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P. 328

END MILLS • 2 Flute Single End

                  2 Flute Long Reach High Speed Steel Single End Mills
                  Center Cutting • 30° Helix

                     Spiral flute design offers a faster
                     and smoother cutting action              [D13 & D14]
                                                                         SHanK    FLuTE   ovERaLL   oRDER    PRicE
                                                                        DiaMETER  LEngTH   LEngTH    #       EacH
                                                                1/4"     3/8"     5/8"    3-1/16"  08-036-020  $14.67
                                                                1/4"     3/8"     1-1/2"  3-1/4"  08-040-005  12.32
                                                                5/16"    3/8"     1-3/8"  3-1/8"  08-040-010  12.32
       APPLICATIONS:              FeATureS:                     5/16"    3/8"     3/4"    3-5/16"  08-036-040  14.90
       •  General purpose tools designed for   •  Right hand (clockwise rotation)   3/8"  3/8"  1-1/2"  3-1/4"  08-040-020  13.34
        general milling operations for slots,   cutting direction.   1/2"  1/2"   1"      4"      08-036-080  19.22
        grooves and other similar features.   •  Long and extra long lengths are sized   1/2"  1/2"  2"  4"  08-040-040  17.37
       •  Designed for use in machine tools.  to offer good rigidity.  5/8"  5/8"  2"     4-1/8"  08-040-060  20.60
       •  Well suited for use in a variety of   •  Spiral flute design offers a faster and   5/8"  5/8"  1-3/8"  4-5/8"  08-036-100  30.46
        ferrous and non-ferrous materials.  smoother cutting action.  3/4"  3/4"  2-1/4"  4-1/2"  08-040-080  31.70
                                  TeChNICAL DATA:               3/4"     3/4"     1-5/8"  5-3/8"  08-036-120  38.50
                                  •  Ground from the solid.     7/8"     7/8"     2"      6"      08-036-130  53.37
                                  •  Bright finish.             1"       1"       3"      5-1/2"  08-040-100  53.46
                                                                1"       1"       2-1/2"  7-1/4"  08-036-140  59.03
                                                                1-1/8"   1"       3"      5-1/2"  08-040-110  68.08
                                                                1-1/4"   1-1/4"   3"      5-1/2"  08-040-120  68.08
                                                                1-1/4"   1-1/4"   3"      7-1/4"  08-036-150  97.17
                                                                1-3/8"   1"       3"      5-1/2"  08-040-130  72.90
                                                                1-1/2"   1-1/4"   3"      5-1/2"  08-040-140  85.24
                                                                1-5/8"   1-1/4"   3"      5-1/2"  08-040-150  106.87
                                                                1-3/4"   1-1/4"   3"      5-1/2"  08-040-160  111.36
           safety glasses  milling vises  flat stock            1-7/8"   1-1/4"   3"      5-1/2"  08-040-170  129.61
           PAGES 1594-1600  PAGES 832-833  PAGES 1446-1452
                                                                2"       1-1/4 "  3"      5-1/2"  08-040-180  134.10
                  Ski-Kut  2 Flute 45° Helix High Speed Steel Roughing End Mills
                  Center Cutting • For Aluminum • Uncoated Or TiN Coated
                                                                                          Diameter:      +.003" / -.000"
