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P. 1301

Dead Blow • HAMMERS

                   Super Holder Hammers & Nuplaflex  Flat Tips
                   Surface Protective Hammers

          SuPER HolDER HAmmERS WITH TIPS                         MODEL #10M  MODEL #10T                      Model #11225
              HEAD       TIP                moDEl  oRDER  PRICE
             WEIgHT     DIAmETER  HARDNESS   #      #     EACH
              12 oz.    1.25"   Medium & Tough  11225  98-002-016 $22.54
              16 oz.    1.375"  Medium & Tough  11235  98-002-017  24.16
              32 oz.    1.75"   Medium & Tough  11275  98-002-018  32.20  MODEL #10SN MODEL #10H
          SuPER HolDER HAmmERS                                                                              MODEL #SPS-100
             HEAD      TIP       HEAD     moDEl    oRDER  PRICE  Features:
             WEIgHT   DIAmETER  mATERIAl   #        #     EACH   Super Holder Hammers       Nuplaflex  Flat Tips
            6 oz.     1"       Composite  SPS-100  98-001-300 $15.08  •  Nuplaglas fiberglass handles with    •  Special material out-performs &
            9 oz.     1        Composite  SPS-105  98-001-305  14.70  Cush-N-Grip .          outlasts other soft face material.
            1 lb.     1-1/2    Composite  SPS-150  98-001-350  16.68  •  Non-marring composite holder.  •  Toughness, resilience & self-healing
            1.25 lbs.  1-1/2   Composite  SPS-155  98-001-355  19.28  •  Hammers sold with faces/tips included    qualities not found in lead, brass,
            1.5 lbs.  2        Composite  SPS-200  98-001-400  20.62  or buy hammers and faces separately.  rubber, rawhide.
            2.25 lbs.  2       Composite  SPS-205  98-001-405  22.78  •  Meets federal specifications GGG-H-33a.  •  Will not gash, mushroom or chip.
            4 lbs.    2- 1/2   Composite  SPS-255  98-001-410  44.06                        •  Eliminates sting, vibration, rebound.
                                                                                            •  Faces are interchangeable with
          NuPlAFlEx  FlAT TIPS                                   NuPlAFlEx  FlAT TIPS        leading manufacturers
              TIP                         moDEl    oRDER  PRICE      TIP                         moDEl    oRDER  PRICE
            DIAmETER   ColoR   HARDNESS    #        #     EACH     DIAmETER   ColoR   HARDNESS    #        #     EACH
             1"       Red     Medium      10M    98-015-103  $4.46  2"       Red     Medium      20M    98-015-203 $10.02
             1        Green   Tough       10T    98-015-104  4.46   2        Green   Tough       20T    98-015-204  10.02
             1        Cream   Medium Hard  10SN  98-015-106  5.42   2        Cream   Medium Hard  20SN  98-015-206  16.80
             1        Black   Hard        10H    98-015-108  5.42   2        Black   Hard        20H    98-015-208  16.80
             1-1/2    Red     Medium      15M    98-015-153  6.58   2-1/2    Red     Medium      25M    98-015-210  17.28
             1-1/2    Green   Tough       15T    98-015-154  6.58   2-1/2    Green   Tough       25T    98-015-212  17.28
             1-1/2    Cream   Medium Hard  15SN  98-015-156  10.48  2-1/2    Cream   Medium Hard  25SN  98-015-214  26.94
             1-1/2    Black   Hard        15H    98-015-158  10.48  2-1/2    Black   Hard        25H    98-015-216  26.94
                 2 Face Dead Blow Hammers
                    Shot moves forward for
                    dead blow sustained impact
                                                     HEAvy DEAD BLOw - MALLEABLE IRON     LIgHT DEAD BLOw - ALuMINuM - SPARk PROOf
          SPECIFY FACE:                                         Features:
          M - Urethane Medium (Green)                           •  Replaceable urethane screw-in faces.  Heavy Dead Blow
          H - Urethane Hard (Black)                             •  Unobstructed cavity partially filled with   •  Rugged head casting of malleable iron.
                                                                 iron shot.
          HAmmERS ComPlETE WITH 2 FACES (m-H)                   •  Hickory safety grooved handle.  Light Dead Blow
                                                                                            •  Rugged head casting of hi-tensile,
            HEAD    FACE    FACE  ovERAll  moDEl  oRDER   PRICE  •  Face absorbs portion of blow's energy.  non-sparking aluminum.
           WEIgHT  DIAmETER  lENgTH  lENgTH  #      #     EACH  •  Force of blow transmitted solidly to
          HEAvY DEAD BloW - mAllEABlE IRoN                       strike surface.
            12 oz.  1"     4-1/4"  11"  100H-MH  99-005-026  $46.66  REPlACEABlE SCREW-IN FACES  REPlACEABlE SCREW-IN FACES
            22     1-1/4   4-7/8   12   125H-MH  99-005-027  50.60
            30     1-1/2   5-1/4   13   150H-MH  99-005-028  60.34   FACE      oRDER  PRICE      FACE     oRDER  PRICE
            56     2       6-1/4   15   200H-MH  99-005-029  82.80  DIAmETER    #     EACH     DIAmETER    #     EACH
            100    2-1/2   7       17   250H-MH  99-005-030  128.10  mEDIum                 HARD
            168    3       8-1/2   19   300H-MH  99-005-031  189.89  1"      99-005-032  $8.82  1"      99-005-038 $11.74
          lIgHT DEAD BloW - AlumINum - SPARk PRooF                   1-1/4   99-005-033  9.79   1-1/4   99-005-039  13.15
            14 oz.  1-1/4"  4-7/8"  12"  125L-MH  99-005-051  $51.02  1-1/2  99-005-034  11.93  1-1/2   99-005-040  16.25
            20     1-1/2   5-1/4   13   150L-MH  99-005-052  60.31   2       99-005-035  16.13  2       99-005-041  23.60
            38     2       6-1/4   15   200L-MH  99-005-053  84.04   2-1/2   99-005-036  29.45  2-1/2   99-005-042  43.15
            66     2-1/2   7       17   250L-MH  99-005-054  148.20  3       99-005-037  39.98  3       99-005-043  59.66
                Split-Head Hammers With Rawhide Faces
                   Non-marring to
                   protect surfaces
          •  Loosen nut under head.
          •  Insert new faces - tighten nut.
          HAmmERS WITH FACES                                     ExTRA FACES                RAWHIDE FACES  NYloN FACES
             HEAD       FACE      HEAD            oRDER   PRICE                  FACE       oRDER  PRICE   oRDER  PRICE
             WEIgHT    DIAmETER  lENgTH    SIzE    #      EACH       SIzE      DIAmETER      #    PER PAIR  #   PER PAIR
            1.50 lbs.  1-1/4"    3-7/8"     1   99-005-001  $46.20   1          1-1/4"    99-005-011 $12.60 99-005-021 $14.00
            2          1-1/2     4-1/4      2   99-005-002  50.40    2          1-1/2     99-005-012  14.70 99-005-022  16.00
            2.75       1-3/4     4-3/4      3   99-005-003  60.80    3          1-3/4     99-005-013  21.00 99-005-023  22.00
            4          2         5-3/8      4   99-005-004  69.20    4          2         99-005-014  25.20 99-005-024  26.00
            6.50       2-3/4     5-3/4      5   99-005-005  104.80   5          2-3/4     99-005-015  46.20 99-005-025  48.00
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