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P. 1448

Water & Oil Hardening • DRILL ROD

                                Wire Gage Size Drill Rod - W-1, O-1                                COlOR On ROD EnD:
                                Water Or Oil Hardening • 3 Foot Lengths                            Red = W-1 (Water Hardening)
                                                                                                   Yellow = O-1 (Oil Hardening)

          •  Most versatile tool steel.
          •  Good for punches, dowels, mills, pins, shafts & mandrels.
          •  Water hardening: versatile and less expensive carbon steel with excellent machinability,
           good wear resistance and toughness
          •  Oil hardening: general purpose tool steel with good wear resistance, toughness and machinability  ♦  Limited Supply On Water Hardening.

                                  WaTER HaRDEninG  Oil HaRDEninG                        WaTER HaRDEninG  Oil HaRDEninG
                  DECiMal  lbS.   ORDER   pRiCE   ORDER   pRiCE          DECiMal  lbS.   ORDER   pRiCE   ORDER   pRiCE
            SizE                                                   SizE
                   SizE  pER baR   #      EaCH     #      EaCH            SizE  pER baR   #      EaCH     #      EaCH
            #1     .227"  .4130    —        —   73-905-201  $6.69  #27   .143"  .1640     —        —   73-905-227  $4.69
            2      .219  .3840     —        —   73-905-202  6.19   28    .139   .1550     —        —   73-905-228  4.49
            3      .212  .3600     —        —   73-905-203  6.59   29    .134   .1440     —        —   73-905-229  4.09
            4      .207  .3430     —        —   73-905-204  6.29   30    .127   .1290     —        —   73-905-230  3.59
            5      .204  .3330     —        —   73-905-205  6.19   31    .120   .1150     —        —   73-905-231  4.49
            6      .201  .3240     —        —   73-905-206  5.99   32    .115   .1060     —        —   73-905-232  4.09
            7      .199  .3170     —        —   73-905-207  5.79   33    .112   .1000     —        —   73-905-233  3.89
            8      .197  .3110     —        —   73-905-208  5.79   34    .110   .0969     —        —   73-905-234  3.69
            9      .194  .3020     —        —   73-905-209  5.59   35    .108   .0934     —        —   73-905-235  3.59
            10     .191  .2920     —        —   73-905-210  5.39   36    .106   .0900     —        —   73-905-236  3.49
            11     .188  .2830     —        —   73-905-211  5.29   37    .103   .0850     —        —   73-905-237  3.19
            12     .185  .2740  73-901-212  $.87  73-905-212  6.29  38   .101   .0817     —        —   73-905-238  3.19
            13     .182  .2650     —        —   73-905-213  6.09   39    .099   .0785     —        —   73-905-239  2.99
            14     .180  .2600     —        —   73-905-214  5.99   40    .097   .0754     —        —   73-905-240  2.89
            15     .178  .2540     —        —   73-905-215  5.89   41    .095   .0723     —        —   73-905-241  2.79
            16     .175  .2450     —        —   73-905-216  5.69   42    .092   .0678     —        —   73-905-242  5.09
            17     .172  .2380     —        —   73-905-217  5.49   43    .088   .0620     —        —   73-905-243  4.69
            18     .168  .2260     —        —   73-905-218  5.29   44    .085   .0578  73-901-244  $.57  73-905-244  4.29
            19     .164  .2150  73-901-219  3.19  73-905-219  4.99  45   .081   .0526     —        —   73-905-245  3.99
            20     .161  .2080  73-901-220  3.09  73-905-220  4.89  46   .079   .0500     —        —   73-905-246  3.69
            21     .157  .1970     —        —   73-905-221  4.59   47    .077   .0479     —        —   73-905-247  3.59
            22     .155  .1900     —        —   73-905-222  5.39   48    .075   .0451     —        —   73-905-248  3.39
            23     .153  .1880     —        —   73-905-223  5.39   49    .072   .0415  73-901-249  .57  73-905-249  3.09
            24     .151  .1830     —        —   73-905-224  5.19   50    .069   .0381  73-901-250  1.99  73-905-250  2.79
            25     .148  .1750     —        —   73-905-225  4.99   51    .066   .0349     —        —   73-905-251  2.59
            26     .146  .1710     —        —   73-905-226  4.89   52    .063   .0320     —        —   73-905-252  2.39
                                Metric Oil Hardening                                   Fractional Size
                                Drill Rod                                              Drill Rod - S-7
                                3 Foot Lengths                                         3 Foot Lengths

