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P. 1455

FLAT GROUND STOCK • 4142 Pre-Hardened

       4142 Pre-Hardened Flat Stock
       Precision Ground • 18" & 36" Lengths

       APPLICATIONS:                                          FeATureS:
       •  This heat treated medium carbon alloy is supplied with HRc 27 - 33 and is widely   •  “Brake die” is a widely used quenched and tempered medium carbon alloy steel.
        used for applications requiring good wear resistance, toughness, high mechanical
        properties as well as good machinability.
       •  Typical applications include backup and support tooling, die details, short run dies
        and machine tool components.

                  18" LengtH    36" LengtH            18" LengtH    36" LengtH             18" LengtH    36" LengtH
       tHick- WidtH  Order  Price  Order  Price  tHick- WidtH  Order  Price  Order  Price  tHick- WidtH  Order  Price  Order  Price
       neSS       #     eacH    #     eacH  neSS      #     eacH    #     eacH  neSS      #     eacH    #     eacH
           3/8" 73-808-024  $33.29 73-908-024  $57.89  1/4" 8"  73-816-512 $213.99 73-916-512 $369.99  4"  73-832-256 $135.99 73-932-256 $235.99
           1/2  73-808-032  22.69 73-908-032  39.39  (cont.) 10  73-816-640  261.99 73-916-640  455.99  1/2"  5  —  — 73-932-320  281.99
           5/8  73-808-040  25.89 73-908-040  45.09  5/16 73-820-020  39.29 73-920-020  68.09  (cont.)  6  73-832-384  188.99 73-932-384  327.99
           3/4  73-808-048  27.19 73-908-048  47.29  3/8  73-820-024  37.29 73-920-024  64.89  8  73-832-512  256.99 73-932-512  445.99
           1   73-808-064  32.49 73-908-064  56.39  1/2  73-820-032  33.79 73-920-032  58.89  10  73-832-640  318.99 73-932-640  553.99
           1-1/4 73-808-080  36.29 73-908-080  63.09  5/8  73-820-040  36.19 73-920-040  62.99  5/8  73-840-040  53.89 73-940-040  93.69
           1-1/2 73-808-096  40.79 73-908-096  70.99  3/4  73-820-048  36.59 73-920-048  63.49  3/4  73-840-048  63.59 73-940-048  111.99
       1/8" 1-3/4 73-808-112  47.49 73-908-112  82.59  1  73-820-064  43.49 73-920-064  75.49  1  73-840-064  67.39 73-940-064  117.99
           2   73-808-128  50.59 73-908-128  87.99  1-1/4 73-820-080  48.19 73-920-080  83.79  1-1/4 73-840-080  74.59 73-940-080  129.99
           2-1/2 73-808-160  60.39 73-908-160  105.99  1-1/2 73-820-096  53.99 73-920-096  93.89  1-1/2 73-840-096  89.49 73-940-096  156.99
           3   73-808-192  69.49 73-908-192  121.99  1-3/4 73-820-112  63.69 73-920-112  111.99  5/8" 2  73-840-128  96.59 73-940-128  167.99
           3-1/2 73-808-224  76.99 73-908-224  133.99  5/16"  2  73-820-128  65.69 73-920-128  114.99  2-1/2 73-840-160  120.99 73-940-160  210.99
           4   73-808-256  84.49 73-908-256  147.99  2-1/2 73-820-160  76.79 73-920-160  133.99  3  73-840-192  127.99 73-940-192  221.99
           5   73-808-320  108.99 73-908-320  188.99  3  73-820-192  88.39 73-920-192  154.99  4  73-840-256  157.99 73-940-256  273.99
           6   73-808-384  127.99 73-908-384  220.99  3-1/2 73-820-224  108.99 73-920-224  188.99  6  73-840-384  209.99 73-940-384  362.99
           3/16   —       — 73-912-012  100.79  4  73-820-256  111.99 73-920-256  193.99  8  73-840-512  326.99 73-940-512  567.99
           3/8  73-812-024  39.19 73-912-024  67.99  5  73-820-320  133.99 73-920-320  232.99  3/4  73-848-048  68.19 73-948-048  119.99
           1/2  73-812-032  30.19 73-912-032  52.49  6  73-820-384  156.99 73-920-384  272.99  1  73-848-064  79.29 73-948-064  138.99
           5/8  73-812-040  32.09 73-912-040  55.59  8  73-820-512  230.99 73-920-512  401.99  1-1/4 73-848-080  94.79 73-948-080  164.99
           3/4  73-812-048  31.19 73-912-048  54.29  10  73-820-640  284.99 73-920-640  494.99  1-1/2 73-848-096  98.69 73-948-096  171.99
