Page 1303 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1303
Brass, Copper & Lead • HAMMERS
Hammers Hi-Viz yellow
safety grip
Copper Or Brass
Copper Brass
• Non-sparking copper head offers • Will not mar finished iron or • Non-sparking, non-marring.
a cushioned blow while maintaining steel surfaces. • Hickory handles.
a long head life. • Premium grade-A hickory handles • Heavy-duty for industrial use.
with high visibility yellow safety grip.
HeAd FAce HANdLe ModeL order PrIce HeAd FAce HANdLe ModeL order PrIce
WeIgHt dIAMeter LeNgtH # # eAcH WeIgHt dIAMeter LeNgtH # # eAcH
coPPer BrASS
0.50 lbs. 1" 12" 801 98-002-040 $31.71 0.5 lbs. 1" 12" 701 98-002-021 $33.35
1 1-1/8" 12" 802 98-002-041 40.70 1 1-1/8" 12" 702 98-002-022 40.75
1-1/2 1-3/8" 13" 803 98-002-042 43.87 1-1/2 1-3/8" 13" 703 98-002-023 44.51
2 1-3/8" 13" 804 98-002-043 52.85 2 1-3/8" 13" 704 98-002-024 54.02
3 1-1/2" 14" 805 98-002-044 71.36 3 1-1/2" 14" 705 98-002-025 70.47
4 1-5/8" 16" 806 98-002-045 84.47 4 1-5/8" 16" 706 98-002-026 91.13
5 1-3/4" 16" 807 98-002-046 95.13 5 1-3/4" 16" 707 98-002-027 98.65
6 1-3/4" 16" 808 98-002-047 104.64 6 1-3/4" 16" 708 98-002-028 112.75
10 2" 26" 809 98-002-048 179.69 10 2" 26" 709 98-002-030 170.29
12 2-1/4" 31" 810 98-002-049 279.51 12 2-1/4 31 710 98-002-031 223.14
Square Nose Bronze Hammers The longer lasting safety spark
Double Ended Head resistant striking tool!
• 2 Sided head with square and Square Nose Solid Silicon Bronze Handles
cross face section. • For maximum striking surface in setting • Cast of durable silicon bronze to • Unique grooved Hickory handles
• Handles feature deep finger grooves tools on machinery, tool making, and provide a solid safe positive blow to provide comfort and safe grip
for comfort and positive grip. assembly operations. the workpiece without damaging it. regardless of oil or perspiration.
• Bronze is spark resistant and holds its • Handles are joined to head castings by
HeAd HeAd overALL ModeL order PrIce
WeIgHt LeNgtH LeNgtH # # eAcH shape better and longer than comparable a patented wedge and epoxy bond to
22 oz. 3-1/2" 12" SN-D 99-005-060 $40.57 brass and lead striking tools. prevent head separation.
36 oz. 3-7/8 13 SN-E 99-005-061 60.72
68 oz. 4-3/4 14 SN-F 99-005-062 99.94
14 Piece Slide Hammer & Puller Set Made In USA Brass Hammers
Features: Includes: • Precision manufactured and hand assembled entirely within the USA.
• The brass head is hand turned (the ole fashion way, one at a time) from
• A complete set of pullers for light • (2) Large jaws. CDA 360 brass rod, extruded in a USA mill, and beautifully hand polished.
duty pulls. • (2) Small jaws. • A properly seasoned, turned in the USA, hickory handle is then pressed into
• Easily handles bushings, seals, • (2) Jaw pins. the finished brass head and
sleeves, bearings, bronze or olite • (1) Slide hammer (2 lbs.). securely brass pinned. HeAd order PrIce
bushings, dents and pressed in • (1) Jaw holder. • This hammer is a work of art yet WeIgHt # eAcH
small bolts. • (1) Grease retainer adapter. designed to serve the professional or 4 oz. 99-014-489 $16.80
• (1) Bearing hook. hobbyist gunsmith, woodworker, 8 oz. 99-014-491 23.10
• (1) Body dent adapter. mechanic, and machinist with years 16 oz. 99-014-492 28.88
ModeL order PrIce • (1) 1/4" stud adapter. of hard use. 24 oz. 99-014-493 33.60
# # Per Set • (1) Tapered screw. 32 oz. 99-014-494 37.80
TTC HP3050 99-006-911 $109.95 • (1) Carrying case. 48 oz. 99-014-495 56.70
Brass Hammers Lead Hammers Hi-Viz
Super grip reduces Non-marring orange grip
strain and fatigue
• Lead alloy provides the softest blow.
• Steel handle with ergonomic shur-grip.
Features: HeAd FAce HANdLe ModeL order PrIce
• Non-marring and non-sparking brass head. WeIgHt dIA. LeNgtH # # eAcH
• High driving power in compact head. 1 lb. 3/4" 9" 113 98-002-001 $27.13
2 lbs. 1-3/16" 9" 114 98-002-002 35.82
HeAd ModeL order PrIce 3 lbs. 1-5/8" 9-1/2" 115 98-002-003 34.06
WeIgHt # # eAcH 4 lbs. 1-9/16" 9-1/2" 116 98-002-004 37.58
1.50 lbs. BRS 1.5 98-020-126 $43.30 5 lbs. 1-5/8" 9-1/2" 117 98-002-005 46.98
2.50 lbs. BRS 2.5 98-020-128 66.44 6 lbs. 1-3/4" 14" 121 98-002-007 54.02
4 lbs. BRS 4 98-020-130 115.64 11 lbs. 2" 26" 123 98-002-006 84.44