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P. 1454

Air Hardening Oversized • FLAT GROUND

                     A2 Air Hardening Oversized Flat Stock
                     #499 Precision Ground • 18" Lengths

                        High wear

          TypicAl AnAlySiS:           TOlerAnceS:               APPLICATIONS:               FeATureS:
          Carbon ............................1.00% weight  #499 OverSized  •  The 5% chromium content makes this   •  Maintains close dimensional accuracy
          Molybdenum ..................1.00% weight  Thickness:   +0.010" / 0.015"  steel ideal for punches & dies used in   throughout heat treating.
          Chromium .......................5.25% weight  Width:   +0.010" / 0.015"  long productions.
          Silicon .............................0.40% weight  Length:   +1/4"
          Manganese .....................0.60% weight  Squareness Edge:   0.003" per inch
          Vanadium ........................0.25% weight         ♦  See Page 1454 For Hardening Information.
           THick-  WidTH  Order  price  THick-  WidTH  Order  price  THick-  WidTH  Order  price  THick-  WidTH  Order  price
           neSS         #      eAcH   neSS          #     eAcH    neSS         #      eAcH   neSS         #      eAcH
                1/2"  73-308-032  $17.89   1/4"  73-316-016  $38.39   5"    73-324-320  $198.69   3-1/2" 73-348-224  $248.79
                5/8  73-308-040  19.89     1/2  73-316-032  28.49     6     73-324-384  233.89    4    73-348-256  277.99
                3/4  73-308-048  21.99     3/4  73-316-048  34.79  3/8"  7  73-324-448  301.39    4-1/2  73-348-288  307.89
                1    73-308-064  25.89     1    73-316-064  41.19  (cont.) 8  73-324-512  348.69  3/4"  5  73-348-320  337.69
                1-1/4  73-308-080  29.89   1-1/4  73-316-080  46.89   10    73-324-640  439.69  (cont.) 6  73-348-384  396.09
                1-1/2  73-308-096  34.09   1-1/2  73-316-096  53.29   12    73-324-768  522.59    8    73-348-512  577.99
                1-3/4  73-308-112  38.49   1-3/4  73-316-112  60.89   1/2   73-332-032  50.59     10   73-348-640  701.89
                2    73-308-128  42.29     2    73-316-128  65.99     5/8   73-332-040  56.89     12   73-348-768  825.69
                2-1/2  73-308-160  50.39   2-1/2  73-316-160  78.59   3/4   73-332-048  62.09     7/8  73-356-056  110.39
          1/8"                        1/4"
                3    73-308-192  58.59     3    73-316-192  91.29     1     73-332-064  71.89     1    73-356-064  118.59
                3-1/2  73-308-224  68.29   3-1/2  73-316-224  105.49  1-1/4  73-332-080  82.49    1-1/4  73-356-080  134.19
                4    73-308-256  74.99     4    73-316-256  116.49    1-1/2  73-332-096  92.79    1-1/2  73-356-096  150.49
                5    73-308-320  91.29     5    73-316-320  141.89    1-3/4  73-332-112  102.99   2    73-356-128  183.49
                6    73-308-384  107.69    6    73-316-384  167.09    2     73-332-128  113.29  7/8"  2-1/2  73-356-160  216.59
                7    73-308-448  147.29    7    73-316-448  226.39    2-1/2  73-332-160  135.49   3    73-356-192  249.49
                8    73-308-512  165.49    8    73-316-512  244.99  1/2"  3  73-332-192  156.89   3-1/2  73-356-224  282.59
                10   73-308-640  205.89    10   73-316-640  315.79    3-1/2  73-332-224  179.69   4    73-356-256  315.59
                12   73-308-768  240.39    12   73-316-768  375.59    4     73-332-256  199.69    5    73-356-320  376.99
                1/2  73-310-032  22.69     5/16  73-320-020  44.59    4-1/2  73-332-288  221.59   6    73-356-384  448.89