           1   73-812-064  37.59 73-912-064  65.29  3/8  73-824-024  40.49 73-924-024  70.39  1-3/4 73-848-112  116.99 73-948-112  201.99
           1-1/4 73-812-080  39.89 73-912-080  69.39  1/2  73-824-032  37.19 73-924-032  64.59  2  73-848-128  117.99 73-948-128  202.99
           1-1/2 73-812-096  45.19 73-912-096  78.49  5/8  73-824-040  40.39 73-924-040  70.19  2-1/2 73-848-160  147.99 73-948-160  255.99
       3/16"                                                                    3/4"
           1-3/4 73-812-112  52.59 73-912-112  91.39  3/4  73-824-048  41.29 73-924-048  71.79  3  73-848-192  152.99 73-948-192  265.99
           2   73-812-128  54.89 73-912-128  95.49  1  73-824-064  48.79 73-924-064  84.69  3-1/2 73-848-224  187.99 73-948-224  326.99
           2-1/2 73-812-160  65.29 73-912-160  114.99  1-1/4 73-824-080  53.49 73-924-080  92.99  4  73-848-256  188.99 73-948-256  327.99
           3   73-812-192  75.69 73-912-192  131.99  1-1/2 73-824-096  59.89 73-924-096  104.99  5  73-848-320  249.99 73-948-320  432.99
           3-1/2 73-812-224  91.49 73-912-224  159.99  3/8"  2  73-824-128  71.99 73-924-128  125.99  6  73-848-384  260.99 73-948-384  452.99
           4   73-812-256  95.89 73-912-256  166.99  2-1/2 73-824-160  84.19 73-924-160  146.99  8  73-848-512  404.99 73-948-512  703.99
           5   73-812-320  116.99 73-912-320  202.99  3  73-824-192  96.29 73-924-192  167.99  10  73-848-640  497.99 73-948-640  865.99
           6   73-812-384  136.99 73-912-384  237.99  3-1/2 73-824-224  117.99 73-924-224  203.99  1  73-864-064  111.99 73-964-064  193.99
           1/4  73-816-016  35.09 73-916-016  60.89  4  73-824-256  121.99 73-924-256  210.99  1-1/4 73-864-080  121.99 73-964-080  212.99
           3/8  73-816-024  32.79 73-916-024  56.89  5  73-824-320  145.99 73-924-320  252.99  1-1/2 73-864-096  123.99 73-964-096  215.99
           1/2  73-816-032  30.19 73-916-032  52.49  6  73-824-384  169.99 73-924-384  294.99  1-3/4 73-864-112  146.99 73-964-112  254.99
           5/8  73-816-040  31.19 73-916-040  54.29  8  73-824-512  250.99 73-924-512  434.99  2  73-864-128  145.99 73-964-128  252.99
           3/4  73-816-048  30.59 73-916-048  53.19  10  73-824-640  306.99 73-924-640  533.99  2-1/2 73-864-160  184.99 73-964-160  319.99
           1   73-816-064  36.79 73-916-064  63.99  1/2  73-832-032  44.69 73-932-032  77.69  1"  3  73-864-192  188.99 73-964-192  327.99
           1-1/4 73-816-080  41.39 73-916-080  71.99  5/8  73-832-040  47.49 73-932-040  82.59  3-1/2 73-864-224  234.99 73-964-224  406.99
           1-1/2 73-816-096  46.69 73-916-096  81.09  3/4  73-832-048  49.09 73-932-048  85.19  4  73-864-256  259.99 73-964-256  451.99
           1-3/4 73-816-112  54.69 73-916-112  95.19  1  73-832-064  56.69 73-932-064  98.49  5  73-864-320  308.99 73-964-320  536.99
           2   73-816-128  56.49 73-916-128  98.19  1-1/4 73-832-080  62.39 73-932-080  109.99  6  73-864-384  318.99 73-964-384  553.99
           2-1/2 73-816-160  66.89 73-916-160  116.99  1/2" 1-1/2 73-832-096  68.89 73-932-096  120.99  8  73-864-512  513.99 73-964-512  894.99
           3   73-816-192  76.69 73-916-192  133.99  1-3/4 73-832-112  80.69 73-932-112  141.99  10  73-864-640  622.99 73-964-640 1,081.99
           3-1/2 73-816-224  93.39 73-916-224  162.99  2  73-832-128  82.19 73-932-128  143.99
           4   73-816-256  96.89 73-916-256  168.99  2-1/2 73-832-160  95.39 73-932-160  166.99
           5   73-816-320  118.99 73-916-320  204.99  3  73-832-192  109.99 73-932-192  189.99
           6   73-816-384  141.99 73-916-384  245.99  3-1/2 73-832-224  132.99 73-932-224  230.99

            Two-Way business radios from Motorola will allow you to instantly
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                   productivity and response time. See pages 1577-1579.
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