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P. 1452


                     Low Carbon Flat Stock
                     #498 Precision Ground Standard • 24" Lengths

                        Offers a real
                        cost savings

          APPLICATIONS:              FeATureS:
          •  For jigs, fixtures, patterns, machine   •  After hardening, its physical properties,
           parts, stripper plates, punch pads and   especially tensile strength, yield point, and
           die plates.                Brinell hardness, are substantially higher.
                                     •  Splendid weldability and can easily be
                                      carburized or case hardened.
          Thickness:           ±.001"
          Length:              +1/2"
          Squareness Edge (All):  .003" per inch                 ConTenTS:
          Widths Up to 8":   +.000" / .005"                      0.15% wgt. carbon fine grained silicon-killed steel, of forging quality.
           ThiCk-  WidTh  order  PriCe  ThiCk-  WidTh  order  PriCe  ThiCk-  WidTh  order  PriCe  ThiCk-  WidTh  order  PriCe
           neSS          #     eaCh    neSS         #     eaCh    neSS         #      eaCh   neSS          #     eaCh
                1/2"  73-204-032  $13.89   1-1/2" 73-212-096  $50.79  3/8"  9"  73-224-576 $256.79  2-1/2" 73-256-160 $158.19
                3/4  73-204-048  16.89     2     73-212-128  61.79     10   73-224-640  281.49    3    73-256-192  175.19
                1    73-204-064  19.99     2-1/2  73-212-160  73.59  (cont.)  12  73-224-768  324.09  7/8"  3-1/2  73-256-224  194.69
                1-1/4  73-204-080  23.19   3     73-212-192  82.39     1/2  73-232-032  51.19     4    73-256-256  214.39
                1-1/2  73-204-096  26.19  3/16"  3-1/2  73-212-224  94.69  3/4  73-232-048  57.59  6   73-256-384  290.89
                2    73-204-128  33.89  (cont.)  4  73-212-256  106.19  1   73-232-064  66.59     1    73-264-064  107.19
                2-1/2  73-204-160  40.99   5     73-212-320  128.59    1-14  73-232-080  73.89    1-1/4  73-264-080  121.19
          1/16"  3   73-204-192  46.99     6     73-212-384  154.29    1-1/2  73-232-096  81.29   1-1/2  73-264-096  131.79
                3-1/2  73-204-224  53.49   8     73-212-512  192.29    2    73-232-128  94.09     2    73-264-128  152.59
                4    73-204-256  59.79     10    73-212-640  229.69    2-1/2  73-232-160  108.39  2-1/2  73-264-160  171.69
                5    73-204-320  72.19     12    73-212-768  268.29    3    73-232-192  121.19    3    73-264-192  190.79
                6    73-204-384  86.99     1/4   73-216-016  26.59  1/2"  3-1/2  73-232-224  137.79  3-1/2  73-264-224  212.49
                8    73-204-512  115.69    1/2   73-216-032  31.89     4    73-232-256  150.29  1"  4  73-264-256  228.79
                10   73-204-640  139.69    3/4   73-216-048  36.19     5    73-232-320  180.99    5    73-264-320  275.69
                12   73-204-768  167.99    1     73-216-064  42.39     6    73-232-384  209.69    6    73-264-384  302.69
                1/2  73-206-032  17.29     1-1/4  73-216-080  48.49    7    73-232-448  229.09    7    73-264-448  346.39
                3/4  73-206-048  21.19     1-1/2  73-216-096  52.69    8    73-232-512  264.89    8    73-264-512  389.09
                1    73-206-064  24.89     2     73-216-128  63.79     9    73-232-576  289.69    9    73-264-576  435.19
                1-1/4  73-206-080  28.09  1/4"  2-1/2  73-216-160  75.29  10  73-232-640  317.99  10   73-264-640  469.19
                1-1/2  73-206-096  31.99   3     73-216-192  86.29     12   73-232-768  364.79    12   73-264-768  527.29
                2    73-206-128  39.49     3-1/2  73-216-224  96.29    5/8  73-240-040  61.09     1-1/4  73-280-080  144.09
                2-1/2  73-206-160  46.89   4     73-216-256  108.29    3/4  73-240-048  65.59     1-1/2  73-280-096  160.99
                3    73-206-192  54.39     5     73-216-320  128.99    1    73-240-064  75.09     2    73-280-128  183.79
                4    73-206-256  68.69     6     73-216-384  153.29    1-1/4  73-240-080  85.59   2-1/2  73-280-160  209.09