                3/4  73-310-048  27.99     1/2  73-320-032  33.39     5     73-332-320  243.59    1    73-364-064  132.69
                1    73-310-064  33.29     3/4  73-320-048  41.69     6     73-332-384  286.29    1-1/4  73-364-080  149.69
                1-1/4  73-310-080  38.29   1    73-320-064  48.09     7     73-332-448  385.69    1-1/2  73-364-096  167.69
                1-1/2  73-310-096  43.49   1-1/4  73-320-080  54.69   8     73-332-512  436.29    1-3/4  73-364-112  185.89
                2    73-310-128  54.19     1-1/2  73-320-096  61.99   10    73-332-640  528.79    2    73-364-128  204.29
                2-1/2  73-310-160  64.79   1-3/4  73-320-112  70.39   12    73-332-768  621.09    2-1/2  73-364-160  240.69
                3    73-310-192  75.29  5/16"  2  73-320-128  76.59   5/8   73-340-040  70.79  1"  3   73-364-192  277.19
                4    73-310-256  96.49     2-1/2  73-320-160  91.19   3/4   73-340-048  77.09     3-1/2  73-364-224  313.69
                5    73-310-320  117.59    3    73-320-192  105.69    1     73-340-064  90.09     4    73-364-256  350.19
                6    73-310-384  138.59    3-1/2  73-320-224  121.39  1-1/2  73-340-096  115.19   4-1/2  73-364-288  387.29
                8    73-310-512  226.59    4    73-320-256  134.69    2     73-340-128  140.99    5    73-364-320  424.39
                3/16  73-312-012  39.79    5    73-320-320  164.49    2-1/2  73-340-160  166.89   6    73-364-384  495.69
                1/2  73-312-032  24.59     6    73-320-384  192.99  5/8"  3  73-340-192  192.69   8    73-364-512  724.89
                3/4  73-312-048  29.89     8    73-320-512  295.09    3-1/2  73-340-224  218.49   12   73-364-768 1,208.99
                1    73-312-064  35.49     3/8  73-324-024  53.09     4     73-340-256  244.39
                1-1/4  73-312-080  40.69   1/2  73-324-032  43.69     5     73-340-320  297.29
                1-1/2  73-312-096  45.99   3/4  73-324-048  49.69     6     73-340-384  347.89
                1-3/4  73-312-112  51.49   1    73-324-064  57.39     8     73-340-512  509.89
                2    73-312-128  56.99     1-1/4  73-324-080  66.49   10    73-340-640  576.79
                2-1/2  73-312-160  67.89   1-1/2  73-324-096  75.29   3/4   73-348-048  89.09
                3    73-312-192  78.79  3/8"  1-3/4  73-324-112  85.39  1   73-348-064  103.69
                3-1/2  73-312-224  89.69   2    73-324-128  92.99     1-1/4  73-348-080  117.49
                4    73-312-256  100.59    2-1/2  73-324-160  110.69  1-1/2  73-348-096  131.89
                5    73-312-320  122.39    3    73-324-192  128.19  3/4"  1-3/4  73-348-112  146.59
                6    73-312-384  144.19    3-1/2  73-324-224  147.39  2     73-348-128  161.19
                8    73-312-512  218.69    4    73-324-256  163.39    2-1/2  73-348-160  190.39
                10   73-312-640  269.69    4-1/2  73-324-288  181.09  3     73-348-192  217.09
                                                  HARDeNiNG/TempeRiNG DATA

           Heat treatment:
           •  For many applications, can be used unhardened. However, if surface hardening is desired, it can be carburized or case hardened. If carburized, a case of 1/32" will be
            obtained if the steel is held in carburizing salt at 1,700°F for three hours. If case hardened, a case of .008" will be obtained if the steel is immersed in a bath of sodium
            cyanide for 30 minutes at 1,500°F.

                 Gesswein popular stones and polishing items are now available.
                                          See page 1113.
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