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P. 247

Spotfacers & Backfacers • COUNTERBORES

                            High Speed Steel Reverse Spotfacers & Bayonet Lock Pilot Arbors

                                                                                               6" Long Bayonet Lock piLot arBorS
          Benefits:                  APPLiCAtiOns:               feAtures:
          •  Outside diameter is precision ground   •  Designed for restricted areas where   •  Heat treated high speed steel.
           with back taper to assure free cutting   conventional type spotfacing cannot    •  Corner radii (.030”)  ground to
           clearance and concentricity between   be performed.    aircraft standards.
           hole and diameter.        •  Pilot arbors enter through outside and   •  To select pilot arbors match diameter
                                      lock in right hand rotation allowing   to pilot hole.
                                      spot facing on back side of part.
               Other Radii Available Upon   •  Spotfacing provides a flat surface to
               Request, Please Call   allow for a nut to sit properly.
          SPotfACeRS                 SPotfACeRS                 SPotfACeRS                 6" Long BAyonet LoCk PiLot ARBoRS
                       oRdeR   PRiCe               oRdeR   PRiCe              oRdeR   PRiCe              oRdeR   PRiCe
           Size  PiLot                 Size  PiLot                Size  PiLot                   Size
                         #     eACH                 #     eACH                 #     eACH                  #     eACH
           1/4"  3/32"  07-002-500 $20.27  1/2"  3/16"  07-002-508 $22.90  3/4"  1/4"  07-002-516 $37.65  3/32"  07-002-550  $7.48
           1/4  1/8  07-002-501  20.27  1/2  1/4  07-002-509  22.90  3/4  5/16  07-002-517  37.65  1/8  07-002-551  7.69
           5/16  1/8  07-002-502  20.27  9/16  3/16  07-002-510  24.02  7/8  5/16  07-002-518  52.13  5/32  07-002-552  7.96
           5/16  5/32  07-002-503  20.27  9/16  1/4  07-002-511  24.02  7/8  3/8  07-002-519  52.13  3/16  07-002-553  8.90
           3/8  5/32  07-002-504  21.13  5/8  1/4  07-002-512  25.75  1  5/16  07-002-520  58.17  1/4  07-002-554  8.94
           3/8  3/16  07-002-505  21.13  5/8  5/16  07-002-513  25.75  1  3/8  07-002-521  58.17  5/16  07-002-555  10.60
           7/16  5/32  07-002-506  21.13  11/16  1/4  07-002-514  27.40  1-1/4  3/8  07-002-522  77.92  3/8  07-002-556  20.15
           7/16  3/16  07-002-507  21.13  11/16  5/16  07-002-515  27.40  1-1/4  1/2  07-002-523  77.92  1/2  07-002-557  25.65
             High Speed Steel Backfacer Socket Head Cap Screw Counterbores

                All jobs can be performed on
                front & back of workpiece

                                                                                                             piLot hoLder

                                                                                              forward BLade  Backward BLade
                                                             PiLot HoLdeR        foRwARd BLAdeS       BACkwARd BLAdeS
                   PiLot  Cutting  HoLdeR  oveRALL  BLAde  ModeL  oRdeR  PRiCe  ModeL  oRdeR  PRiCe  ModeL  oRdeR  PRiCe
                    diA.   diA.  SHAnk diA.  LengtH  tHiCkneSS  #  #   eACH   #       #     eACH    #      #     eACH
            1/4"   9/32"  13/32"  9/32"  4"     1/16"  AH-9  01-025-909  $24.03  AB-13  01-025-713  $12.26  ABZ-13  01-025-813  $14.61
            5/16   11/32  1/2     11/32  4-3/8  3/32   BH-11  01-025-911   25.87  BB-16  01-025-716   15.41  BBZ-16  01-025-816   18.36
            3/8    13/32  19/32   13/32  5      3/32   BH-13  01-025-913   27.10  BB-19  01-025-719   17.00  BBZ-19  01-025-819   21.57
            7/16   15/32  11/16   15/32  5-3/4  3/32   BH-15  01-025-915*  15.95  —   —       —  BBZ-22  01-025-822*  23.61
            1/2    17/32  25/32   1/2    5-3/4  3/32   BH-16  01-025-916   30.80  BB-25  01-025-725   19.10  BBZ-25  01-025-825   22.79
            5/8    21/32  1       5/8    7-1/2  3/16   DH-20  01-025-920   52.37  DD-32  01-025-732   19.39  DBZ-32  01-025-832   23.29
            3/4    13/16  1-3/16  3/4    7-1/2  3/16   DH-24  01-025-924   73.36  DB-38  01-025-738   20.83  DBZ-38  01-025-838   24.58
            7/8    15/16  1-3/8   3/4    8      1/4    EH-30  01-025-930*  51.90  —   —       —  —         —       —
            1      1-1/16  1-9/16  3/4   8      1/4    EH-34  01-025-934  101.32  EB-50  01-025-750   26.08  EBZ-50  01-025-850   31.29
          *Limited Supply.
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