Page 1171 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1171
Blades, Handles, Holders & Sets • DEBURRING
Deburring Blades & Holders
Quantity Breaks:
Deduct 10% - 25+ pieces of the same order #. Heavy Duty
Deduct 20% - 100+ pieces of the same order #. orDer PriCe
BLaDe DesCriPtion
# eaCH
• Select blade based on application and material being worked on. Holds 3.2mm blades. Telescopes from 30 - 115mm. 99-000-164 $6.39
Overall length: 131mm
S-10 (E100) Heavy duty H.S.S. blade 99-001-106 2.99
LiGHt Duty used for steel and aluminum.
orDer PriCe S-10S Heavy duty M35 cobalt blade. 99-001-113 2.69
BLaDe DesCriPtion Suitable for stainless steel.
# eaCH S-10tiN (E100-TiN) H.S.S. TiN coated
BlaDE HolDER N S10 blade. Useful for deburring plastic parts. 99-001-182 3.19
S10 Carbide - Same S-10
99-000-163 $6.39 geometry in a carbide blade 99-000-159 6.99
Holds 2.6mm blades. Telescopes from 25-115mm. for harder materials & plastics.
Overall length: 131mm S10D (E100-D) Heavy duty blade.
N1 (B10) Light duty H.S.S. blade used for 99-001-175 2.29 Coated with Diamond grit. Used for 99-001-112 14.39
steel and aluminum. hardened steel, carbide, glass, etc.
S10-lH Same as S-10, but for left 99-001-166 3.99
N10 Cobalt (BN1310) for plastic 99-000-158 2.39 handed users.
and hard materials. S-150 Superfine blade for small holes. 99-001-114 3.19
N1tiN (B10TiN) H.S.S. N1 blade TiN 99-001-176 2.69 S-20 (E200) Heavy duty H.S.S. blade 99-001-108 2.99
coated. Useful for deburring plastic parts. used for brass and cast iron.
S20tiN (E200) TiN coated, 99-000-160 3.49
N2 (B20) Light duty H.S.S. blade used for heavy duty H.S.S. blade.
brass and cast iron. 99-001-177 2.29 S20 Carbide (E200) Heavy 99-000-161 6.99
duty carbide blade.
N2tiN (B20TiN) H.S.S. S-30 (E300) Heavy duty removes external
TiN coated for stainless steel. 99-000-156 2.59 & internal burrs simultaneously from holes 99-001-183 2.99
N3 (B30) Light duty H.S.S. blade removes drilled into tubing and sheet metal.
external and internal burrs simultaneously 99-001-178 2.39 S-35 (E350) Heavy duty H.S.S. blade
from holes drilled into tubing and sheet especially handy for straight edges. 99-001-110 2.99
metal. S-60 For heavy duty 3.2mm
N1D (B10-D) Light duty blade. Coated internal deburring. 99-001-118 4.79
with diamond grit. Used for hardened 99-001-179 12.89 S-101 Extra fine point H.S.S. blade 99-001-107 2.99
steel, carbide, glass, etc. used for steel and aluminum.
N-1C (B10-C) Solid carbide blade, S-101lH Same as S-101, but for
similar to N-1, for hardened materials. 99-001-180 7.59 left handed users. 99-001-167 3.89
N-2C (B20-C) Solid carbide blade, 99-001-181 7.59 S-101 tiN H.S.S. S-101 blade TiN 99-001-168 3.99
similar to N-2, for hardened materials. coated for high wear material.
N-6 For light duty 2.6mm internal 99-001-117 3.59 S-202 Extra fine point H.S.S. blade used 99-001-109 2.99
deburring. for brass and cast iron.
noga-Grip ergonomic Handles 100 Piece Deburring Blade Combination sets
Styles 1, 2 & 3
NG-1 • Select from light to heavy duty blade sets.
• Holds all S (E) blades. MoDEl #NG1000 • Sets provide the greatest value and help
NG-2 you stay prepared.
• Holds all N (B) blades. N2 BlaDE SEt
NG-3 orDer PriCe
• Holds all blade holders. DesCriPtion # Per set
FeATureS: MoDEl #NG3000 LiGHt Duty sets WitH nG-2 HanDLe
• Designed for maximum comfort in your hand. N1 99-000-178 $102.99
• Spare blades are kept inside back cap. N2 99-000-180 181.99
N2TiN 99-000-181 205.99
MoDeL orDer PriCe N10 99-000-182 189.99 S-10 BlaDE SEt
styLe 99-000-183
# # eaCH N1TiN 214.99
NG-1 NG1000 99-000-165 $7.99 Heavy Duty sets WitH nG-1 HanDLe INCLudeS:
NG-2 NG2000 99-000-166 7.99 S-10 99-000-184 $239.99 • (1) Noga-Grip handle.
NG-3 NG3000 99-000-167 7.99 S-10TiN 99-000-185 255.99 • (100) Blades.
Ceramic Deburring tool BeNeFITS:
Extremely • Replaceable blade.
• Deburrs almost all plastic and soft materials.
MoDeL orDer PriCe
DesCriPton • For straight, curved and most other shapes.
# # eaCH
Ceramic Deburring Tool CR2000 99-001-225 $30.29 FeATureS:
Replacement Blade CR2200 99-001-226 22.99 • Very safe due to 90° cutting edge.