Page 1461 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1461

STOCK MATERIAL  • Stainless Steel

               Type 303 Stainless Steel

               36" & 72" Lengths                              Features:
                                                              •  A highly corrosion resistant and non-magnetic material.
                                                              •  It has non-galling and non-seizing qualities, which allow for easy machining.
                                                              •  Can become slightly magnetic when cold worked.
                                                              •  Machinability rating of 70% (1215CF=100%).
                                                              †Ships direct from factory.

                                                              Round                    36" LengTh      72" LengTh
       HEXAGONAL         SQUARE            ROUND                Size  Shape  WgT./FT.  oRdeR   pRice  oRdeR   pRice
                                                                                      #      each     #      each
                                                               3/16"  Round  0.094 lbs. 73-017-761  $11.09  73-017-077  $14.39
                                                               1/4   Round  0.167  73-017-762  11.09  73-017-078  15.09
                                                               5/16  Round  0.261  73-017-763  13.09  73-017-079  19.59
                                                               3/8   Round  0.376  73-017-764  14.69  73-017-080  23.69
                                                               7/16  Round  0.511  73-017-765  23.19  73-017-081  38.79
                                                               1/2   Round  0.668  73-017-766  27.79  73-017-082  47.49
                                                               9/16  Round  0.845  73-017-767  32.89  73-017-083  51.79
       hexagonaL & SquaRe        36" LengTh      72" LengTh    5/8   Round  1.043  73-017-768  38.39  73-017-084  60.89
                               oRdeR   pRice  oRdeR   pRice    3/4   Round  1.502  73-017-769  43.49  73-017-085  77.29
        ThickneSS  Shape  WgT./FT.
                                #      each    #       each    7/8   Round  2.045  73-017-770  65.99  73-017-086  101.99
         3/8"  Hexagonal 0.414 lbs. 73-017-771  $30.79  73-017-103  $36.09  1  Round  2.670  73-017-056  79.99  73-017-087  130.99
         7/16  Hexagonal 0.564  73-017-772  27.49  73-017-104  40.89  1-1/8  Round  3.380  73-017-057  101.99  73-017-088  165.99
         1/2  Hexagonal 0.736  73-017-773  39.69  73-017-105  66.39  1-1/4  Round  4.173  73-017-058  111.99  73-017-089  203.99
         9/16  Hexagonal 0.932  73-017-774  49.49  73-017-106  64.49  1-3/8  Round  5.049  73-017-059  106.99  73-017-090  174.99
         5/8  Hexagonal 1.150  73-017-775  45.79  73-017-107  80.59  1-1/2  Round  6.008  73-017-060  151.99  73-017-091  282.99
         3/4  Hexagonal 1.656  73-017-776  68.99  73-017-108  122.99  1-5/8  Round  7.052  73-017-061  169.99  73-017-092  307.99
         7/8  Hexagonal 2.254  73-017-777  80.09  73-017-109  143.99  1-3/4  Round  8.178  73-017-062  175.99  73-017-093  327.99
         1    Hexagonal 2.944  73-017-778  123.99  73-017-110  223.99  1-7/8  Round  9.388  73-017-063  253.99  73-017-094  500.99
         1-1/4  Hexagonal 4.601  73-017-779  174.99  73-017-111  314.99  2-1/4  Round  13.52  73-017-065  353.99  73-017-096  658.99
         1/2  Square  0.850  73-017-780  43.79  73-017-112  64.29  2-1/2  Round  16.69  73-017-066  448.99  73-017-097  860.99
         3/4  Square  1.913  73-017-781  76.29  73-017-113  136.99  2-3/4  Round  20.19  73-017-067  541.99  73-017-098  613.99
         1    Square  3.400  73-017-072  109.99  73-017-114  193.99  3  Round  24.03  73-017-068  503.99  73-017-099  886.99
         1-1/4  Square  5.313  73-017-073  217.99  73-017-115  379.99  3-1/4  Round  28.21  73-017-069  682.99  73-017-100*  1,138.99
         1-1/2  Square  7.650  73-017-074  330.99  73-017-116  490.99  3-1/2  Round  32.71  73-017-070  868.99  73-017-101*  1,600.99
         1-3/4  Square  10.410  73-017-075  408.99  73-017-117  684.99  4  Round  42.73  73-017-071  1,214.99  73-017-102*  1,722.99
         2    Square  13.600  73-017-076  440.99  73-017-118  741.99  *Truck Ship Only.
               Type 304 Stainless Steel
               36" Lengths
                                                              •  A low carbon, chromium-nickel alloy.
                                                              •  High corrosion resistance and non-magnetic.
                                                              •  Good formability and can be readily welded by all common methods.
                                                              •  Machinability rating of 45% (1215CF=100%).
                                                              †Ships direct from factory.
       SQUARE             ROUND        FLAT
                                            SquaRe                              FLaT
                                                                 oRdeR   pRice                        oRdeR   pRice
                                             ThickneSS  WgT./FT.                 ThickneSS  WidTh  WgT./FT.
                                                                  #      each                          #      each
                                               3/8"    0.478 lbs.  73-017-220  $25.39   1"   0.850 lbs. 73-017-225  $27.29
                                               1/2     0.850   73-017-221  42.69  1/4"  1-1/2 1.275  73-017-226  41.29
                                               5/8     1.328   73-017-222  56.79        2    1.700  73-017-227  46.09
                                               3/4     1.913   73-017-223  86.49        1    1.275  73-017-228  38.19
                                               7/8     2.603   73-017-224  88.89  3/8"  1-1/2 1.913  73-017-229  57.29
                                               1       3.400   73-017-136  118.99       2    2.550  73-017-230  63.19
                                               1-1/4   5.313   73-017-137  191.99       1    1.700  73-017-231  59.69
                                               1-1/2   7.650   73-017-138  273.99       1-1/2 2.550  73-017-232  84.39
            72" Lengths Available,             1-3/4   10.41   73-017-139  419.99  1/2"  2   3.400  73-017-233  116.99
            Please Call                        2       13.60   73-017-140  516.99       3    5.100  73-017-234  163.99
                                                                                        1    2.125  73-017-235  67.09
                                            Round                                 5/8"  2    4.250  73-017-236  144.99
                                                                 oRdeR   pRice          1    2.550  73-017-237  79.29
                                               Size    WgT./FT.                         1-1/2 3.825  73-017-238  128.99
                                                                  #      each
                                               1/4"    0.167 lbs.  73-017-211  $11.09  3/4"  2  5.100  73-017-177  138.99
                                               5/16    0.261   73-017-212  9.09         2-1/2 6.375  73-017-178  186.99
                                               7/16    0.511   73-017-214  21.29        3    7.650  73-017-179  241.99
                                               5/8     1.043   73-017-217  27.79        4    10.20  73-017-180  283.99
                                               3/4     1.502   73-017-218  50.59        1-1/2 5.100  73-017-181  153.99
                                               1       2.670   73-017-119  81.79        2    6.800  73-017-182  229.99
                                                                                  1"    2-1/2 8.500  73-017-183  274.99
           CLOTH DUCT TApE  ECONOmy RAGS                                                3    10.20  73-017-184  342.99
             PAGE 1646      PAGE 1631
                                                                                        4    13.60  73-017-185  359.99
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