Page 1144 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1144

COATED ABRASIVES  • Quick Change Discs, Holders & Pads

              Roloc  TR Quick Change Discs                           Roloc  TR Quick Change Disc Pads
              Use With 3M Roloc  TR Disc Pads                        Use With 3M Roloc  TR Discs • Replace PSA Discs
                 Feature 3 different types of fastening                 Feature 3 different types of fastening
                 systems to accommodate most any stock                  systems to accommodate most any stock

                                                                                       •  For deburring, blending, finishing,
                                                                                        removing tool marks and die polishing on
                                                                                        all types of metals.
                                                                                       •  Rubber back-up pads are available in
                                                                                        different degrees of hardness for varying
                                                                                        grinding and finishing applications.
                                  APPLICATIONS:                                        FeATureS:
                                  •  For deburring, blending, finishing,               •  Female threaded to receive any standard
                                   removing tool marks and die polishing                1/4"-20 thread shaft.
                                   on all types of metals.
                                  361 F Three-M-Ite                                     NoTe:
                                  •  For blending, finishing, deburring on all          •  Shaft must be ordered separately.
                                   types of metals.
                                  777 F Regalite  Polycut      DiameTeR  HaRDNess  maximum      oRDeR       PRiCe
                                  •  Contains grinding aid for difficult to          RPm          #         eaCH
                                   grind materials like stainless.  1"  Medium      30,000    54-545-101    $16.29
                                                                1-1/2   Hard        30,000    54-545-100    18.39
       ♦  See Page 1101 For Selection Guide.                    1-1/2   Medium      30,000    54-545-099    18.39
                                                                1-1/2   Soft        30,000    54-545-098    18.49
                         361 F THRee-m-iTe ™  777 F ReGaliTe  PolyCuT ™
                                                                2       Extra Hard  25,000    54-545-097    23.79
                       oRDeR  ___PRiCe eaCH___  oRDeR  ___PRiCe eaCH___  2  Hard    25,000    54-545-096    19.29
            GRiT             1-49 PCs. 50+ PCs.  1-49 PCs. 50+ PCs.
                        #                   #                   2       Medium      25,000    54-545-095    19.29
       1" DiameTeR DisCs                                        2       Soft        25,000    54-545-094    19.69
            36       54-511-412  $.59  $.53  54-576-622  $.69  $.62  3  Extra Hard  20,000    54-545-093    26.29
            50       54-511-411  .59  .53  54-576-623  .73  .66  3      Hard        20,000    54-545-091    23.39
            60       54-511-417  .59  .53  54-576-624  .63  .57  3      Medium      18,000    54-545-092    23.39
            80       54-511-416  .59  .53  54-576-625  .63  .57  3      Soft        15,000    54-545-090    23.89
            100      54-511-415  .59  .53   —       —    —         1/4"-20 Threaded Shaft     54-545-102     3.25
            120      54-511-414  .59  .53  54-580-510  .63  .57
       1-1/2" DiameTeR DisCs                                         Roloc  Discs 988R
            36       54-522-396  $.79  $.71  54-576-626  $.79  $.71  Replace PSA Discs
            50       54-511-137  .69  .62  54-576-627*  .17  —
            60       54-522-397  .69  .62  54-576-628  .79  .71         Feature 3 different types of fastening
            80       54-522-407  .69  .62  54-514-660  .79  .71         systems to accommodate most any stock
            100      54-522-408  .69  .62   —       —    —
            120      54-522-409  .69  .62  54-580-511  .79  .71                        FeATureS:
       2" DiameTeR DisCs                                                               •  Contains Cubitron  abrasive grain.
            36       54-522-398  $1.21  $1.09  54-576-629  $1.21  $1.09                •  Unique single-piece construction
            50       54-522-399  1.11  1.00  54-576-630  1.21  1.09                     eliminates button delamination.
            60       54-522-400  .99  .89  54-576-433  .99  .89                        •  Enhances disc performance.
            80       54-522-401  .99  .89  54-514-661  .99  .89                        ♦  See Page 1101 For Selection Guide.
            100      54-522-402  .99  .89  54-580-508  .99  .89
            120      54-522-403  .99  .89  54-580-512  .99  .89                                       oRDeR   PRiCe
            180      54-513-873  .99  .89   —       —    —                              DiameTeR  GRaDe  #    eaCH
            240      54-511-419  .99  .89   —       —    —                                2"    24  52-001-065  $2.54
       3" DiameTeR DisCs                                                                  2"    36  52-001-066  2.44
            36       54-522-393  $1.52  $1.37  54-576-631  $1.72  $1.55  APPLICATIONS:    2"    50  52-001-067  2.34
            50       54-522-394  1.42  1.28  54-576-632  1.52  1.37                       2"    60  52-001-068  2.23
            60       54-522-395  1.42  1.28  54-576-633  1.52  1.37  •  For deburring, blending, finishing,   2"  80  52-001-069  2.14
            80       54-522-404  1.42  1.28  54-576-634  1.52  1.37  removing tool marks and die   3"  24  52-001-044  2.95
            100         —       —    —  54-580-509  1.42  1.28  polishing on all metals.  3"    36  52-001-045  2.79
            120      54-522-406  1.21  1.09  54-580-513  1.42  1.28  •  Best choice for mild steel.  3"  50  52-001-046  2.64
            240      54-511-418  1.21  1.09  —      —    —    •  Cuts through metal stock to quickly    3"  60  52-001-047  2.12
       *Limited Supply.                                        level welds.               3"    80  52-001-048  2.54
                                        Coated abrasive teChniCal information
         CoaTeD abRasives DisCs (oPTimum RPm’s):              CoaTeD ResiN boND DisC buTToNs-ColoR CoDeD (oPTimum RPm’s):
           DisC   sTaiNless  sTeel  TiTaNium  Glass  ComPosiTes  GRiT  ColoR  GRiT    ColoR     GRiT    ColoR
           size                                                24    Black    60      Orange    150     Black
           1-1/2"   20,000   30,000    9,000   9,000   15,000   36   Brown    80      Yellow    180     Brown
           2      15,000   20,000   7,000   7,000   10,000     40    Red      100     Blue      220     Red
           3      10,000   15,000   4,500   4,500    8,000     50    Green    120     White     240     Green
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