928  34.19 3"  60  54-501-333  90.99 6"  80  54-520-877  164.99 12"  60  54-520-849  672.99 20"  100 54-597-664 1,855.99
       1"  240 54-520-927  34.19 3"  80  54-501-332  78.89 6"  100 54-520-876  153.99 12"  100 54-520-847  600.99 24"  36  54-520-802 3,318.99
       1-1/2" 40  54-597-646  25.23 3"  100 54-501-331  84.19 6"  120 54-521-497  146.99 12"  180 54-520-844  655.99 24"  40  54-520-801 3,039.99
       1-1/2" 50  54-520-923  22.71 3"  180 54-501-328  75.03 8"  36  54-520-874  356.99 15"  36  54-520-835 1,264.54 24"  60  54-520-799 2,992.99
       1-1/2" 60  54-520-922  44.39 3"  240 54-501-326  87.69 8"  40  54-520-873  296.36 15"  40  54-520-834 1,351.99 30"  60  54-520-791  324.17
       1-1/2" 80  54-520-921  48.79 4"  36  54-520-900  56.90 8"  50  54-520-872  323.99 15"  50  54-520-833 1,041.85
       1-1/2" 100 54-520-920  24.39 4"  40  54-521-499  52.00 8"  60  54-520-871  307.99 15"  60  54-520-832 1,201.99
              778f Regalite  Polycut  12" PSA Discs           1/4" Shank PSA Disc Holders
                Grinds cool & delivers
                a high cut rate
                                  •  For stainless steel.
                                  FeATureS:                   FeATureS:                  ORDeR   PRice  ORDeR  PRice
                                  •  A blend of 3M Cubitron  mineral,   •  One piece lightweight/  DiA.  #  eAcH  #  eAcH
                                   aluminum oxide and a grinding aid.  reinforced disc holders.  1/2"  53-060-312  $5.69 54-545-074* $11.28
                                                              •  Flexible rubber backing   3/4  53-060-314  4.99  —  —
                                              ORDeR    PRice
                                   DiA.  gRiT                  pad allows the disc to   1  53-060-300  5.79 54-545-072*  18.72
                                               #       eAcH    conform evenly to curved   1-1/2  53-060-303  7.99  —  —
                                   12"  36  54-577-590  $16.19  and flat surfaces for   2  53-060-306  9.19  —   —
                                   12   40  54-582-368  15.09  smooth operations.  3   53-060-309  9.99 54-505-510  33.69
                                   12   50  54-582-367  14.49                     4    53-060-316* 13.78  —      —
                                   12   60  54-582-366  13.39                     5    53-060-310  23.19  —      —
                                   12   80  54-582-365  12.69                    *Limited Supply.
               Aluminum Oxide PSA Abrasive Discs
                  More machine time realized because new discs are                        ORDeRing infORMATiOn:
                  installed immediately without waiting for paste to dry
                                                                                             SizeS    SOlD By QuAnTiTy
                                                                                          1", 1-1/2", 2"   50
                                  APPLICATIONS:               FeATureS:                   3"              25
                                  •  Treated with pressure sensitive adhesive  •  X-weight with gluebond.  5", 6"   10
                                   for instant application or removal.  •  Inceased life and improved efficiency.  12", 20"   1
                                              ORDeR   PRice              ORDeR    PRice              ORDeR   PRice
                                    DiA.  gRiT                 DiA.  gRiT                  DiA.  gRiT
                                               #      PeR 100              #     PeR 100              #      PeR 100
                                         24  53-058-024  $45.19     24  53-059-102  $145.29    24  53-060-024  $726.19
                  ORDeR    PRice         36  53-058-036  39.19      36  53-059-104  120.49     36  53-060-036  630.39
        DiA.  gRiT
                    #     PeR 100        40  53-058-040  36.99      40  53-059-106  108.19     40  53-060-040  588.19
             36  53-056-036  $14.39    2"  50  53-058-050  35.89    5"  50  53-059-108  111.29    12"  50  53-060-050  597.39
             40  53-056-040  13.89       60  53-058-060  33.69      60  53-059-110  102.29     60  53-060-060  551.09
             50  53-056-050  8.37        80  53-058-080  31.69      80  53-059-112  95.09      80  53-060-080  509.89
             60  53-056-060  2.97        100  53-058-100  30.69     100  53-059-114  95.09     100  53-060-100  483.09
             24  53-057-024  22.39       24  53-059-024  66.09      24  53-059-120  226.59     24  53-060-110  1,898.29
             36  53-057-036  22.49       36  53-059-036  57.19      36  53-059-122  182.29     36  53-060-112  1,738.69
             40  53-057-040  22.49       40  53-059-040  50.49      40  53-059-124  177.19     40  53-060-114  1,678.89
         1-1/2"  50  53-057-050  19.69    3"  50  53-059-050  44.79    6"  50  53-059-126  143.19    20"  50  53-060-115  1,497.69
             60  53-057-060  19.99       60  53-059-060  47.59      60  53-059-128  140.09     60  53-060-116  1,497.69
             80  53-057-080  19.99       80  53-059-080  48.09      80  53-059-130  134.99     80  53-060-118  1,365.79
             100  53-057-100  19.99      100  53-059-100  43.59     100  53-059-132  128.79    100  53-060-120  1,325.59
   1137   1138   1139   1140   1141   1142   1143   1144   1145   1146   1147