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P. 1170

DEBURRING MACHINES  • Vibratory Media & Compounds

                    Vibratory Media & Compounds                                               Vibaratory Tumblers
                                                                                              Page 1167

       9/16" Cones  Triangle 5/16" x 7/8"  3/8" x 7/8" angle CuT Cylinder  5/16" x 3/4" angle CuT Cylinder  3/8" Polyhedron  5/8" V CuT  1/2" V CuT
                Ceramic Media                                                Selected aluminum oxide abrasives produce
                     APPLICATIONS:                    FeATureS:              constant quality week after week
                     •  This is the heaviest media and is also the   •  Bonded of the highest
                      fastest finisher.                quality materials available.   DeSCrIPtIon     orDer   PrICe
                     •  This durable, long lasting media is extremely   •  Density: 90 lbs./cu.ft.   3/8" Polyhedron 20 lbs. 5/16" x 7/8"  69-123-170  $144.99
                      versatile for deburring machined cast or   (Media is UPS delivered.)  3/8 Polyhedron 50 lbs. 5/16 x 7/8  69-123-171†  324.99
                      fabricated parts.                                    Triangles 20 lbs. 5/16 x 7/8  69-123-173†  111.99
                     •  Heat treat scale removal is accomplished           Triangles 50 lbs. 5/16 x 7/8  69-123-174†  243.99
                       on open areas the media can actively reach,         Angle Cut Cyl. 20 lbs. 3/8 x 7/8  69-123-176†  119.99
                       reducing or eliminating hand finishing or           Angle Cut Cyl. 50 lbs. 3/8 x 7/8  69-123-177†  253.99
       Polyhedron      chemical etching process.                          †Ships direct from factory.
                Ceramilite Vibratory Media                                                Free of oxide
                     APPLICATIONS:                    FeATureS:                                       orDer   PrICe
                     •  Measurably faster than plastic.   •  Density: 65 lbs./cu. ft.  DeSCrIPtIon     #      eaCh
                     •  Finishability is finer than ceramic & brighter      5/8" V Cut Cyl. 20 lbs.  69-123-180  $105.99
                      than the standard opaque finish produced              5/8 V Cut Cyl. 50 lbs.  69-123-181†  232.99
                      by plastic.                                           Angle Cut Cyl. 20 lbs. 5/16" x 3/4  69-123-184  110.99
                     •  Unlike plastic, finishes film free.                 Angle Cut Cyl. 50 lbs. 5/16 x 3/4  69-123-185†  243.99
       V CuT         •  For finishes requiring low A.A. or R.M.S. surfaces.  †Ships direct from factory.
                Plastic Vibratory Media
                     APPLICATIONS:                    FeATureS:
                     •  Ideal for light, easily distorted parts.   •  Density: 55 lbs./cu. ft.        orDer   PrICe
                     •  Formulated for very fine surface conditioning.             DeSCrIPtIon         #      eaCh
                     •  This oxide free media permits parts to be welded,       1/2" V Cut Cyl. 20 lbs.  69-123-187  $132.99
                      brazed or soldered for finishing high precision,          1/2 V Cut Cyl. 50 lbs.  69-123-188†  339.99
                      close tolerance machine parts of any metal.               9/16 XF Cones 20 lbs.  69-123-190  156.99
                     •  #4-6 R.M.S. finishes are commonly achieved for          9/16 XF Cones 50 lbs.  69-123-191†  334.99
       V CuT           pre-plate, pre-annodizing part preparation.        †Ships direct from factory.
                Dri Shine III Vibratory Media                          Compound C         Specifically formulated
                                                                                          to enhance the process
                     APPLICATIONS:                                        APPLICATIONS:
                     •  Universal dry compound used on all metals where a high   •  As a non-foaming compound, dirt is retained.
                       luster or polish is required after final step of hard media.   •  Mix 2% dilution for flo-thru, 4% or more for post process rust
                     •  Typical cycle time is 6-12 hours.                   inhibitor rinse.
                     •  For dry operation.                                •  Soils that can load the media & darken parts are quickly flushed
                     FeATureS:                                              from the processing channel, resulting in faster cycle times &
                     •  Density: 30 lbs./cu. ft.                            cleaner parts.
                                                                          •  A liquid flo-thru compound concentrate, uniquely formulated for
                                        orDer        PrICe                 all metals & plastics.
                                         #           eaCh
               Dri Shine lll 15 lbs.  69-123-193    $59.99                         DeSCrIPtIon        orDer   PrICe
               Dri Shine lll 30 lbs.  69-123-194†   103.99                                             #      eaCh
       †Ships direct from factory.                                              Compound C 1 Gallon  69-123-196  $54.99
                                                           VibraTory Media & seleCTion guide
        •  We offer a variety of media for finishing both metals & stone.
        •  Very high finishes can be produced with proper polishing media.
        •  Detergent compound is used in the water to keep microscopic particles in suspension.
        •  Except for polishing with dry media, all metal finishing steps are done wet.
        •  The charts & product descriptions below are a total guide on media selection
         for metal finishing.                             Vibratory Media Versatility • Processing characteristics by shaPe:
        Media • aPPlication characteristics by Material:     MeDIa    MobIlIty    SurfaCe   MeDIa ShaPe  SurfaCe   ProCeSS tIMe    total
        MaterIal      CaSt    fabricated   light   SMall     shaPe      contact area  retention  refineMent 1 long 5 short  Versatility
                             staMPing   Machining         V-Cut Cylinder  4  5     5       5       5       24
        Stainless Steel   A, B   A, B   A, B, C   A, B    Cylinder   4     2       4       5       3       18
        & Ferrous Metals                                  Cone       5     2       5       5       3       20
        Non-Ferrous   A, B, C   B, C   B,C      A, B, C   Polyhedron  4    5       4       5       5       23
        Composites or   C     B, C     B, C     B, C      Triangle   3     5       4       5       5       21
        Plastics                                          Numerical Scoring: 1 = low, 5 = high. Efficiency is not rated by a high accumulated total.
        A - Ceramic, B - Ceramilite, C - Plastic.         The total score is an indication of the media’s all around versatility.
   1165   1166   1167   1168   1169   1170   1171   1172   1173   1174   1175