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P. 1501


             Muscle  Coalescer FLEXOR Package
    coolants, lubricants & marking  Avoid bacteria-related problems
             Tramp Oil Coalescer For Water-Based Fluids

               with your coolant!

                                                              TeChNICAL DATA:
                                                              How It Works
                                                              •  Dirty coolant is pulled from your sump surface
                                                               using an intake attachment into the coalescing tank.
                                                              •  The oleophilic (oil attracting) coalescing media gathers tiny oil droplets that are too
                                                               tiny to rise to the surface on their own.
                                                              •  The surface area of our media collects enough of them together, until they become
                                                               large enough to float.
       APPLICATIONS:                                          •  The floating oil is what the Muscle  will catch.
       •  Sump circulation is key to preventing excessive bacterial growth.  •  Oil accumulates in the internal oil discharge skimmer and is manually discharged,
       •  Bacteria will break down your coolant and create expensive problems for your shop.   as needed, via the spigot.
       •  The Muscle  is recommended for use on individual sumps, operating day and night.   •  Clean coolant is returned from the bottom of the tank back to your sump via gravity.
       •  Tramp oil is removed and the sump circulates even if the machine's pump is off.  SPECiFiCatiOnS:
       FeATureS:                                              Recept  Dimensions .....................................................................3"L x 4"W x 4.5"H
       •  Permanent coalescing media accelerates oil collection.  Flux In Inches With Submersible Pump .......................................................... 12 (24)
                                                              Floats On Surface ................................................................................................. Yes
       •  15 minute hold time.                                Chip Screen .......................................................................................................... Yes
       •  Heavy-duty spin-welded fittings prevent leaks.      Fluid Flow Range ....................................................................................... .5 - 1 gpm
       •  Fine Stopper (F15DF) captures fines. Five 100μ bags standard.   Fluid Temperature Range ...........................................................................40° - 90°F
       •  Crush resistant hoses can be customized. 4' standard.
       •  Clean coolant returned back to sump via gravity.                              MODEL       ORDER     PRiCE
       •  Built-in siphon makes the coalescer easy to empty.         DESCRiPtiOn          #           #       EaCh
       •  Recept  intake attachment is capable of handling large flux with a greater capacity   Recept  F17.R1  96-004-590  $849.99
        for suspended chips and prevents the introduction of air into the pump.  Hammerhead  FZ17.H1  96-004-866  749.99
       •  The Recept  fits into moderatly tight areas but is not recommended for large   Sumpster  FZ17.S1  96-004-867  865.99
        surface areas or in heated solutions.                    Hammerhead with Hoses  SK02D12F  96-004-868  99.99
              Coolant Sump Mints                                    Coolant Odor Control tablets
              Odor Control Tablets                                     Safer than
                                  FeATureS:                                              APPLICATIONS:
                                  •  Tablets eliminate the “rotten egg” smell            •  Eliminates odors and neutralizes acids
                                   from coolant sumps by neutralizing                     in coolant sumps.
                                   hydrogen sulfide gases.
                                  •  One tablet treats 25 gallons of coolant             FeATureS:
                                   per week.                                             •  Each tablet lasts 2 weeks.
                                  •  15 tablets per tube.                                •  Each tablet treats 25 gallons of coolant.
                                                                                         •  (15) Tablets per convenient storage tube.
                                                                                    DESCRiPtiOn  MODEL  ORDER  PRiCE
                                    MODEL    ORDER    PRiCE   BeNeFITS:             15 Tablets  XOCT25  85-515-215 $39.39
                                      #        #       EaCh   •  Non-toxic and biodegradable.    8/PK x 15  XOCT25-8  96-004-840 279.99
                                   CSDT01  96-002-426  $42.99  •  Contains no formaldehyde.  30/PK x 15 XOCT25-30 96-004-841 935.99
                                                              •  Aerators add oxygen to coolant sumps to inhibit anaerobic bacteria growth in
                                                               coolants and help to prevent odors by adding oxygen into the coolant sump.
                                                              •  Units come with airline and diffuser.
                                                              •  Motor: 110V, 60 Hz
                                                              1,200cc Unit
                                                              •  For sumps up to 20 gallons.   DESCRiPtiOn  ORDER  PRiCE
                                                              5,000cc Unit                              #     EaCh
                                                              •  For 20 gallons and up.    1,200cc Unit  96-002-427  $33.39
                                                                                           5,000cc Unit  96-002-428  61.49
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