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P. 1456

Stainless Steel • TOOL WRAP

                     Stainless Steel Tool Wrap
                     Approximate 50' Or 100' Lengths • .002" Thick •
                     10", 20" Or 24" Width
          APPLICATIONS:           TeChNICAL DATA:
          •  Used when heat treating tooling.    Type 321 SS
          •  The tooling is wrapped in the foil   •  Melting range: 2,250~2,600°F
           with the edges crimped to form    (1,400~1,425°C)
           an envelope.           •  Best usage temperature: Up to 1,800°F
          •  This will create an air-tight package  •  Density: 8.00 g/cc (0.29 lb./in3)
           that will prevent the loss of surface  Type 309 SS
           carbon during heat treating.   •  Melting range: 2,250~2,650°F
          •  The loss of surface carbon causes   (1,400~1,455°C)
           the tooling to become scaled    •  Best usage temperature: Up to 2,100°F
           and damaged.           •  Density: 8.00 g/cc (0.29 lb./in3)
          •  Using stainless steel tool wrap                STEP 1- fOLD in ThE EDgES On 3   STEP 2- PLAcE TOOL in cEnTER   STEP 3- fOLD finAL SiDE Of
           not only protects your tooling from              SiDES Of TOOL WRAP cREATing   Of TOOL WRAP EnvELOPE.  ThE EnvELOPE, cREATing An
           expensive repairs, it also eliminates            An OPEn-SiDED EnvELOPE.                 AiR-TighT PAckAgE READy
                                                                                                    fOR hEATing.
           the need for box packaging with
           charcoal or sawdust.

          Tool Wrap        10" WidThS              20" WidThS              24" WidThS
          approximaTe  order  price  caSe  price  order  price  caSe  price  order  price  caSe  price  TOOL WRAP   TOOL WRAP
                                                                                                           fOiL ROLLER
                                                                                               cRiMPER TOOL
            lengTh    #     each  QTy.  each  #     each  QTy.  each  #     each  QTy.  each
          321 annealed STainleSS
             50'   71-225-924  $92.69  3  $83.42 71-225-920 $152.99  3  $137.69 71-225-928 $188.99  3  $170.09 acceSSorieS
             100'  71-225-925  158.99  3  143.09 71-225-921  278.99  3  251.09 71-225-929  358.99  3  323.09  order  price
          309 annealed STainleSS - high Temp                                                  deScripTion   #    each
             50'   71-225-926 $115.99  3  $104.39 71-225-922 $245.99  3  $221.39  —  —  —  —  Tool Wrap Crimper Tool 71-225-913 $93.89
             100'  71-225-927  201.99  3  181.79 71-225-923  402.99  3  362.69  —  —  —  —  Tool Wrap Foil Roller  71-225-914  13.09
                  Stainless Steel Tool Wrap
                  Approximate 50' Or 100' Lengths • .002" Thick • 12" Or 24" Width

                     Saves time and money -
                     just wrap it & heat it
          •  For scale free heat treating of tool steel parts.
          •  321 annealed stainless is for applications up to 2,000°F.
          •  309 annealed stainless is for temperatures up to 2,250°F.
                                                            fREE TOOL WRAP fOiL
          FeATureS:                                          ROLLER incLuDED
          •  Easy to use, just wrap the tool securely forming an
           airtight package, place in oven and heat treat as usual.
          •  Cuts air hardening costs, eliminates Ni-Chrome box
           with charcoal and sawdust.                                  TOOL WRAP
          •  No special atmosphere controls needed.                    cRiMPER TOOL
          •  Saves time, allows in house heat treating.
          •  Wrap tool in foil and heat treat in usual manner.
          Tool Wrap        12" WidThS              24" WidThS
          approximaTe  order  price  caSe  price  order  price  caSe  price  TOOL WRAP
            lengTh    #     each  QTy.  each  #     each  QTy.  each   fOiL ROLLER
          321 annealed STainleSS
             50'   71-225-907 $112.99  3  $101.69 71-225-901 $208.99  3  $188.09  acceSSorieS
             100   71-225-908  218.99  3  197.09 71-225-902  407.99  3  367.19                   order        price
          309 annealed STainleSS- high Temp                                  deScripTion           #           each
             50'   71-225-909 $141.99  3  $127.79 71-225-904 $314.99  3  $283.49  Tool Wrap Crimper Tool  71-225-913  $93.89
             100   71-225-910  275.99  3  248.39 71-225-905  555.99  3  500.39  Tool Wrap Foil Roller  71-225-914  13.09

                  Stainless Steel Flat Wrap                            Ideal for wrapping
                                                                       small parts
                  24" Lengths • 12" Width • .002" Thick • 12 Piece Pack
          •  Used in the heat treating of tool steel parts.  •  The wrap eliminates the need for Ni-chrome
          •  321 annealed stainless is for applications up to 2,000°F.   box packing or the use of sawdust or other
          •  309 annealed stainless is for temperatures up to 2,250°F.  carbonaceous materials.
                                                                                                          MODEL #50008
                               model       order       price
                                #           #         per pack   FeATureS:
           321 Annealed Stainless  50008  71-225-911  $88.09     •  Simple to use; place tool on stainless steel flat wrap; fold over and crimp
           309 Annealed Stainless  50010  71-225-912  110.99      edges forming an airtight package; place in oven, heat treat in usual way.
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