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P. 1503


                         Whamex XT    ™
                         Low Foam Machine Tool Sump & System Cleaner

          Whamex XT  is low foam, safe, fast-acting formula that will save machine cleaning downtime while removing the residues and deposits that
          reduce coolant life. Made for cleaning out machine tool sumps, coolant supply lines and coolant recycling equipment, Whamex XT  is compatible
          with most waste treatment (including ultrafiltration). Whamex XT  will not degrade TRIM  metalworking fluids when used as directed.   coolants, lubricants & marking
          •  A very specialized formula that quickly breaks down and lifts off insoluble scum
           deposits hidden in lines and difficult to reach areas - getting rid of these residues is
           one of the best ways to extend coolant life in your system.
          •  Very hard water tolerant allowing it to be effective in raw water or used coolant.
          •  Environmental approvals are simplified because Whamex XT  contains no nitrites,
           phosphates, barium, phenols or butyl cellusolve; this formula has very low V.O.C.
           content and no SARA 313 reportable ingredients.
          •  When used as directed, this product is compatible with TRIM  brand synthetic,
           semi-synthetic and soluble oil coolants, as well as most competitive coolants. Will
           remove heavy soils from machines without affecting paints, coatings, seals, hoses or
           skirting, and it won't leave a slippery residue.
          •  Short-term corrosion inhibitors prevent flash rusting of machine surfaces and ways.
               SIzE       WEIGHT      MODEL      ORDER   PRICE
           5 Gallon Pail  48.2 lbs.  WHAMEXXT/5  81-006-174  $186.99
           54 Gallon Drum  510 lbs.  WHAMEXXT/54  81-006-175†  1,865.99           5 Gallon      54 Gallon
          †Ships direct from factory. Truck ship only.                        ModEl #WHAMEXXT/5  ModEl #WHAMEXXT/54
          •  Add 1%-3% Whamex XT  into the machine sump and run machine as normal for at least 24 hours or more for best results. If the machine runs high pressure
           through-the-tool for significant amounts of time, the cleaner may cause some foam, keep a defoamer, such as Master STAGES  DF1 or TRIM  TC 239,
           available during this process.
          •  After the Whamex XT  has circulated for at least 24 hours, pump out the sump and remove all chips, sludge, residue and swarf. Remember to clean out overflow
           areas and flumes.
          •  Spray down the machine with a 10%-15% Whamex XT  and water solution using The Whammer  or a general-purpose garden sprayer. Scrub out the chips, sludge,
           and any other residues from all interior, exterior, tool changer areas including high-pressure sumps and filter canisters.
          •  When possible, pull out the sump and remove the conveyor, and clean all surfaces of the sump and conveyor including screens, covers and the pumps themselves
           with the 10%-15% Whamex XT  solution. When complete remove all fluid, chips swarf, grime and sludge.
          •  Fill the sump with enough water to circulate the pumps and mix in 3%-5% Whamex XT . Circulate this cleaning solution through the coolant system for 30-60 minutes.
          •  Replace conveyor and sump; rinse the machine with water and 1.0% TRIM  coolant for rust protection, and circulate mixture through the coolant system for
           10-30 minutes.
          •  Pump out the rinse water as dry as possible and recharge with fresh TRIM  coolant at the designated concentration.
          •  After circulating for 30 minutes check the concentration and make the necessary adjustments to insure the TRIM  coolant is within the designated concentration range.
          •  Add 1%-3% Whamex XT  and circulate for 24 hours or more for best results. If the machine runs high-pressure through-the-tool for significant amounts of time, the
           cleaner may cause some foam, keep a defoamer, such as DF1 or TC 239, available during this process.
          •  Utilizing The Whammer , scrub down the machine including the inside, tool changer, exterior and crevices.
          •  Remove fluid sump and chip conveyor when possible and clean out all chips and swarf (don't forget pumps, covers, high-pressure tanks and filter canisters).
          •  Replace conveyor and sump and rinse with 1% TRIM  coolant for 10-30 minutes.
          •  Remove 1% rinse fluid and recharge at specified concentration.
          •  Check concentration with refractometer.
                         Clean 2029
                         Parts Washing Fluid With Corrosion Inhibitor
          CLEAN 2029 “One Step” is a highly concentrated cleaner/corrosion inhibitor designed for spray washers and immersion tanks.
          This product will remove heavy soils and provide two-to-four weeks of indoor corrosion inhibition on steel and cast iron parts.
          •  Formulated without silicates or other high pH additives, CLEAN 2029 “One Step” is
           compatible with ultrafiltration systems and bioremediation.
          •  An excellent choice for cabinet-style spray washers and can be used for washing
           steel, stainless, cast iron, titanium and many aluminum alloys.
          •  Hard water tolerant, it provides long bath life.
          •  Environmental approvals are simplified because CLEAN 2029 “One Step” contains no
           nitrites, barium, phenols or butyl cellusolve; this formula has very low V.O.C. content
           and no SARA 313 reportable ingredients.
          •  Low foaming for use in high-pressure spray washers with temperatures above
           140°F (60°C).
                                      MODEL      ORDER   PRICE
               SIzE       WEIGHT
                                        #         #      EACH
           5 Gallon Pail  48.4 lbs.  CLEAN2029/5  81-006-176  $125.99
           54 Gallon Drum  511 lbs.  CLEAN2029/54  81-006-177†  1,155.99          5 Gallon      54 Gallon
          †Ships direct from factory. Truck ship only.                        Model #Clean2029/5  Model #Clean2029/54
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