       tin coateD
       •  High cutting speeds.    •  Better workpiece tolerances.
       •  Greater feed rates.     •  Better chip elevation - chips are lifted
       •  Less vibration and chatter.  and thrown clear of the workpiece -
       •  Longer cutter life.      which reduces chip recutting, galling
       •  Superior workpiece finishes.  and flute clogging.
                                   uncoaTED      Tin coaTED                               uncoaTED      Tin coaTED
             SHanK  FLuTE  ovERaLL  oRDER  PRicE  oRDER  PRicE      SHanK  FLuTE  ovERaLL  oRDER  PRicE  oRDER  PRicE
        SizE                                                   SizE
            DiaMETER LEngTH  LEngTH  #   EacH    #      EacH       DiaMETER LEngTH  LEngTH  #   EacH    #      EacH
        1/4"  3/8"  5/8"  2-7/16" 08-457-010  $30.17 08-457-011  $36.61  3/4"  3/4"  4"  6-1/4"  08-457-074  $99.84 08-457-075  $131.28
        1/4  3/8   1-1/4  3-1/16  08-457-012  35.01 08-457-013  43.03  7/8  7/8  1-7/8  4-1/8  08-457-080  80.58 08-457-081  113.03
        1/4  3/8   1-3/4  3-9/16  08-457-014  39.45 08-457-015  49.74  7/8  7/8  3-1/2  5-3/4  08-457-082  106.86 08-457-083  144.70
        5/16  3/8  3/4  2-1/2  08-457-020  30.17 08-457-021  35.01  7/8  7/8  5  7-1/4  08-457-084  130.14 08-457-085  178.80
        5/16  3/8  1-3/8  3-3/16  08-457-022  36.66 08-457-023  45.08  1  1  2  4-1/2  08-457-090  93.49 08-457-091  132.14
        5/16  3/8  2    3-3/4  08-457-024  40.58 08-457-025  48.60  1  1  3    5-1/2  08-457-092  124.54 08-457-093  171.79
        3/8  3/8   3/4  2-1/2  08-457-030  30.17 08-457-031  36.61  1  1  4    6-1/2  08-457-094  146.34 08-457-095  201.37
        3/8  3/8   1-1/2  3-1/4  08-457-032  35.01 08-457-033  43.03  1  1  6  8-1/2  08-457-096  179.65 08-457-097  248.44
        3/8  3/8   2-1/2  4-1/4  08-457-034  42.62 08-457-035  52.22  1-1/4  1-1/4  2  4-1/2  08-457-110† 153.22 08-457-111†  202.77
        7/16  3/8  1    2-11/16 08-457-040  36.89 08-457-041  47.26  1-1/4  1-1/4  3  5-1/2  08-457-112† 177.83 08-457-113†  235.65
        7/16  1/2  1-3/4  3-3/4  08-457-042  49.09 08-457-043  62.61  1-1/4  1-1/4  4  6-1/2  08-457-114† 205.31 08-457-115†  271.30
        7/16  1/2  2-3/4  4-3/4  08-457-044  55.64 08-457-045  71.83  1-1/4  1-1/4  6  8-1/2  08-457-116† 257.25 08-457-117†  344.93
        1/2  1/2   1-1/4  3-1/4  08-457-050  40.97 08-457-051  53.89  1-1/2  1-1/4  2  4-1/2  08-457-120† 192.38 08-457-121†  253.99
        1/2  1/2   2    4     08-457-052  47.65 08-457-053  60.59  1-1/2  1-1/4  3  5-1/2  08-457-122† 218.96 08-457-123†  291.25
        1/2  1/2   3    5     08-457-054  56.22 08-457-055  71.70  1-1/2  1-1/4  4  6-1/2  08-457-124† 262.74 08-457-125†  345.32
        5/8  5/8   1-5/8  3-3/4  08-457-060  50.12 08-457-061  66.24  1-1/2  1-1/4  6  8-1/2  08-457-126† 361.20 08-457-127†  464.41
        5/8  5/8   2-1/2  4-5/8  08-457-062  64.28 08-457-063  84.62  1-3/4  1-1/4  2  4-1/2  08-457-130† 235.39 08-457-131†  334.47
        5/8  5/8   4    6-1/8  08-457-064  79.06 08-457-065  106.09  1-3/4  1-1/4  4  6-1/2  08-457-132† 341.09 08-457-133†  473.22
        3/4  3/4   1-5/8  3-7/8  08-457-070  57.11 08-457-071  75.55  2  1-1/4  2  4-1/2  08-457-140† 279.13 08-457-141†  378.21
        3/4  3/4   3    5-1/4  08-457-072  79.32 08-457-073  105.15  2  1-1/4  4  6-1/2  08-457-142† 415.01 08-457-143†  547.12
                                                              †Ships direct from factory.
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