                5    73-206-320  80.49     8     73-216-512  193.89    1-1/2  73-240-096  93.29   3    73-280-192  231.39
                6    73-206-384  99.39     10    73-216-640  231.79    2    73-240-128  109.69  1-1/4"  4  73-280-256  278.39
                8    73-206-512  129.19    12    73-216-768  270.99    2-1/2  73-240-160  123.79  5    73-280-320  331.69
                1/2  73-208-032  17.99     5/16  73-220-020  33.49     3    73-240-192  140.49    6    73-280-384  367.79
                3/4  73-208-048  21.49     1/2   73-220-032  37.49  5/8"  3-1/2  73-240-224  154.59  8  73-280-512  476.59
                1    73-208-064  25.19     3/4   73-220-048  42.59     4    73-240-256  170.49    10   73-280-640  564.69
                1-1/4  73-208-080  27.99   1     73-220-064  50.19     5    73-240-320  205.19    12   73-280-768  645.39
                1-1/2  73-208-096  33.29   1-1/4  73-220-080  54.39    6    73-240-384  234.49    1-1/2  73-296-096  187.39
                2    73-208-128  38.59     1-1/2  73-220-096  60.79    7    73-240-448  264.29    2    73-296-128  216.69
                2-1/2  73-208-160  45.59   2     73-220-128  72.59     8    73-240-512  295.89    2-1/2  73-296-160  244.09
          1/8"  3    73-208-192  51.59  5/16"  2-1/2  73-220-160  84.49  9  73-240-576  333.09    3    73-296-192  271.69
                3-1/2  73-208-224  58.79   3     73-220-192  96.19     10   73-240-640  357.49  1-1/2"  3-1/2  73-296-224  297.89
                4    73-208-256  64.19     3-1/2  73-220-224  108.69   12   73-240-768  415.59    4    73-296-256  326.39
                5    73-208-320  77.99     4     73-220-256  121.29    3/4  73-248-048  72.09     5    73-296-320  382.59
                6    73-208-384  92.89     5     73-220-320  144.19    1    73-248-064  89.29     6    73-296-384  431.89
                8    73-208-512  121.19    6     73-220-384  169.99    1-1/4  73-248-080  96.99   8    73-296-512  546.59
                10   73-208-640  148.69    8     73-220-512  220.49    1-1/2  73-248-096  106.69  10   73-296-640  648.99
                12   73-208-768  176.29    10    73-220-640  265.79    2    73-248-128  124.39  SquareS
                1/2  73-210-032  22.19     12    73-220-768  305.59    2-1/2  73-248-160  141.29
                3/4  73-210-048  25.39     3/8   73-224-024  38.99     3    73-248-192  160.09  WidTh  order    PriCe
                1    73-210-064  29.59     1/2   73-224-032  42.69  3/4"  3-1/2  73-248-224  177.69     #       eaCh
                1-1/4  73-210-080  31.09   3/4   73-224-048  47.09     4    73-248-256  193.89  3/16"  73-212-012  $25.19
                1-1/2  73-210-096  35.39   1     73-224-064  55.39     5    73-248-320  228.99  1/4  73-216-016  26.59
          5/32"  2   73-210-128  42.89     1-1/4  73-224-080  60.79    6    73-248-384  265.79  5/16  73-220-020  33.49
                2-1/2  73-210-160  50.99   1-1/2  73-224-096  65.69    7    73-248-448  299.79  3/8  73-224-024  38.99
                3    73-210-192  57.09     2     73-224-128  77.99     8    73-248-512  338.29  7/16  73-228-028  51.29
                4    73-210-256  72.59  3/8"  2-1/2  73-224-160  93.49  9   73-248-576  367.29  1/2  73-232-032  51.19
                5    73-210-320  87.99     3     73-224-192  100.19    10   73-248-640  398.49  9/16  73-236-036  57.99
                6    73-210-384  103.89    3-1/2  73-224-224  117.39   12   73-248-768  460.99  5/8  73-240-040  61.09
                3/16  73-212-012  25.19    4     73-224-256  127.29    7/8  73-256-056  95.99  3/4   73-248-048  72.09
                1/2  73-212-032  31.09     5     73-224-320  156.39    1    73-256-064  101.49  7/8  73-256-056  95.99
          3/16"  3/4  73-212-048  35.29    6     73-224-384  182.99  7/8"  1-1/4  73-256-080  110.59  1  73-264-064  107.19
                1    73-212-064  41.89     7     73-224-448  208.39    1-1/2  73-256-096  119.39  1-1/4  73-280-080  144.09
                1-1/4  73-212-080  45.29   8     73-224-512  231.79    2    73-256-128  140.99  1-1/2  73-296-096  187.39
                                                                                              2      73-297-128  261.39
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