          APPLICATIONS:                                          BeNefITS:                  APPLICATIONS:
          •  Ideal for many toolroom applications.               •  A shock-resistant tool steel with   •  Widely used for medium cold work
                                                                  excellent impact properties.  tools and dies, for plastic-molding
          feATureS:                                              •  Because it's an air-hardening steel, it is   dies, shear blades, medium hot work
          •  General purpose tool steel with good wear            safe and stable in heat treatment.  dies, master hobs and for component
           resistance, toughness and machinability.                                          parts of many products.

                                                                        lbS.  ORDER   pRiCE
                                            COlOR On ROD EnD:     SizE  pER baR  #    EaCH
                                            Yellow = O-1 (Oil Hardening)  1/16"  0.030  73-901-400*  $4.59
                                                                  3/32  0.069  73-901-401*  2.77
              DEC.  lbS.  ORDER  pRiCE   DEC.  lbS.  ORDER  pRiCE  1/8  0.126  73-901-402   8.09
           SizE                      SizE
              SizE pER baR  #   EaCH     SizE pER baR  #   EaCH   5/32  0.198  73-901-403*  10.59
          2mm .0787" .050  73-905-402   $2.49  14mm .5512" 2.430 73-905-414  $17.39  3/16  0.282  73-901-404   11.99
          3   .1181 .112  73-905-403   2.79  15  .5906 2.790 73-905-415   19.89  7/32  0.387  73-901-405   14.29
          4   .1575 .198  73-905-404   3.09  16  .6299 3.173 73-905-416   21.79  1/4  0.500  73-901-406   16.09  TypiCal CHEMiCal COMpOSiTiOn:
          5   .1969 .310  73-905-405   3.79  17  .6693 3.583 73-905-417   24.99  5/16  0.780  73-901-407   20.99  C: 0.50 Si: 0.25 Mn 0.70 CR: 3.25 MO 1.40
          6   .2362 .446  73-905-406   4.89  18  .7087 4.017 73-905-418   28.19  3/8  1.120  73-901-408   28.69  •  When properly annealed, S-7 has
          7   .2756 .607  73-905-407   5.29  19  .7480 4.475 73-905-419   30.39  7/16  1.530  73-901-409   38.99  a machinability rating of 70 (as
          8   .3150 .794  73-905-408   6.29  20  .7874 4.959 73-905-420   33.79  1/2  2.000  73-901-410   41.29  compared to a 1% carbon steel
          9   .3543 1.004 73-905-409   7.69  21  .8268 5.467 73-905-421*  15.87  5/8  3.120  73-901-411   62.59  rated at 100).
          10  .3937 1.239 73-905-410   9.29  22  .8661 6.000 73-905-422   42.79  3/4  4.500  73-901-412   90.19  •  In order to avoid decarburization,
          11  .4331 1.500 73-905-411   11.49  23  .9055 6.558 73-905-423*  44.09  7/8  6.130  73-901-413  122.79  S-7 should be annealed and/
          12  .4724 1.785 73-905-412   13.29  24  .9449 7.141 73-905-424   48.39  1-1/4  12.50  73-901-415* 237.59  or hardened in a controlled
          13  .5118 2.095 73-905-413   14.99  25  .9843 7.772 73-905-425   52.59  1-1/2  18.00  73-901-416* 345.59  atmosphere, vacuum or neutral salt
                                                                                              furnace environment.
                                     *Limited Supply.            *Limited Supply.
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